16. Not Your Average World

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Not Your Average World

<Katia’s POV>


In front of me, the woman who I had lost twelve years ago stood. She was lecturing me about being out in the middle of the night. I couldn’t process a word she was saying; I couldn’t process the fact that my dead mother was stood before me.

‘Is this a dream?’ I asked aloud as I slid from under my bed covers.

My mom stepped towards me as she touched my face with her warm hands. She still looked exactly the same as she had done on the day she died; even though I was only six I can still recall the memory. Her caramel blonde hair was in loose waves and it rested perfectly on her shoulders. On her lips she wore red lipstick; it looked extremely bright due to the fairness of her skin.

‘But you’re dead,’ I stated as I put my hand on top of my mom’s.

‘Honey, have you been taking drugs? I thought you were smarter than that,’ my mother stated as she stepped back before crossing her arms sternly.

‘You’re supposed to be dead, what the hell are you; a shapeshifter?’ I questioned as I stepped back. ‘Are you a ghoul?’ I continued to quiz.

‘What are you talking about, sweetheart?’ my mom questioned, she sat on the bed beside me. ‘Where were you last night?’

I shook my head as I stood up. ‘You’re not my mom, my mom’s dead; she died twelve years ago. Who are you and why are you doing this to me, you sick bastard?’ I exploded. My mom stood up before frowning at me; I felt like a five year old all over again.

‘Katia Elise Bryant, what were you doing last night?’ my mom asked, she seemed angry; what am I talking about? She was angry; she thought I had snuck out during the night.

‘Please stop, you’re dead,’ I confirmed as I stepped away from my mom; I couldn’t be tricked into these mind games.

‘Honey, I’m just as alive as I was yesterday,’ my mom stated. I stared at her; she seemed to be telling the truth. ‘You know you can tell me anything,’ my mom claimed as she pulled me into a hug. I didn’t even know how to react so I just hugged her back.

                ‘...and you promise me that you didn’t touch any drugs last night? I know that those friends of yours are bad influences,’ my mom stated; she was currently making hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows- just like she did when I was a child.

‘Mom I promise I didn’t take drugs last night,’ I told her honestly. I watched her in pure amazement, she was back and I couldn’t have been happier. Even though I had no clue how my mom was stood in front of me, I didn’t even care; all that mattered was that she was stood in front of me.

My mom nodded as she placed the hot chocolate down in front of me. ‘Okay then, drink up and I’ll drop you off at school. Cathy and I are having a shopping spree,’ my mom told me with an excited smile.

‘That’s nice,’ I spoke as I drank some hot chocolate. I couldn’t stop thinking about how my mom was alive; she had been murdered, that’s not something you can just recover from.


I had taken my usual rucksack with me to school. It didn’t contain anything suitable for school however; instead it contained all of my previous equipment: a pistol, a silver bladed knife, a flash light, my mom’s diary, all of my cell phones and other random bits which Dean had made me carry.

‘Thanks,’ I smiled as I hopped of out my mom’s car before standing outside of this new school- well old school but new for me.

My mom gave me her usual smile. ‘I’ll pick you up tonight,’ she stated. I didn’t want her to leave me; I only just got her back. With that she reversed the car before speeding off.

The 4th Winchester - Book 1 (Supernatural Fan-Fic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu