6. Goodnight stories

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"Hi," Jae couldn't help but to pull Taeyong in for a few more deep kisses till he cuddled to him feeling Taeyong's hand on his butt.

"I've missed you too much, told my collaboration partner I need to visit you, so I got two days off," Taeyong grinned.

"You'fe so cfazy," Jae laughed. "But I love you fof it."

"Who can shock you like that," Taeyong winked but then he looked around. "Where's Junie?" he asked.

"Oh he was fight hefe," Jae felt his heart seeding up when the spotted Juine was gone from the place he had been standing at.

"Junie," he said letting go off Taeyong searching the terrace.

"Jae he's here!" shouted Taeyong so he sighed feeling cold sweat rolling down his back, he breathed in again when he walked to the edge of the terrace to see Taeyong who had taken place next to the boy on the stairs.

He walked to them sitting on Renjun's other side hearing the body sniffing.

"Junie," he whispered in fear but Taeyong laid his arm around Renjun caressing his back lovingly.

"Aren't you happy to see me?" asked Taeyong.

"I am," whispered Renjun between the tears.

"So what's up?" Taeyong has always had a great way of talking to Renjun, they connected on another level, so Jae hoped he will be able to figure out the reason behind Renjun's tears and his depressive moods lately.

"Junie you know I love you, I was just overwhelmed by seeing Jae, sorry I haven't come to cuddle you first," muttered Taeyong, but Renjun pulled out of his arms when Taeyong tried to hug him then walked down the stairs towards the beach.

"Is he jealous?" asked Jae stunned.

"No, he's not feeling loved enough, when he was smaller he just came to ask foe a hug when we were too busy with each other, now he won't do it he's a teen, so we need to be extra careful to show him how important he is for us," muttered Taeyong.

"He knows we love him," said Jae looking at his boyfriend.

"Course he does, but he questions himself, he starts to question everything including our love and he has been broken and abandoned before, so he has a big problem with love in general. He needs a lot more attention, he's so sensitive, you know the old wounds are being more visible, we really should take care of him a lot," Taeyong sighed.

He got up walking down to the beach when Jae stayed watching him stopping in the sand next to Renjun, they were talking for a long tied till Renjun finally cuddled to Taeyong causing Jae to breath in again, he walked down to them joining them one the beach, the ocean was playing soft music the braze was warm.

"Afe you ok?" asked Jae stopping next to them.

Renjun nodded when he laid his head on Taeyong's shoulder, Taeyong's dark eyes catching Jae's, they were both worried, both not sure what to do, or how to act, but maybe they should start so think like a teenager again to understand their son.

"Do you guys want a fide back with that cool caf, then I can make you hot chocolate, and we can stay up late?" asked Jae catching how Renjun's eyes lit up a little.

"What do you think?" asked Taeyong looking at the boy.

"Ok," muttered Renjun when they turned around walking down the beach, Renjun still cuddling to Taeyong and Jae let him, he missed is boyfriend but he knew Renjun needed him more right now, besides they had plenty of time till the morning when their sweet trouble kid will go to sleep.

The hot chocolate was still warming up hie system, the memory of the evening with Jae and daddy Tae how they were playing board games with him doing funny 'guess what' games still so fresh, when Renjun was lying in his room in the apartment with two bedrooms cuddling Dalli under his arm. The door crackled and he saw Taeyong coming in, he was wearing his pajama pants only, his hair a little messy, and Renjun knew he had been making out with Jae a moment ago but tried his best to hide it.

"Hi, just came to ask if everything's fine?" said Taeyong sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Yes," Renjun turned from him.

"You know when I was thirteen, I packed my bags and ran away from home, moved in with my cousin and his girlfriend, that were rough times. I came back home after two weeks, my parents grounded me forever. Yes, but during that time when I was off I got ho drunk, had a bad hangover, I nearly kissed my cousin's girlfriend and she nearly broke my nose because of it, yes funny times, growing up sucks I can tell you," Taeyong laughed.

Renjun looked at him stunned, he has never expected his father to be so open about things other parents liked to hide.

"Why are you so stunned, I'm a human being, I made a bunch of mistakes, some you can't even imagine. I grew up in a terrible neighborhood, it was the brilliant influence of muster student Jae that I became who I am today," Taeyong grinned.

Renjun felt strange, he has never expected he could talk about stuff like that so openly.

"I don't plan to run away," he muttered.

"I hope we're not giving you reasons for it," Taeyong smiled.

"Or to get drunk, I don't know, I nerve even thought about it."

"But if you'd like to try alcohol or cigarettes just come and we can do a men's evening," Taeyong winked.

"Why?" asked Renjun sitting up.

"Because I'd rather have you drink something good with me than some strange things with rather questionable people who could let you hanging or hurt you," said Taeyong seriously.

"I..." Renjun felt his hands began to tremble, so he squeezed Dalli tighter.

Taeyong took his hand watching him in the same warm way as always, till Renjun felt his heart will leave his chest from fear.

"I'd like to try kissing," he said quietly.

Thank you for all the support and love, this book would never be possible without it

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Thank you for all the support and love, this book would never be possible without it.

What do you think about Renjun's reaction to Jaeyong's meeting? What about his conversation with Taeyong? What will Taeyong tell him?

Much <3

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