She said he's an angel but he doesn't even look like one.

Aish. I should've just taken Sophie somewhere else. That mini heart-attack dulled my mind.

Sophie spoke to lessen the tension, "Ohh hi Zachael! Why are you here?"

She ushered me to sit on the sofa, and so I did sit on the other end opposite to that guy.

"Just visiting my favorite friend," he smiled at Sophie, emphasizing the word favorite.

"Favorite tch," I hissed then I smirked.

He seemed to heard it because he immediately shoot daggers on me.

"Uhmm sit down. I'll get you something, what do you want?" Sophie asked him.

He sat back on his seat, "Tea."

"Okay. And coffee for Yoongi. I'll be back," she smiled then left.

I grinned teasingly, "She knows what I want."

He turned his gaze to me, one eyebrow raised up. "What are you even doing here?"

"Ahhh. Don't you know?" I asked still smirking. I think its nice to play with him because he seems like he's the type of person who easily gets annoyed.

"Know what?"

"Just ask Sophie," I teasingly nodded at him with my eyes squinted.

His gaze hardened, "I told you to stay away from her."

I changed my face to a serious one, "I don't obey orders."

"Guys, the food is ready!" Sophie called out from the dining room.

Zach was the first one to stand, looks like he wants to get away from me as soon as possible.

I followed afterwards.

We both sat across each other while Sophie sat on the end of the table.

Sophie baked a red velvet cake, I instantly tasted it as soon as we're all seated.

"Mmmm... Delicious. As always, Sophie." I reacted wholeheartedly.

"Thanks Yoongi," she smiled sweetly back at me.

I shifted my eyes to the other boy and he's frowning at me. I wanted to laugh so hard, he's so funny.

He cleared his throat, "So Yoongi, tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know?" I fake smiled at him and he's so annoyed about it.

"What do you study?"

"I write music."

"Ahh," he seemed disappointed. "You won't have a great future in that career."

"Say what?" I was about to stand but I contained myself. I need to be calm.

Don't you dare underestimate my passion.

He noticed my sudden reaction then he smirked, probably thinking he's winning now.

"Yoongi's songs are meaningful. He spreads love and he helped millions through it," Sophie told Zach like she's proud of me.

"Ahh you're an Idol," he sipped his tea.

"You know me? You're a fan," I said, not asked.

I saw him almost choke on his tea.

"Idols you know, they're so fake. They look nice and kind in front of their fans but if you really get to know them, they're rebels."

I bit the inside of my cheeks, I shouldn't be bothered.

"They hungrily desire for freedom, as if they didn't choose that path in the first place," he shrugged.

I swear I'm gonna punch the hell out of him right now.

Sophie decided to spoke, "First of all, Yoongi isn't a rebel-"

Zach cut him off as he chuckled, "Then what do you call those things on his wrist?"

My hand twitched as I bit my lower lip. My cuts, they're barely noticeable. How can he even saw it?

Right. He's an angel.

But where's his halo? All I can see are horns.

I cleared my throat, "These cuts aren't signs of rebellion. They're signs of sadness, depression. I bet you don't even know that coz you're not aware of other people's feelings."

I remember why I wrote songs about depression.

I want other people to understand, that we don't simply just cut ourselves to be cool. It's more deeper than that.

Sophie reached for my wrist and she caressed it with her thumb. "Zachael, humans get sad and lonely. It's normal for them, they have feelings." She explained in a calming voice like she was teaching good manners to a child.

He frowned when he saw what Sophie's doing to my wrist, and he didn't bother to speak again.

I smirked then I fed Sophie some cake.

I looked at him after that and I swear, I saw fire in his eyes.



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