Chapter 29

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Thank you for reading my book. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter too and continued reading it. It means a lot. 😊

Years had past since the day I left my old neighbourhood. Here's the thing about time, it is misleading. Past, we can't relived it and future is how we wait for it to happen. The past is history, tommorow is a mystery and today is a gift that's why we called it present.

It had been 7 years since I saw Channie and now I'm a college student. I met new friends there. Well I still thinking about him. I can't seem to get him out of my head. Maybe because I have poster of him in my room.

Yes I forgot to mention he's a famous idol now. He is the main rapper from the group called Exo. Ever since he debuted in Exo I became a fan intensely. And all of my friends were there Baekhyun, Kai, Chen and Lay. I'm so happy they become what they want in life. I just hope they still remember me especially Channie. I really miss them. They just got a comeback and it's was Monster. I really love that song and the rap part is my favourite. (took place in the year 2016)


I have two new friends that I have met. Their names were Jung Ara and Kim Hana. I met them from the very first day of class. They were very nice people. But Eun Ji, I still get in touch with her for all this years.

Jung Ara I met her during my lunch break and I saw her sitting alone. She's a nice girl with a great attitude. The one thing she said to me when we met for the first time. She said "Do you still want to be my friend although I'm blind". I reply "I don't care if you are blind I know that your a good person and that's all that matters". So, we intensely become friends.

How I met Kim Hana is actually a funny and weird story. It's all started went I went to the restroom. I just minding my own business when she came toward me and touches my hands and said" please be careful when you go back home. Something might happen".

Than she just released my hands and walked away. She looks kind of familiar for some reason. Have I met her before. I just continued to walk back home. Well this street was not that amazing. It's just the same as any other street, but never the same as my  old neighbourhood when I was still a high school student.

Those words that girl said was echoing in my head as I walked. A few minutes later, I felt like someone is following me. I walked in a fast pace, so that person won't catch up. The person came closer and closer. I felt my heart beating faster and faster. It felt like I was chase by something that was terrifying. I ran as quickly as my long legs can carry me, bolting down the alley way like an Olympic champion at the start gun; quickening my pace to an all out sprint.

I came across an alleyway, The alleyway is darkness and the sour relics of a hundred take-away meals. The alleyway is quaint and cobbled.I heard something. The guy actually caught up to me,but for some odd reason when I opened my eyes, he wasn't there, but I heard  foot steps I run to him it wasn't the same guy. Is he the one who save me? . So, she was right after all. How did she know something will happened to me.


As I  was doing my assignments, I remembered something I should write what happened today in my diary. I tried to take my diary in my bag where I usually take it, but it wasn't there. I scanned every inch of my room and it wasn't there. Don't tell me I lost it when the strange guy chase me. Tommorow I have to go there then. I heard my phone rang.

"Yi Soo... We need to go to the airport tomorrow remember... We plan the trip there a few months ago" Ara said to me.

"How could I forget" I replied.

"Us three are going together right" Ara said.

"Wait, who's is the other person? " I replied softly.

"See you tomorrow then" she said happily.


As I reached the airport, I saw that I was the only one who came or maybe I was so early. Well I need to wait for them I guess. At this early hour the airport is as serene as it ever is. The people move with ease, quiet rivers of humanity freshly roused from their slumber. The floors are clean and white, reflecting the early rays and the manmade light the same.

Well I have gotten a text from them they will be a bit late. Thank god our flight is at 11am, now is 9am.I know I'm so early. My parents told me to come to the airport early. Ara said the other girl that will be joining us is Hana, yes the girl who warned me yesterday and how did she meet her.

There's another 1 hour 30 minutes left. I was sitting down and saw there was a crowd of people. There were like paparazzi or fans. Who is coming at this time. Who could it be... It have to be a very famous idol. Why else, there was a  crowd  for as I thought in my head.

My stomach growled and I squirmed in my seat to try to silence the rumbling. I glanced at the clock; I still have time. So, I walked to the nearby store to buy some snacks. As I was walking, I felt like the crowd was also moving towards my direction. Is it because the idol was going to my direction. Well Yi Soo stopped assuming things. Yes, they were going towards the direction where I was heading.

So I walked in a fast pace to run away from them. As I was running, I was stopped, someone grabbed my hand, for some reason this hand was familiar and we hid from the fans. I didn't see who it was yet because I was scanning the surroundings.

"Thank you" I said as I turned my head around.

He seem familiar, he is wearing a black hoodie that was covering his hair with sunglasses. He also wore a black masks to cover his mouth. But for some reason he looks familiar, but I can't put my finger on  it.

"No problem... here your diary" he said as he  took it out from his bag .

It took me by surprise. How did this person has my diary. I just stood there speechless.

"And well I read it.. You were so cute and I was so in love with how you write your diary entry" he said this infront of me with a smile.

This dialogue right here is so familiar.

"Wait you telling me you read all of it.. My diary that I lost yesterday... are you the one who save me? "I said with a soft tone.

"Yes"he said with his eyes were staring through mine.

"I write everything in there" I said to him, still staring at him.

"So" he said to me.

Yes this is so familiar don't tell me it's him.

Than, he just turned and walked the other direction.

"Channie why are you walking away?" I shouted at him.

He just stopped and turned to face me and removed his masks. Yes it was him. Slowly My eyes drip with tears. I can't believe he's here.


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