Chapter 28

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The last day of our promise.the promise that seem like we made it yesterday, but it wasn't. It felt like I don't  want this day to happened at all. It felt like someone stabbed a knife through my chest. I don't  want this day to come. I have to tell him and break up with him. I don't want to see sadness in his eyes but I have too. Dad told me to. And beside, I want him to find someone that is perfect for him someone who is in the same league as him. Someone who is rich just like him. Will I regret this.

I woke up and started packing my stuff to moved. We had started packing yesterday. But today I will be packing my clothes. Dad said we will be leaving at 5pm. I have plenty of time to tell him.


It was a Saturday, I texted Channie to meet at the park. It's now or never. You can do this Yi Soo I whispered to myself. I was sitting on the wooden bench. I think it was the same wooden bench that we kind of having our first date kind of not because there was Baekhyun and  Eun Ji with their situation.

"Is this seat taken? " Channie said as he sat beside me with a smile.

I didn't replied . Why am I  feeling nervous now. I could feel my heart beating fast.

"So, what do you want to talk about? " he said softly.

"W-well... The thing is... My dad asked us to move and it's today" I replied nervously.

"Wait you're moving today... It's OK I can text you and we can call each other "he replied.

" The thing is my dad don't like you... And my dad also said your family also hate my family... OK the thing I wanted to say is... I want to break up with you right after today... because today is the last day of our promise... You said it up to me if I want to date you or not " I said with a soft tone.

"You're moving.. And you want to break up with me... but you said you love me.. is that a lie? " he said while looking into my eyes.

I stand up and face the opposite direction and said"Actually I never love you.. I just like that because of the promise we make it was all a lie"
I know this is lying but I have to do it. As I was saying that, as I was about to run Channie grabbed my hand and said "Yi Soo.. I love you don't do this... Is it true? "

"Yes" I said and released my hand from his and I ran. As I was running I could feel bit by bit tears fell. My eyes drip with tears. My walls, the walls that hold me up, make me strong just... collapse. Moment by moment, they fall. As much as I tried to hold it in, but noting can mend a broken heart.


It's time for us to move. I'm going to miss this place. I already told all my friends I will be moving today. They came to say goodbye to me, but except for Channie. Who could blame him I was the one who pushed him away.

"So, Yi Soo this is a goodbye then... but we can still text each other"Eun Ji said as she hugged me.

" Yi Soo don't forget about me OK "Chen said to me.

" One more thing you were curious of who I like.. it's Soo Mi"he whispered to my ear.

It took me by surprise and I was so  shook . How did this happened, two people that I  least expected to like each other, like each other.

"OK I think that's it... Just kidding Baek" I said and hugged him.

"Be good to Eun Ji OK.. And Baek I know what you did to her... take care of her for me" I said to him.

He just nodded. I waved my goodbyes to them. As I was getting in the car. I heard a loud deep voice that was almost out of breath. I think that person ran all the way here. I get outside the car and saw Channie running towards me. I get back in when I saw him.

"Yi Soo I know you love me... I know that it was just an act to pushed me away... it's OK I will wait until you come back to me Yi Soo... I love you" He shouted loudly to me. I heard every word that he had shouted and I smile. Someday we will see each other again when that day come, I will just date you and I just prove to dad that I love him and I don't care if my family and his family are rival. In fact it was just between them not me and Channie.


As I looked at the clock on the wall. I wonder how many years has it been already. It was 12 at  midnight. I was about to go to sleep but here I am still awake. Just few more pages, I am done reading my diary. All this while I was reading through it remembering the time with my friends and family all those years ago.

One of the pages I wrote "As we part, I take the best of you and you take the best of me. We learned from one another and grew. That our futures are on different paths brings a sadness, but that we met and loved brings me warm joy in my memories. So be well, recall that I loved you and know I hold you above others still. That we were once together makes you more in my eyes, someone special."

The person I miss the most is Channie, I regret pushing you away. I regret this because I love you Channie.


So it was all her remembering her past. Thanks again for reading. Comments and vote it means a lot.

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