06. Normal Enough For You?

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Normal Enough For You?

<Katia’s POV>

It was a sunny, Monday morning and my first day at a new school.

Surprisingly Dean had listened to my request which I’d made a mere two days ago. I expected him to cause a scene, tell me hunting was in my blood and I should carry on the family business. He didn’t though, all he said was “you’re still a kid and you still have the choice of a normal life, Sam and I don’t.”

With that Sam got me enrolled into the closest high school to Bobby’s, luckily they had an empty place and I was instantly accepted. The first step to getting my “normal” life back on track.

‘Katia, get ready! I’m not getting up this early for no reason!’ Sam yelled as he pounded his fist on the wall in-between our motel rooms.

‘I’m up, now quit whining,’ I responded as I dragged my body sluggishly from the double bed, which was strangely comfy for a motel bed.

Even though I wanted to go to school, I’ll never enjoy getting up at 7am.

The chilly air nipped at my skin as I dashed to the shower. Excitement filled me as the water began to heat up, showers just seem to refresh me and I’ve needed that for a long time.

                The water ran over my body, it felt like heaven and I loved it. As it soothed my aching body I began to feel at ease for the first time in a while.

Everything that ran through my mind began vanishing; I knew all the thoughts would come back as soon as I left but for now it was perfect.

The thoughts left in my head didn’t worry me too much, I thought about Lydia and Eric. Bobby told me they’re probably at peace in Heaven.

There’s such thing as Heaven and Hell, I didn’t believe in that ‘til I met Sam and Dean. I even found out that Dean’s been to Hell before, however I was afraid to question him about it. Bobby told me that it’s where souls are tortured; it’s where demons are born. “Hell”, the Heaven of evil.

A man, well demon, known as Crowely is the king of Hell. Why would you want to be king of something so pathetic?

Speaking of pathetic, this motel is pathetic. I’ve only been in the shower for a few minutes and it’s already running cold, brilliant start to the day.

I turned the shower off before hopping out, so refreshing; not. Quickly, I dashed out of the bathroom, picking a towel up as I did so.

The clock read 7:34; I have like twenty-five minutes before I have to set out to school. One thing about me; I absolutely HATE routine.


Sam and Dean came to drop me off at school, they had a free-day but the school’s principal wanted to speak with them as they are technically my guardians.

On the way to school we stopped off at some drive-thru for breakfast. I’m going to end up the size of a house with how much junk food I’ve been eating since being on the road.

‘Did you two go to school or have you just travelled your entire life?’ I asked, neither of the boys’ spoke about their pasts but if I’m living with them I’m going to be a little curious.

‘We went to school, I even went to University for a little while,’ Sam stated.

‘He was going to become a lawyer,’ Dean spoke as he raised his eyebrows whilst trying not to smirk. ‘I was never really one for school; it has always been hunting for me.’

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