"What are you talking about" said Kirishima.

But Shoko stop Kirishima from asking any more.

"And we're still just students and U.A is in a bad position as it is anything we do will reflect on our school don't you get that" said Iida.

"I know that you don't like breaking the rules but we have to" said Kirishima.

But the was punch in the face.

"Do you think I don't care for Midoriya he's the whole reason why I am even standing here with all of you back when I let my emotions take control it almost got me killed but he noticed it and was able to get to me in time and save me and not only that his brother was able to get to my brother in time and take him to the hospital if he didn't my brother would be in a wheelchair but as your friend I can't let you make the same mistake I did and let your emotions take control or is that you don't care what I feel" said Iida.

"Of course we do" said Kirishima.

"Iida you got us wrong we aren't playing to face them head on and win we'll get him back with out fighting" said Shoko.

"Yeah we'll be stealthy I'm talk covert ops here we'll rescue him without breaking the rules" said Kirishima.

"I trust Todoroki judgment but things could always end up going south so I'll join as backup I'll stand behinds my classmates" said Momo.

"You can't be serious" said Iida.

"Your best" said Kirishima

This only made Iida think.

"They'll never agree so that why I'll come with you" said Iida.

This made the group surprised but thinking now after the USJ attack and Hosu they thought they saw true evil they were wrong more the. They thought while in a police build Tsukauchi walk in front of some of the finest pro heroes.

"We've gather our finest heroes we could get today, now let's talk about strategy" said Tsukauchi.

Meanwhile back at the bar.

"I'll ask you this again Izuku D. Midoriya aspiring hero will you join the League of villains" said Tomura.

"For the last time get it threw your heads I won't join" said Izuku.

During this the five people who agreed to save Izuku were just leaving the hospital.

"Kirishima I'm sorry that I hit you" said Iida.

"It's fine man" said Kirishima.

But this was when Momo ask Iida a question she had in her mind.

"Iida what's your justification to changing your mind and join us" said Momo.

"To be clear  I'm coming cause I don't condone your behavior it's as simple as that if there is even a hint of physical combat that might break out I'll make us retreat immediately so in other words I have my eyes on you Bakugou" said Iida.

"What you say glasses" said Katsumi.

"Exactly what we needed" said Shoko.

"I said shut half and half" said Katsumi.

"The same goes for me rescuing Izuku is a job for the pros logically thinking there isn't a reason for any of us to go after him but I understand what all of you are feeling so that why I came along don't forget that" said Momo.

"Right" said Shoko.

"Understood" said Kirishima.

That's when the group started to move ahead with Momo behind.

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