15. Mom...?

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<Katia’s POV>

Home sweet home, the first thing that came to my mind when we reached Bobby’s place. Dust blew past the window as Dean drove up the dirt road.

‘It feels good to be back,’ Dean admitted as he brought the car to a halt.

I nodded as I pushed the door open. ‘Don’t you know it,’ I responded as I spun to face the open outdoors. A relaxed breath left my mouth as I stood up before stretching my entire body. My back cracked as I continued to pull my arms above my head. After being sat in a car for six consecutive hours my body had gone completely stiff.

Dean didn’t even lock the door of the car as he strolled over to Bobby’s front door. I grabbed my rucksack from the back seat of the Chevy before following the trail which Dean had just taken.

Bobby opened the door, he actually seemed quite happy to see us for a change. ‘A phone call would be nice t’ tell me when you’re gonna be droppin’ by,’ Bobby claimed as he stepped aside.

‘Nice to see you too, Bobby,’ Sam grunted with a little smile as he stepped past Bobby before strolling into Bobby’s house.

It was actually a good feeling to be safe back at Bobby’s. For the first time in weeks I actually felt like I wouldn’t get attacked as soon as I stepped foot into the outdoor air.

                Everyone held a beer in their hands as we sat around Bobby’s dining room table. ‘Your cuts are healing nicely,’ Bobby pointed out; well I did have a three day journey to heal.

I nodded, ‘they’ve definitely gotten better,’ I stated as I ran my fingers over my neck.

‘So, how was your journey back to South Dakota?’ Bobby questioned; his voice seemed a little more gruff than usual.

‘We stopped in two motels and about fifty diners, apparently Dean likes his food more than most,’ I exaggerated. On the way over here Dean practically wanted to eat every two seconds.

Dean turned to look at me with a glare. ‘I could’ve easily thrown you out at a coach station on the way back here, all you had to do was ask,’ he smirked before taking a gulp of beer.

I let out a sarcastic chuckle. ‘As if you would’ve let me find my own way back here, you’d be terrified that I was going to get killed or something,’ I pointed out.

‘You’re eighteen, you can handle yourself and do whatever the hell you like,’ Dean stated in response. I mimicked the face he was pulling; I didn’t even know what face he was pulling.

‘Does that mean that I can go to the bar and speak to men without you causing a scene?’ I questioned in a teasing tone.

Dean placed the beer bottle on the table. ‘The guy was a vampire, I practically saved you,’ Dean replied as he glared at me; he looked so serious.

‘Because you totally knew that he was a vampire when you first saw him,’ I argued.

                Sam had gone out to fetch food and Dean was taking a shower. Bobby had told me that he wanted to show me something outside and I couldn’t exactly object.

‘Can you tell me what we’re going to look at?’ I questioned whilst walking after Bobby. We were walking past all of the old cars and I was completely sure as to where I was going. Bobby seemed pretty certain so I just went with it.

‘Ain’t you ever heard of a surprise before?’ Bobby questioned. He never turned back to me; he just continued to walk as though he had a place he had to be. ‘Now close your eyes,’ Bobby instructed.

The 4th Winchester - Book 1 (Supernatural Fan-Fic)Where stories live. Discover now