9. Across the lies

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It was Tuesday when they came back, a rainy evening was rolling over the city, Taeyong had taken a plane back to the States from Bali and Renjun saw how Jae's amazing mood faded abruptly, he was nostalgic, his gaze all sad when he was watching the rain drops lying on the car widow when they were driving from the airport to the castle. Renjun laid his hand on Jae's palm squeezing it, hoping it will help.

"Come hefe," whispered Jae pulling his arm up so Renjun slipped underneath it cuddling to his side.

He missed Daddy Tae too, it was always so much fun with him, the amazing boat trip they had, the diving, the evening bowling match in the hotel.

"I hope daddy will come back soon," whispered Renjun cuddling to Jae.

"Two mofe weeks, hope," Jae leaned his head on his. "But we have each othef so faf."

"Yes Jae," Ranjun smiled.

He cuddled to Jae all the way to the house, there he stormed his bedroom to see if Ti was ok, Sicheng had promised to bring her over, as he was always taking care of her when they were away, Dalli was traveling with him everywhere but Ti was a problem, he also didn't want to scare her inside a plane.

"Ti!" shouted Renjun when the cat ran to him jumping in his arms, he cuddled her tightly.

He was so happy to see her again she was his partner in crime, his friend.

He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket so he picked up, it was Chenle.

"Hi! I have gotten the info, I'm in the recall!" Chenle squealed in such a high pitch Renjun needed to keep the phone far from his ear, it hurt.

He waited till his friend will stop the fountains of excitement before pressing it back.

"Congrats," he muttered sitting on the bed cuddling Ti.

"Can you believe it, the recall is tomorrow! I'm in the 100 best from our city!" said Chenle excited.

"Fun," whispered Renjun feeling a bitterness inside him.

No one had called him.

He wished Chenle good luck then ended the call quickly, he wasn't in a mood. He wanted to go downstairs for supper when his phone rang again.

"Hi it's Sicheng," he heard the so known voice.

"Hi," said Renjun, why was he so close to tears again.

"Listen, I'm calling to tell you you're in the recall, the jury has chosen you, they think you have potential," said Sicheng causing Renjun to jump up from the bed, Ti fell on the floor giving out very angry sounds.

"Really?" he asked excited.

"Yes, listen you need to tell Jae," said Sicheng.

"No Sicheng, I can't please please keep it a secret," begged Renjun.

"Oh, ok yes, we will see what will happen next," muttered Sicheng.

"I' so happy, my friend Chenle is in too, maybe we will make it to the live shows!" Renjun squealed.

"And what then? Jae in the jury," asked Sicheng.

"I don't know but it's so so cool!" Renjun couldn't believe his luck.

So he has really made it, to the best 100 in their city how Chenle had called it, he could dance from happiness, he decided to spend the whole evening practicing for the recall.

The 500 best candidates were all scattered around the ground floor in SJ Music building, among them Renjun and Chenle, both very nervous. Renjun caught sight of the girl who has been annoying them so much during the audition, so she was here too, he sighed.

"The annoying one," he said pointing at her so Chenle turned this way.

"Oh no!" he groaned.

They were asked to come into the big conference room where they sat in the audience. The jury came, the two older journalist who had casted him, but they were assisted by Sicheng. Renjun's heart double jumped at the sight of his brother.

"No kidding your bro is the jury?" asked Chenle quietly.

"Looks like it," Renjun blushed.

"Wow so cool!" Chenle giggled.

They listened to the guy with red glasses who said the first part will contain of each candidate showing a 1 minute performance. Them, the jury will choose the 100 best who will proceed further. They needed to tell their parents and family members the casting might last till the morning hours and Renjun groaned.

There was a short break before the first candidate should come out, so he jumped up running to the boy's bathroom closing the door behind him.

He called Jae hoping it will be ok.

"Hi Junie is evefything ok?" asked Jae his melodic voice all happy.

"Yes I just wanted to ask you if I can stay at Sicheng's tonight, please," begged Renjun.

"It's the middle of the week," muttered Jae.

"I know but he said we can watch movies together, pleases, please, I'll do all homework promise."

"But you don't have youf stuff," muttered Jae.

"Sicheng will borrow me something," Renjun crossed his fingers tightly.

"I'll dfop youf stuff off at Sicheng's flat latef ok, but go to bed eafly, you need to be feady to school tomoffow mooning, ok?"

"Ok," Renjun felt excitement.

"And call me ok," added Jae.

"Sure I will, love you," he whispered.

"Love you too bye," Jae ended the call when Renjun ran back to the conference room. He needed to sneak in as the auditions had already began, a boy was playing guitar singing a blues song. Renjun found his place next to Chenle sinking into it.

The hours were so long, soon the performances started to be shorter, the jury was rather strict. The annoying girl did great unfortunately, she had a brilliant voice with a rich tone. Chenle was asked on stage and Renjun felt so much fear, he was listening to his friend singing smoothy. Yes, he really had no chances at all.

Yet he tried to relax, half an hour later it was his turn and he felt he has no air in his lungs left when he stormed on stage, he bowed down.

Yet he tried to relax, half an hour later it was his turn and he felt he has no air in his lungs left when he stormed on stage, he bowed down

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Thank you for the great support, it's amazing. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

What do you think about Renjun and Chenle joining the recalls and Sicheng helping them?

Much <3

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