12. You Have One Month

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You Have One Month

<Katia’s POV>

I was free, I’d been let go, Elle had left my body.

‘Katia,’ Sam and Dean took turns saying as they prodded my face. I had a lot of trouble trying to open my eyes, and keep them open, but the first sight of the church ceiling was perfect; my body was actually mine again!

‘Took you long enough,’ I choked in a whisper. That caused both of the guys to smile but they still looked concerned.

I could feel the tickle of blood running down my neck. Luckily Sam was quick enough to expel Elle from my body before she had time to fully slit my throat.

‘Sam, there are bandages in the car; we can patch her up and she’ll be good as new,’ Dean spoke; he talked about me as though I was a tattered teddy.

‘Hey Sam,’ I managed; my voice was extremely raspy and quiet. ‘Thanks,’ was all I said.

Sam nodded in response before hurrying off.

Dean cleared his throat and I switched my blurred gaze to him; I didn’t have the strength or courage as my legs felt like jell-o. ‘How long has it been in you?’ Dean asked.

I let out a giggle as my mind turned dirty; he was obviously talking about Elle. ‘Since I went to visit my old house,’ I trembled. I didn’t even think it was possible but my throat somehow got drier. ‘Dean, I killed those people,’ I muttered as I stared at the church ceiling.

Dean knelt at my side and I turned to look at him. He put a hand on my shoulder. ‘Katia, that wasn’t you; it was the demon and you had no control,’ Dean tried to comfort me, he was failing.

‘I should’ve been stronger; I should have forced Elle from my body,’ I protested.

Dean was about to say something but Sam came barging into the church holding a small box of medical products.

‘C’mon then Katy, let’s fix you up,’ Sam spoke as he took a small white bandage from the box. I removed my hand from my bleeding neck before leaving it for Sam and Dean to fix.

                I rubbed my hand over my freshly bandaged neck as Dean spoke up. ‘Why don’t we put this case on hold ‘til the morning? You look like you could use some rest,’ Dean spoke directly to me.

I shook my head. ‘That thing isn’t just kidnapping people, Dean; it’s killing them as well,’ I spat in response, no way am I letting more innocents die because I’m too weak to just get a job done. I can’t have all these deaths on my conscience; I’m not ready for that.

Whilst Elle was controlling me she took me to the creature’s lab. ‘It had fangs, vertical irises; a little like a snake,’ I told the boys’.

‘A Vetala,’ Dean spoke; Sam and I looked at him in confusion. ‘I hunted a pair of them whilst you were at Stanford,’ Dean explained to Sam. I knew Sam went to university, but Stanford? I totally would’ve stuck with going there.

Sam pulled a wrecked book from his pocket, I stared over to it. ‘Has dad got anything about it in his journal?’ Sam asked Dean as he flipped through the ripped pages. Both my mom and dad had journals/diaries; that’s cute.

‘Dad hunted one by its self, that’s the thing; Vetala’s usually hunt in pairs, it’s extremely rare to find a lone one; that means there should be a second one,’ Dean pointed out. ‘Either way, we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,’ Dean stated.

‘So Katy, where is this creature we’re looking for?’ Sam asked as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

‘Like I said before, it’s in the crypt,’ I told the boys’; even though a demon was in my body, it still wanted to tell the truth. ‘There’s no tunnels though, just a crypt,’ I added, that bit she did lie about.

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