Chapter 14

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After the game of 20 questions, Cameron and I headed back to the living room to see that Samantha and Nick were busy quarrelling about whose Lego house was better.

“Sienna, can you please tell Sam that my Lego house is better than hers?” Nick asked me as I walked to the kitchen to prepare something light to eat. I yelled back, “Stop quarrelling guys, both are equally good. Now let’s think about what to have for lunch.”

As I was scanning the cupboards for something tasty to make, Nick and Sam came with Cameron trying to catch hold of them.

“Hey, I got an idea. How about we go to “Alex’s Pizza” just a few blocks down the street. It’s not that far, and we can just walk there, if you guys want.” Cameron offered, and I pondered over it, but by this time, Nick and Sam were already jumping with joy, as they loved pizza. I mean, who doesn’t?

“You guys go, I have to head over a friend’s house for a while to complete some homework.” I told them, but Nick insisted on coming along.

“Come on Clumsy, don’t be such a spoil-sport and come along, you could head over to Maria’s house or your guy friend’s house later.” Cameron suggested.

“Landon’s house, haha.” I laughed at the dislike that Cameron and Landon had for each other.

“Yeah, whatever. Let’s go Clumsy, please!” He said, as he headed to his car, “Samantha, Nick, and I will be waiting for you.”

“Okay, be there in a minute.” I quickly changed to new pair of clothes that were casual and good enough to wear to Alex’s Pizza. The real reason I didn’t want to go there was because I was afraid because all the jocks were usually hanging out there, and Landon would definitely be there. I just hoped they went somewhere else today. I was not going to ruin Nick and Sam’s day. I quickly combed my hair, and tied it into a ponytail. I didn’t need to apply any makeup, as I was going to be walking, so there was no way I would want sweaty makeup.

I quickly ran down, locking the door as Mom and Dad were out the whole day today. I ran to where Cameron was standing. Sam and Nick were already beginning to walk. Cameron stood there, waiting patiently for me.

We began walking and Cameron suddenly spoke up, “I know the real reason you didn’t want to go before.” He looked into my eyes, and I suddenly looked at my interesting shoes, that were having these beautiful----. Cameron cut me out of my weird thoughts, “It’s okay, you know? You don’t need to worry about what the jocks would think, or mainly that friend of yours. According to me, people should be brave, and not think about what other people may think. I know you are close to him, but that doesn’t mean that you have to always make him happy. In friendships, there are always arguments, but these arguments are always going to make friendships or any relationship, stronger.” He spoke so wisely, that I almost fainted.

“Woah, that’s deep Cam.” I shook my head and continued speaking. “I understand, and I’m not one to care what people think about me. My friends accept me for who I am, and that’s what makes me happy.”

He nodded his head, and I didn’t realize that we were already outside the pizza shop, which Nick and Sam entered, and Cam and I slowly followed them.

We reached the table, and a waiter came to take our orders. I was surprised to see that the waiter was Andrew. “Hi Cam.” He told Cameron, as they both did a man-handshake. “What would you guys like to have today?” He asked, so politely, that he’d surely get a tip at the end of our lunch.

“Andrew, you work here?” I asked him, and he started chucking. “Nah, I just wear the uniform to go for modeling for the new ‘Abercrombie and Fitch poster’.” He said sarcastically, causing me to laugh.

Nick and Sam placed their orders with two ice lemon teas. Cameron ordered, “I’d just have the mac and cheese. Not in the mood for pizza Drew, how about you C?” He asked me, and I told Andrew, “A Mushroom and Cheese pizza please? And I’d like a Coca-Cola.”

(A/N: Drew: Andrew, C: Clumsy)

Cameron and I talked for a while, about our lives, and soon after 15 minutes, our food came. After I was done with my last bite, Cameron looked at me with an amused expression, and I asked him, “What? Is there something on my face?” I began panicking.

“Yes, actually. Here let me get it for you.” He leaned over and took a tissue paper and started wiping the side of my mouth, slowly, trying to be as gentle as possible. We locked eyes for a while, as his beautiful eyes didn’t let me escape, it was too hypnotizing. Cameron cleared his throat, and sat back in his chair. We looked towards Sam and Nick, who were now giggling softly.

Another waitress came back for the bill. As I was about to take my money out and pay, Cameron held out his hand. “Let me pay, I brought you guys here, for a fun time. So today, I pay? Is that okay?” He asked, and I nodded, giving in. “But next time, I’ll surely pay.” I told him, to which he replied, “Next time?” He smirked widely. “Sure.” I rolled my eyes.

As we headed towards the entrance, I saw Landon with his friends sitting at a circular table, having a few bites, and I tried to look as calm as possible. I remembered Cameron’s words and went with the flow. Just as I thought I’d escape, one of my good friend’s from the jocks, John, spoke up, “Hi Sienna!!” I looked towards the jocks’ table, where there were a few cheerleaders here and there, including AMANDA. I smiled awkwardly and waved at John and Landon, who were looking quite shocked.

“Sienn, what are you doing here?” Landon asked me, “How come you didn’t tell me you were here? We could’ve hung out.” He asked me, a hurt look on his face, when he realized who was standing behind me.

Amanda stopped kissing Jay, and spoke, “Look at the reason she didn’t hang out with you.” She gestured to where Cameron, Nick, and Samantha were standing, but mainly to Cameron. The real reason she did this, was because she once asked Cameron out, but he didn’t want to go out with her, so he said no, and she has been trying to get him since then. Even Jay knows that she cheats on him, as he also cheats on her. Their main goal is to be the school’s golden couple. They don't even like each other. I got so busy thinking, I didn’t realize that Nick was pulling my hand to quickly come. Landon gave me a look that said ‘Tell me everything later’.

I’ve got a lot of explaining to do.


A/N:  A quick update! It was really bad, I'm so sorry. But I was excited for the next chapters coming up. Thanks for the +2.1K reads. xD.

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