Chapter 14

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Thanks again for reading my book. I hope you love this too. 😁


Right now, in this situation, I think I have mix feelings. A rollercoaster of emotions. I felt that I had butterflies in my stomach, but I hate this person right here that was sitting next to me. I can't quite comprehend what I am feeling now. Plus we stucked here in this so called rooftop that I used to love to  be alone and why must he be here. Hate and enmity welled up in my heart, fury itself burning me up.

They say anonymous hate hurts us but I think it only hurts us because when we read it, we don't hear the attacker's voice but we hear our own instead.

I just sat there ignoring him and continued with what I was doing, reading my favourite anime book. I was sitting at the age of the wooden bench because he kept on coming closer. It annoyed me. What does he want? I could see a cheeky grin planted on his face that sought attention. For some reason, we started to talk to each other. He started talking to me first with
His soft voice  and measured like a guy trying to overcome a stutter.

"Do you want to know something about me?" he said in a calm, unhurried voice. He waited for me to speak. For some odd reason, Words left me.
He just continued.

"I used to live here in this town, but my family and I moved to another city because of my dad's work"

I just nodded and listened.

"And I remembered that I used to love this place because I have a lot of friends with my best friend, my childhood best friend that we used to play together in the park you and Eun Ji went to the other day remember and I interrupted you guys"

"yes"I replied back.

" But I can't seem to remember her name. I can't put my finger on it." he said to me while eyeing me. It's like he wanted to tell me something but I don't quite understand what was he trying to say to me with that gesture.
(What could it be 🤔 just wait and see 😜)

"I have a dream of becoming an idol just like your brother Taemin. It's always been my dream when I was little. To perform on stage. To be able to sing. I don't care if I become a solo artist or if I be in a kpop band. Who knows what will happen"
(Maybe Channie you will be part of EXO 😌😉)

"Well, how about you?"

"Don't you know all my secrets"

"I know but I want to hear you said it" his tone weary, but cheerful.

"So what do you want me to say? "


"OK then you probably know that I have a terrible past right ,but I don't want to talk about it. You know that I loved anime, reading and writing what else you want me to say"

He listens as if my words are golden, perhaps some elixir he's been waiting all his days to hear.

"How you met Soo Mi, Chanyeol? "

"Wait I was asking you to tell more about you but you asked me back"

"Got a problem with that idiot" I  willed the anger out of my voice.

"Fine, we met last year, during my old high school"

"First she was a new student in my class, her attitude was the same, at first I don't know that she had a mean and horrible personality. She was my sitting partner. We become friends. Time past, Soo Mi and I started to date. Time moves on I saw her attitude appeared right in front of  me. I saw her bullied some girl and pushed her while pulling her hair. I saw it and saved that poor innocent girl. I felt so bad for her. I think she was jealous or something but I don't know"

Woah her personality never changes, then and now  I thought to myself.

"A few days later I broke up with her, but I could see that I broke her heart so bad that she fell down on the floor with tears falling down on her cheeks next thing I know she was crying her eyes out.Now she's here and she was the person that you hate the most right"

"Yes" I answered back.

"At first when I read your diary, I thought who was this person Soo Mi, there are many people with that name in this world. The same thing  goes for Chen"

"And why is that"

"Because you wrote Chen not Kim Jongdae. He used to be called Jongdae in my old school, not Chen. And I used to hate him in my old school"

"Wait you two used to go to the same school"

"Yes just for a year then he moved. I used to hate him but not now. I think we became friends now."

"I could see that" I replied.

"So you were spying on us" he said to me with a smirked on his face.

"No I wasn't I was just looking at you guys"

"Same thing" he said that as he was an inched away from my face. We were so close. I could feel my face turning bright red, any moment now. My heart begins to pound very fast. At that moment, we just stared at each other eyes. Next thing I know he planted his lips to mine. It took me by surprise.


So now we know a little bit about Park Chanyeol that he knows Chen before and how Soo Mi used to be her girlfriend. And what's with him hinting or eyeing Yi Soo I wonder. Just wait and see. 😉 Thanks again for reading. Vote and comment it means alot 🙆‍♀️

 Vote and comment it means alot 🙆‍♀️

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Same Channie same I want to know too. 😅

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