18. New Plans for the Future

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New Plans for the Future

<Katia’s POV>

Sam and Dean both barged into my motel room; even now I’m not sure how they get in here without anyone noticing them. Breaking into a person’s room is not something that gets by easily.

‘Get up!’ Dean yelled as he kicked me from the comfort of the motel bed- truthfully it wasn’t that comfy but it was better than sleeping on the floor. I grunted as my body flopped onto the floor with a loud thud.

‘Why did you do that?’ I groaned as I clawed the sheets of my bed so I could pull myself back into it. As I struggled I could hear the laugh of Dean.

‘We have to go out, take a look at this case,’ Sam put in as he picked up my bag before throwing it at me. He threw it too quickly for me to respond so it just slammed into my stomach before the contents spilled out onto my sheets.

‘Have you ever heard of passing things nicely? You know, like by passing the thing without winding the person you’re passing them to?’ I asked, my voice was laced with wittiness.

‘Hurry up and get ready. Now stop with the smart comments,’ Dean yelled as he glared at me.

‘About that...’ I started as I stood up. I quickly pulled my pyjama shorts down a little so they weren’t riding up my butt. ‘Like I told you yesterday Dean, I have plans,’ I spoke calmly.

‘And you’re actually sticking with those plans?’ Dean asked seeming surprised. ‘And I thought you were finally becoming a real Winchester.’

‘Dean, I left my friends unannounced. I at least owe them this,’ I asked calmly as I grabbed some clean clothes from my rucksack. ‘Now you and Sam can go on your merry way. I’ll walk back to Bobby’s and pick up my car. Sorted,’ I made the plans final.

‘Fine then,’ was all Dean said before leaving my room.

‘We’ll meet you back at Bobby’s later. Call me if you need anything,’ Sam told me, at least he was nice about me ditching them.

I nodded as I waved Sam off. I then dragged my aching legs- no thanks to Dean- over to the bathroom.


Alice had called me asking if I would pick her up seen as her mom needed the family car. My music played at a nice volume, not as loud as Dean’s but loud enough so you could hear it over the car engine- which purred nicely may I say.

The sun was beating down on me as I had the roof of my car down whilst waiting for Alice to make her appearance. Every so often I would honk my horn, urging her to hurry up.

Finally the door opened and the girl with the aqua coloured hair came prancing from the quaint, white house. Alice had the same excited look on her face as she skipped to my car.

‘I like this,’ Alice announced, she was signalling to my car.

‘Thanks, it was a present,’ I told Alice who was now climbing into the passenger’s seat.

I’ve missed Alice. I’ve missed how happy and optimistic she is about life. The entire world could explode around her and she’ll still find a reason to be happy.

Alice was dressed in crazy clothes. She had a bright yellow skater skirt on along with a white vest top which was covered in fancy, pink flowers. On her feet she wore some simple white ballet pumps. Overall the look suited her and it made her look rather pretty.

‘You’re going to have to tell me the way to the boys’ house; I’m not good with directions,’ I told Alice truthfully as I began to drive away from the house.

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