13. Skylar

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<Katia’s POV>

Las Vegas, we’d been travelling for days but I was still so excited about being here. On the way down we had stopped off at a couple of motels and a bunch of diners.

‘Dean, I don’t think there will be any motels this far into the town,’ I pointed out as I took in the sight of Las Vegas; the first thing I realised was how hot it was when we were travelling down here. It was beginning to get dark out but Dean was continuing to drive towards the casinos and nightclubs.

‘We’re staying in a real hotel, each of us get our own rooms; also, don’t bother me tonight,’ Dean ordered as he pulled into the parking lot of the hotel.

The hotel was right in the centre of everything; all of the pubs, bars, clubs and casinos. Dean absolutely loved it here, he’s a party-boy and it’s clear to see.

‘Have you got any real cash, you know the stuff that’s not on a piece of plastic?’ I questioned. If Dean’s allowed to come out and have fun then I’m definitely going to do the same thing.

Dean opened the car door. ‘We can have two hundred dollars each,’ he stated before climbing out of the car.

If I’m going to Hell in a month, I definitely want to have a hella lot of fun beforehand.

‘Lock up the car,’ Dean instructed as he tossed me the car keys. I groaned before picking up my bag and sliding from the car.

I was about to lock the car door when a crazy group, of completely drunk people, staggered by me. It was only seven and these people were already wasted; Las Vegas is definitely one of my favourite cities.

                Dean had already escaped to the nightlife scenery; he only spent a mere five minutes in the hotel before he’d given us a quick heads up and left.

Now, Sam and I were both sat in my hotel room whilst discussing our new case.

‘Wait, so seven people have gone missing but only one person has been found dead?’ I questioned as I looked over the newspaper.

Sam nodded. ‘The person who was found dead had no blood left in its body,’ Sam stated as he continued to stare at the piece of paper.

‘And the people, did they have anything in common?’ I asked Sam as I sat down on my bed before crossing my legs.

Sam looked for the answer on the paper. ‘All of the victims are young, age’s range between twenty-two and thirty-five; except for the one who died, he was almost sixty,’ Sam stated as he looked back up at me.

‘So this creep only wants young victims? The man who died was too old so he had to be killed,’ I concluded as I picked up the newspaper again. ‘The victims all went missing during the night; they went out clubbing and never returned.’

Sam nodded as he continued to look at me. ‘But they going missing every Friday night, that’s when the clubs are at their busiest,’ Sam told me.

‘Okay, the thing is probably just persuading drunk people to go with it; how else would the thing be able to get so many people back to its place without getting caught?’ I asked Sam.

‘I’m not sure, why don’t we continue with this case tomorrow when Dean’s back?’ Sam asked me.

I nodded before standing up. ‘I’m off out then, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for any sign of creeper monster killers,’ I laughed to Sam as I picked up my jacket.

‘Just make sure you stay safe,’ Sam stated as he also picked up his things. ‘I’ll see you in the morning,’ he finished as he left my room.

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