Chapter 19

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In the cafeteria, the benches during recess were never unoccupied. There was a lot of noise and the canteen was total chaos. The noisy environment can be uncomfortable for the student who prefer a more calm atmosphere. The huge crowd in the cafeteria causes an unbearable stench causing many students to lose appetite. The counter was always crowded with students, even, there was no such thing as a 'queue'. Most of them shout out loud to attract the attention of the canteen operators in order to make the first purchase. The operators were not able to meet the demands at once. They sometimes lose their patience then pull a long face.

To describe the school cafeteria and it's the food was like describing your favourite shade of graphite pencil. In the end, it really didn't matter what you asked for or what you wanted, you'd get the same over-cooked grey offering on it's a grey plate with its grey taste.

But we managed to pull through the big crowd. I saw Eun Ji sitting alone. I came over to her. She was just eating melon bread. I almost forgot I have these three idiots with me. Yes I'm going to call them three idiots. As we came over to her. I could see her expression change from being sad and miserable to happy. But as Baekhyun was there I could feel her rage of anger in her eyes. I need to talk to her about what happened. I will tonight.

"Is this seat taken?" I asked while walking towards her.

"No" she replied to me.

The other three just took their seats.We were just sitting there with our food on the table. The atmosphere was so silent that felt like it was so awkward. The silence was poison to them, for in that void of sound the shallowness of their conversation was laid bare.The silence stretched thinner and thinner, like a balloon blown big, until the temptation to rupture it was too great to resist. Someone needs to speak or this will be more awkward than it already was.

"Eun Ji I didn't properly introduce myself I'm Chanyeol" he said as his hand was offering a handshake.

"Yes I know, Eun Ji" she answered and shacked his hand.

"Me too I'm Kim Jongdae called me Chen" he said to her.

"Yes I know you too nice to meet you Chen I'm Eun Ji" she said with a smile on her face.

"And I'm-" as Baekhyun trying to say something he had been interrupted by Eun Ji.

"Don't you dare say anything Baek" she said to him angrily.

He just closed his mouth and eat whatever he took.

"So Eun Ji what have you been up too?" I asked her.

"Nothing really" she replied.

"OK if you're fine and I'm fine too" I said to her.

We continued eating our food. We did talk with each other. But it wasn't the best conversation we had together because there were these three idiots.


As we were walking , the school hallway is empty, the roar of the recess times replaced with silence.The school hallway must have been designed by a manic depressive, either that or someone obsessed by grey. This was because recess was over and everyone was going back to their own classroom. We were too. But we stumbled upon someone. I think I met him before and the guy beside him too, but I don't know about the other guy. One of them I know was Kai, the other one had big eyes and the one I never met before had thick, straight eyebrows. We just walked by them. But someone stopped me.

"Hey fancy seeing you here, remember me" Kai said playfully.

"Hey don't come near her" Chanyeol said to him while putting his hands to Make it like a shield.

"Who were they? " Eun Ji said to me.

"Well I have met Kai before but just by accident and this big eyes guy, sorry I don't know your name but him I don't know him" I explained to them.

"OK then I'm Kim Junmyeon but called me suho at your service" he said while kissing my hand. Why was he acting like a Prince. I'm so confused.

"Umm.. D.O your turn" kai said to him while elbowing him.

"Hi I'm Do Kyungsoo but call me D.O."he said with a straight face. His face was so intense or is he always like that. He still staring at me with a glare with those big eyes of his.

" Nice to meet you"the three said it at the same time. Me and Eun Ji just saw what happened and laugh because they were so alike and complimented each other a lot. Woah these three idiots were something.

" Why were you three here? "I asked them with curiosity within my blue ocean eyes.

" Well, we just finished lunch what do you expect "Kai answer me. I could see that Kai doesn't like me or was it just his attitude of his. I think he's a bit arrogant and aggressive.

" Well bye then"I waved my hand and signalling Eun Ji, Channie, Chen and Baekhyun to walked with me to go back to our normal-sized classroom that I despised a lot.

We continued to walk side by side as I watched my feet take steps across the glossy tiles. As we reached the normal-sized classroom, we could see a lot of our classmate were there. I think we're a little bit late. Chen, Baekhyun and Eun Ji just went back to their usual places. As Chanyeol about to sit down, I dragged him by holding his hands.

"Come here Channie" I said to him.

"What's up Yi Soo" he said while he smiles at me. Why most you smile at me like that.

"I have an idea, how about you three make a band, what do you say" I said to him with a soft voice.

"Not a bad idea, I think that's a great idea" he replied.

"I just think of that just right now" I said to him.

"Thanks Yi Soo" he said while giving me a peck on my lips. Then he whispered to my ear"there plenty more where that came from. I took me by surprised and I could feel my face is burning and becoming bright red.



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Here's Kim Junmyeon (Suho)

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