I've never flown first class and I'm on edge from excitement, also from nerves since flying makes me anxious, but mostly excitement. Our tickets are scanned and we follow the jet bridge until we arrive at the door of the plane. The pilot greets us as we step through to the first class cabin. The seats are all large with built in television screens and foot rests. I fall into the chair sighing in contentment at how comfortable it is.

As the boarding process continues it becomes evident that this morning's adventure to the plane has wiped me out and I find myself fighting to stay awake.

"Get some sleep babe, you'll want to be rested when we get there."

"Mhmm" I mutter already drifting.

"Aren't you scared?" I hear Luke ask as I start to regain consciousness. I'm not sure how long I've been asleep but I know we can't have much longer on this plane.

"I was at first." Calum replies his chest, that my head rests on, moving up and down with every word. I want to hear the rest of what he has to say so I don't stir from my position. "But I dunno, as soon as I knew I just had a feeling that this was right. I was so lost before all of this. I didn't know who I was outside of the band, I didn't feel like I had my own purpose and everyone else was coupled up, I felt left behind sometimes."

"I didn't know you felt like that." Luke remarks. I feel Cal shrug, I know he hates talking about his insecurities like this.

"Wasn't something I could just drop into conversation. 'Hey guys I know you love your girlfriends but could we hang out I feel like a 7th wheel.' Can't just say that."

"I'm sorry, man. I didn't know."

"Nothing to be sorry for. Besides, I'm the happiest I've ever been now." My heart swells in my chest and I can't fight the small smile from spreading on my face.


"I think she might be it for me mate."

"Damn. I'd make fun of you but I think I'm in the same boat." Luke chuckles. "Sierra's amazing."

I want to keep listening to their conversation but my neck is killing me and the pilot comes over the intercom to tell us to prepare for landing so I sit up stretching myself out and letting loose a yawn.

"Sleep well, princess?" Cal asks and I simply nod.

"What's the plan for today?" I question wondering how much time I'll have him to myself.

"We have around an hour to settle into the hotel, then we'll have to go start working on the video. I figured you could shop or something for a few hours until we're done then we can go for dinner around 8."

"That sounds good." I hum.

"Tomorrow I have all morning free so we can do some sightseeing."

I nod and lean into him inhaling his sweet scent as he presses his lips to the top of my head.

"Cal." Ash calls out as we are in the process of gathering our carry on luggage and Calum's head shoots up at the sound of Ash's voice which is laced with apprehension.

"Security says the airport's packed." Cal's eyes darken and he just takes my hand offering Ashton only a curt nod in response.

He turns to me his eyes meeting mine and we begin our own silent conversation. I love our ability to do this, to know what the other is thinking. Right now he's slipping into his overprotective mode so I run my hand softly along his strong forearm.

"We'll be fine sweetheart. Let them go ahead of us and I'll stay back. They're just your fans, it'll be fine."

He sighs and rubs at his eyes.

"I'm at least going to have our security guard meet us at the gate." I gesture that I will agree to that and he seems satisfied.

We're finally allowed to de-plane and Calum's hand squeezes mine tightly like his grip strength is the sole determining factor of our safety. I know this is his way of dealing with the stress and so I squeeze back to let him know I'm okay and we will be fine. We gather our luggage quickly from the carousels and head towards the exit.

The screams erupt as soon as Luke turns the corner. Even as Cal and I trail behind everyone else the sound is nearly deafening.

"Stay and see your fans, I'll go with security to the van, okay?" I ask.

He looks at me and shakes his head.

"Please stay close." His voice is hoarse a sign he is anxious and it takes on the tone that I can't say no to.

I nod and release his hand stepping only a few feet away with security as he approaches the mass of girls.

His electric personality shines through as he interacts with as many of the fans as he can. I'm enjoying just observing him talk, hug, and take photos when suddenly, his face goes dark and he pulls the face I've only seen twice. The one that means he's well and truly pissed. He spits something back at a group of girls and stalks away from the fans. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the door.

He offers no explanation as we hop into the van but the anger radiates off his body. The vein in his neck is prominent as he tries to calm himself down.

"Cal, what the fuck just happened?"

An: any guesses on what happened?

Thanks for all the continued support! I hope you guys are loving this story as much as I am! I have soooo many ideas for this so I hope y'all are down for a long book 😂

-Sav 🖤

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