96. Be brave

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Renjun had dressed up in an extremely warm hoodie, as he felt cold, he was holding Ti in his arms when he was walking up and down the living room, while the clock was nearing dangerously close to 9 pm. Jae was reading a book sitting on the couch or just pretending as he hasn't turned any pages for five minutes now.

"It's almost 9," said Jae looking at him.

"They might be late," whispered Renjun glancing at Ti rather than at Jae, he couldn't find any place for himself the whole afternoon. Great, what if Jaemin never comes, what if he will play dump pretending they have never kissed or met or anything...

The ringing of the bell made him jump up, Jae did too both exchanging looks.

"I see he has some sense of time, what is his name, Jeno?" asked Jae when Renjun opened his mouth then closed it again.

"Jeno?" he asked stunned. "No I'd never... me and Jeno ergh... disgusting," he shivered, how could Jae come up with something so ridiculous, really Jeno was a brother like Chenle.

"Ok, ok," Jae smiled ruffling his hair then turning towards the corridor, he was wearing one of his new best shirts.

He walked down the hallway when Renjun couldn't breath while watching in horror how Jae was opening the door turning the key in the lock, glancing behind it then freezing in shock.

Renjun was so funny with his reaction about Jeno, Jae even managed to chuckle. It was shocking at first to find out his baby wasn't so much of a baby anymore, ok, he was trying to shake it off, act all calmly even though he was equally nervous, as nervous as Renjun about meeting some teenage boy and super nervous to face his parents, although he knew Jeno's parents, he had met them a few times, they could clear it out, convince them the boys could date as it was puppy love anyway.
He was trying to stay calm but his hands were shivering so much he could barely turn the key in the lock. A moment and he will see a new part of Renjun's life, a new chapter will open for him, he should just go with it as life was impossible to stop, time impossible to turn back.

Be brave - he told himself when he opened the door looking out into the dim darkness of the terrace in front of the house to spot a tall young man wearing torn jeans to a white shirt and a black leather jacket, holding a red rose and a bottle of wine in his hands, behind him a black sports car on the driveway. Jae glanced left and right expecting a teenage boy and two stressed parents, he rubbed his eyes, pinched his arm but the young and was still there like the realest hallucination, his face so known, Jae had remembered that face, but back then it had belonged to boy even younger than his Junie, now it was a face of a man.

"Jaehyun, good evening," the man bowed down smiling.

"Na Jaemin?" asked Jae grabbing the door frame as he could definitely faint. "What... what afe you d-d-doing hefe?" he asked.

"You have invited me for supper at 9 pm. Here, one of my favorite wines, I bet you would like," Jaemin stretched the bottle his way.

"W-what?" asked Jae taking it, not sure what to do when Jaemin just walked into the house leaving his sneakers in the hall.

"Renjun hi," Jaemin smiled. "Come here, you look like a small scared kitten," Jaemin raised his arm when Renjun tottered his way. Jae was watching completely stunned how his son just fell into Jaemin's arms hugging to him, when Jaemin simply cuddled him kissing the top of his head. "It wasn't so bad, I had told you to not to stress so much. For you," Jaemin gave the rose to Renjun.

Jae was still pinching his arm yet the sight in front of him wasn't changing anyway, Jaemin was still there, still cuddling to Renjun, who was watching him with dreamy glittering eyes.

"Jae, um... are you super mad?" asked Renjun.

Jae breathed in and out.

"Jaemin afe you in youf fight mind?" he asked watching the man.

"When it comes to Renjun I bet I'm not in my right mind, but I just let my heart decide," Jaemin smiled.

"Jaemin is the best," whispered Renjun cuddling even more to the boy.

"It's 10 yeafs age diffefence," said Jae when Jaemin's smile faded.

"I know Jae, and I know you're worried, but I will never misuse Renjun or mistreat him, I hope you know that."

Jae had no idea what to do.

"Can we probably talk about it during supper at a glass of wine and a glass of juice for Junie?" asked Jaemin when Jae shivered.

He has always disliked Jaemin, ok now he hated him. Was fate playing another prank on him giving Renjun a man who could become his everything, so Renjun will never need anyone else anymore, as Jaemin could be both a lover and a guardian.

"Come to the kitchen! We have nothing prepared, but Jaemin can cook deliciously!" Renjun started to pull Jaemin towards the kitchen by his sleeve when Jae sighed.

He simply followed watching them both, Jaemin was trying to beg Renjun to stop and wait for Jae's approval, but Junie was Junie, now when he felt safe he became all bubbly and as energetic as always, running around the kitchen taking the best table clothing out.

He simply followed watching them both, Jaemin was trying to beg Renjun to stop and wait for Jae's approval, but Junie was Junie, now when he felt safe he became all bubbly and as energetic as always, running around the kitchen taking the best tabl...

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Thank you for all your beautiful support. Did you enjoy the chapter? What do you think about Jaemin's idea to clear the matter? What about Jae's reaction? How will the supper go?

Also are you ready for the two last chapters of this part of the book? I'm excited to share book five with you next week?

Much <3

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