04. But Wait, You're Me?

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But Wait, You’re Me?

<Katia’s POV>

Day One without Sam and Dean went by pretty smoothly. Bobby and I did a little bit of “studying” on about seven more creatures that I thought were myths until now.

Also, we played a game of Fruit Ninja which was supposed to be helping me practice my “decapitation” skills. After a few minor injuries I managed to slice a watermelon in half with one swift chop. My fingers however looked, and felt, like they’d been in a shredder or something; it wasn’t very pretty let me just say that.

I then spent the rest of the night in the bath, trying to sooth my battered and bruised body.


Day Two without Dean and Sam was also okay, I mean Bobby gave me another lesson on maybe six more species; I kind of feel like a walking encyclopaedia on supernatural stuff.

After our lesson was done with, Bobby let me exorcise another demon and –if I do say so myself –I did pretty damn good. I didn’t stutter, nor did I slip up, I just read through the text like it was in clear English.

Once that was over with I got a little lesson on rare weapons that are extremely powerful. I actually found out what a Colt was, it’s some gun that can kill most supernatural species, made by a guy called “Samuel Colt”.


Day Three without Sam and Dean was extremely boring. Bobby headed off to sort some kind of havoc that was going off in someone’s house; apparently it was being guarded by demons.

I spent the entire day looking through books and learning things for myself. I also read up on the “Knights of Hell”, the things that came to spook me in my nightmare. It’s a real thing, the oldest demon beside a thing called “Lilith”. They were supposedly all slaughtered by someone named “Cain”, except one survived; Abaddon.

When Bobby returned from his case, he looked terrible. He didn’t even speak to me when he came into his house, instead he just headed off upstairs and I didn’t hear from him for the rest of the day; it’s days’ like this when you really wish you had friends.


Day four without Dean and Sam, Bobby was in a better mood. You’ll never guess what we did? More learning! I actually class myself as a pro for any supernatural/paranormal information. If you want to know how to kill a werewolf, shape shifter...anything really, then I’m the chick you should call.

In the afternoon, we did some combat training. There was a little time where I thought I’d broken my arm, but with Bobby’s help it soon snapped back into place. Bruises lined my legs and arms; I’d been thrown into a tree by Bobby however I got my revenge on him when I pushed him into one of his junkyard cars.

By the end of the day, my body ached like hell but I felt like I could take on the world. Also, I was ready for Sam and Dean to get home; they called me every single night just to check I was still alive and kicking.


It was ten in the morning when I finally got round to going over to Bobby’s after crashing in another motel. Today we weren’t planning on doing much training as I’d proved myself to be rather fit and skilled enough over the last few days.

I knocked on the door firmly before Bobby came to answer it. ‘Morning,’ I smiled cheerfully; it was my job to be happy so it masked Bobby’s bitterness.

Bobby stepped to the side, allowing me to enter his house. I walked straight into the lounge before picking up my mom’s diary which I left last night by accident. ‘We aren’t training today,’ Bobby told me simply.

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