17. Don't Worry, I'll Take You By Surprise

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Don’t Worry, I’ll Take You By Surprise

<Katia’s POV>

Suddenly I was gasping for air as my eyes flew open. Had I done it? Was I back in the real world with the real Sam and Dean? Was this entire event soon to be just a memory?

‘Wakey, wakey. Rise and shine!’ a familiar, obnoxious voice drifted into my ear. I turned to face which owned the voice. ‘I couldn’t let you out that easily, you haven’t even gotten to the best part,’ Crowley whined as he stared down at me.

I was kind of out of it still and my neck still sung. Dean, John and Castiel all stared at me as the demon spoke its cruel words.

‘Why won’t you let me leave?’ I questioned before placing a hand on my neck. It was still wet with my own blood, somehow I was still alive.

‘Sign the contract and you’re a free girl...at least for a week or two,’ Crowley continued to speak.

I chuckled sourly. ‘I’ve already told you Crowley, no deal,’ I spoke firmly. Crowley just shook his head as he leaned closer to me.

‘Bye, bye daddy,’ he whispered before tapping me on the arm.


Just like he’d done at Bobby’s place, the four of us had been transported to the middle of, what looked like, quite a nice neighbourhood. It had house with white-panelled fences and flowers budding in the garden.

‘Where are we?’ I asked. I wasn’t asking anyone in particular; I just wanted an answer.

Dean and John both began to trudge towards the house that stood directly in front of us. ‘This is Sam’s house,’ John stated as he touched the gate.

‘Castiel, why has Crowley bought us-,’ I turned to Castiel but he was no longer there. Quickly I turned in a full circle only to see that trench coat was nowhere to be seen.

‘Where’d he go?’ John asked as he looked at the spot which Cas was once stood in, he then turned to me.

‘I know as much as you do,’ I told John in response as I walked over to him. ‘We need to get Sam; he is a missing piece to this puzzle.’

‘Puzzle?’ Dean burst as he turned to me. ‘You think this is some sort of game? Bobby is dead thanks to you and that stupid friend of yours,’ Dean exploded.

‘Dean, I’m not supposed to be here. This isn’t real, it’s all just my imagination,’ I stated. I used to be completely against telling Dean that this was all a dream but Dean just has his ways.

‘Your imagination?’ Dean chuckled coldly. ‘We’re not just something you can think up,’ Dean protested.

I breathed in deeply as I looked at Dean. I then let out a loud breath; here goes nothing. ‘Dean, where I come from you and Sam work together, you’re a team. John died about two years ago and you are the only two left. I’m still your sister but I got bought into this by accident. My adoption parents were killed, by a demon, and you two happened to stop in only for us to find out that we’re related,’ I explained rapidly, I barely even stopped for air.

‘Have you ever thought of writing a book or making a movie because I’m not gonna lie, your ideas are good,’ Dean complimented, too bad it wasn’t a good compliment.

‘Dean, I’m not making this up,’ I insisted. ‘You were dragged to Hell for four months after selling your soul to a crossroad demon,’ I spoke; I had to prove him wrong.

Dean laughed, ‘I’m not that stupid,’ he stated.

‘Sam got killed and you had to find a way of bringing him back,’ I put in; maybe he’ll see reality in my “stories”.

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