7. Horizon

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"I know you do, but it's better to do it with someone special, not the first girl who will use the occasion," said Taeyong causing Renjun to look up at him.

"Isn't it... I don't know, strange?" he asked.

"What's strange about it? I had my first kiss when I was fourteen, but dreamt about it since I was eleven," Taeyong smiled to himself. "There's nothing strange about it."

"And how was it? May I ask such things?" whispered Renjun feeling his  insides crumbling.

"Ok, not bad actually, not like my first kiss with a boy," Taeyong blushed.

"So you kissed a girl!" asked Renjun stunned.

"I had only had girlfriends before Jae, yes Jae was the first guy," Taeyong blushed harder.

"Oh!" Renjun covered his mouth.

He has never expected Taeyong could have had something with girls.

"And Jae? Did he..." asked Renjun.

"No, he always liked boys, but I was his first one so," Taeyong bit his lips.

"And the only one, that's so cool," Renjun felt butterflies.

Taeyong was sitting watching his own hands starting to pull on his nails.

"Jae was so innocent when I met him, after our first kiss he was so scared to see me he wanted to change schools, can you believe, and me I was the total coward, I kissed him and ran away," Taeyong laughed. "We were so crazy."

"But you had kissed before, so why did you run?" asked Renjun.

"I never had such strong feelings for some and I had absolutely no clue if he likes boys at all, or likes me back. I expected he will pass me a blue eye or something so I escaped," Taeyong was laughing. "So yes the first experiences with kissing are rather strange, but it gets better with time," he looked up at the boy.

"But me kissing you or Jae doesn't count as the first kiss, right?" asked Renjun in fear.

"Sure it doesn't, all parents are kissing their children when they're little, till the child starts to complain, no stop, it's embarrassing," Taeyong giggled. "But it's she ok, they're ready for the next step, I know that seeing me and Jae being affectionate isn't easy for you now, but we love each other like crazy, also physically, so I hope you understand we just can't take our hands off each other," said Taeyong.

"Yes I do," Renjun felt his stomach twisting, why was Taeyong talking about it so calmly, so normally, it felt like talking to an older brother or friend.

"But if you have any questions about love, affection, dating, kissing, sex, all these stuff feel free to ask anything, I'll try to answer as honestly and with all the life knowledge I have, ok," said Taeyong.

"Why are you so cool about it?" asked Renjun stunned.

"Because I once have been a growing up boy too and I totally know how it feels like, and I didn't have anyone older and experienced who could help me with advice or even listen, so my only way through it was by trying it all out on my skin, what wasn't always good, or smart. I had really wished to have someone like that in my life back then, it's important to be able to ask all these things freely," Taeyong's dark eyes were calm but serious, and Renjun felt strange, he has never thought of Taeyong like that, someone who could be like a friend, ok they always were like best friends, building castles and railroads, model ships, doing trips together, or writing on beats in the studio, but it was a different type of feeling to know Taeyong respects all the changes inside him, who didn't see him like a baby anymore, and is ready to bring their relationship on a new level.

"Do you have any more questions for tonight," asked Taeyong watching him.

"No I have a lot to think about?"

"Right now it's time to rest from thinking, if you want we can hire a yacht and go for a little ride tomorrow then do some diving," muttered Taeyong.

"Will be cool!" Renjun felt something warm inside, he remembered like yesterday the first time they were diving all together with Sicheng and Yuta, its was always exciting.

"So goodnight, I guess this thirsty volcano is waiting for me very impatiently," Taeyong winked looking towards the door when Renjun shook his head.

He kind of admired how Taeyong treated Jae like a kid sometimes, in such a sweet and loving way.

"Tell Jae bye from me," muttered Renjun squeezing his palm.

"Sure I will, night my love," Taeyong leaned to him kissing his forehead in a wet way.

Renjun laid down when Taeyong waved to him then walk to the light switch turning it off like he always did when Renjun cuddled into the push sheep.

"Night daddy Tae," he whispered.

"Night my Junie," he heard Taeyong's low voice then the door was closed quietly.

Renjun looked at the ceiling above him, his head still filled with the conversation, will he be really able to fall asleep.

Renjun looked at the ceiling above him, his head still filled with the conversation, will he be really able to fall asleep

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