02. The Family of Freaks

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The Family of Freaks

<Katia’s POV>

A loud thump awoke me from my dreamless slumber. It only took me a couple of seconds before I realised I was the cause of the thump; it was my body plummeting from Bobby’s couch and onto the wooden floor boards.

Suddenly the door flew open and Bobby stood there, aiming a revolver in my direction. I quickly put my hands in the air, trying to show my innocence. ‘Sorry, I fell,’ I muttered hesitantly, praying Bobby wouldn’t shoot me.

‘Are you okay?’ Bobby grunted as he put the gun down. I nodded as I stood up, picking up my duvet as I did so. ‘It’s only four, you have a few more hours to sleep,’ Bobby informed me before he headed off, muttering something about an “idjit”.

I neatened up my bedding carefully before sitting on the edge. The lounge looked extremely scary at night. There was no chance in Hell of me falling back to sleep.

Slowly, I pushed myself up from the couch; time to explore. I ran my fingers over the hundreds of books which were stacked on the many shelves –also around the floor –before finally finding the light switch.

My eyes scanned over the books, all the names were so weird. There were books on religion and myths, all kinds of lore. Some of the books looked years old; decades, maybe even centuries.

I pulled out a book which was simply named “Demons”. Maybe this could explain why the three men asked me if I was a demon. They could all just be really into video games. I took the book back to the couch before plonking myself back on the couch causing it to creak.

As soon as I opened the book a page fell from behind the front cover. I read the small, messy writing “How to Exorcise a Demon”. The men really like to get into character, into the spirit of the game. The rest of the page had some foreign language on it, I really didn’t understand.

                Once I’d read a few pages of the Demon book- which was fully labelled and detailed may I add- I switched to a new book which was left on the side of the desk.

I instantly noticed a post-it note stuck on the cover, with my number on it. How they had my number, I wasn’t sure; I’d called from a blocked number. Above my name it just read “Ghoul”. I ripped the note from the book before flipping it over “Killing a Ghoul”?

Horror filled me as I read the instructions of killing a ghoul. ‘Decapitation?’ I read to myself. Does that me I could’ve been decapitated?

I stood up suddenly feeling extremely thirsty. Dropping the book onto the couch beside me, I walked into the kitchen. Cautiously I opened the fridge door, hoping to find a bottle of beer; or any kind of alcohol for that matter.

What I saw first had my heart racing. My breath quicken as I bit back a scream. I took the jar of crimson red liquid from the top shelf of the fridge.

My skin was crawling as though I had hundreds of bugs running over my body. Scared was an understatement, nothing could explain the fear I felt. My shaking hand unscrewed the lid of the jar and the metallic smell drifted up my nose.

‘Please, no,’ I pleaded in a whisper as I held my breath, stopping myself from vomiting. Rapidly I placed the jar of blood onto the counter, not even bother about putting it away. I need to get out of here!

                I’d never been happier about seeing so many junk cars. My pink gun was stored in the top of my pants in case the creepy, blood hoarder came to attack.

A large rock lay uselessly on the dirt floor. I used it to smash a rusty cars window before unlocking it from the inside. Once the car was unlocked I flung my suitcases into the back of it.

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