80. Away

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"Would it be ok if I take you to town for a big ice cream and to a fun place?" asked Jaemin what was so different than everything Renjun had expected to hear so he stopped crying.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"It's an invitation, I have a shooting to end today but I'll take some time off to pick you up, you can see if the photos are ok, then we'll go for ice cream and to a museum, sounds boring but it will be fun I assure," said Jaemin calmly.

"O-ok, I-I just n-need to ask Jae."

"Sure, call me or text me once you know."

"Ok," whispered Renjun ending the call.

He felt so torn yet so strange - devastated, mad, angry, but there was also this tingling glittering thing inside him Jaemin's invitation was causing, he couldn't shake it off no matter what.

Hey, Jaemin was a model, way older than him, he definitely was out of his league, as a guy like him couldn't be single nor interested, no it was was just a hopeless crush he had to keep for himself.

He considered goggling Jaemin's relationship status but he was sure he won't be able to absorb more pain so he let it be.

"Tell how Sicheng can help?"

Jae was watching his friend's eyes unable to grasp why it was always Sicheng being there for him when no one else was, when Taeyong was not loyal.

"Jae please speak to Sicheng," the boy took his hands rubbing them in gentle way.

"I just... why... I thought he had said fofevef," whispered Jae trying his best to hold the tears back.

"Sicheng thought so too. We can take you and Junie to our house," he proposed.

"No take Junie, I... I don't know," Jae bit his lips.

Taeyong packing his bags, slamming the door shut behind himself, it was all so fresh. Taeyong sitting in Junie's bad cuddling to Dalli sobbing, refusing tis speak to him.

Why? He couldn't get it.

"Jae?" he saw Renjun's red and cried out face, so he swallowed his tears washing the rest off with his sleeve.

"Yes baby?" he asked.

"Can I go meet up with a friend, I really don't know what to do, but if you need me...' Renjun lowered his head.

"Sufe go, tell Chenle to bfing you to Sicheng, ok?"

"But I don't want to leave your alone," whispered Renjun.

"I... I'll go to Taeil, will live thefe fof a moment and yes, we'll stay in touch, Sicheng will take Ti, ok," Jae looked at the boy who nodded. "And youf bag."

"Ok, Jae I love you, remember," muttered Renjun.

"Love you too," Jae tried his best to be strong for Renjun, at lest when he was around.

He decided to not to tell his mum, her state might worsen, a hollow opened inside him and he had no idea how to deal with it.

"Come, Sicheng will bring you to Taeil," said the boy getting up. "And drop Junie off in town."

So Jae got up but his legs were too weak.

"Jae!" he head Renjun shouting, running to him to support him.

"I was just dizzy from sitting a lot," he whispered trying his best to walk straight ahead, Junie was clinging to his side hugging him tightly watching him with so much fear.

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