
"So Afriel, who's your bias?" Jimin asked while munching on a chicken drumstick.

I know him, he just wanted Afriel to chose him. He loves praises.

We're still on the waiting room having dinner. And as promised, I invited Afriel and Sophie to stay and eat with us.

"I actually like you all now, except for..." Afriel trailed and his eyes slowly rolled to me.

I shot him daggers, then he immediately continued eating.

Hobi, who's sitting beside him, patted his back. "Suga hyung is a nice guy... it just doesn't show sometimes."

"The first time I saw Yoongi, I immediately knew he's nice." Sophie chirped in.

I smiled to her, fully aware that I'm blushing right now.

"Nahh. He looks like a bad boy to me," Afriel casually said as if I'm not here. "And I still wonder what did my noona saw in him."

Namjoon gave him a high-five, "Same boy, same."

I glared at them, "Hi I'm here, just so you know."

Ahh this boy. I gave him a special dinner with the boys and he's treating me like this?
So ungrateful.

"I saw his soul, and not everyone can see it. It's hidden deep down. So you need to know him more," Sophie nonchalantly said.

Her words, really. It's like she knows me more than anyone else.

"Ahh I know what she means. I also didn't like Yoongi at first," Jin hyung said as he gulp a bottle of coke.

Jimin put his arms on Afriel's shoulders, "Yoongi hyung... He's not a showy guy. He's kind but he doesn't show it."

I don't know if I should be happy because they're complimenting me,

Or should be sad because there's always a negative part?

"Yah! Stop talking about me. I'm shivering right now."


I drove Sophie and Afriel home.

She said I should just rest because I had a tiring day but I insisted. I want to be with her.

And does she even know that she recharged me to a hundred percent so I can't feel tiredness anymore.

The dinner was great, even though we only ate chicken, as long as Sophie is there then it's always great.

Taehyung gave Afriel a signed Tata pillow, and he never let go of that ever since.

We also took a group picture with him and I told him not to post it online. He pouted and bargained that he will just show it to his friends, so I agreed.

But what does he mean by friends? Hope not his entire school.

"Thanks Yoongi, I really enjoyed it," Sophie smiled at me as I stopped in front of their house.

"Yes... Thanks hyung," Afriel told me but his eyes on the floor, maybe he's embarrassed.

I looked at Sophie, "Anything for you," then I shifted my eyes to Afriel, "You too."

He suddenly tilted his head up to flash his boxy smile at me.

"Okay I'll go now so you can talk," Afriel hopped down the car. "Just talk okay?" He shouted as he slammed the door.

"Thanks Yoongi, for being nice to my brother."

"He's your brother. Of course I'll be nice to him even though he's..." I squinted my eyes, finding a nice adjective to describe Afriel.

Sophie cut me off with a laugh, "He grew up in this world, so he's more of a human. He doesn't even know that he's an angel until he asked us about the extraordinary things he can do. He's a headache sometimes... but he's still learning."

Ohh yeah. I actually forgot that he's an angel.

"That's fine, he's still young."

"I know you'll understand Yoongi."

I'm trying to understand that child even he's testing my patience, I really do.

"Okay. Have to go now," she unbuckled her seatbelt.

I gently grabbed her shoulder to stop her, "Just a question Sophie."

She just tilted her head and waited for me to speak.

"What about you? Are you more of an angel? Or more of a human?"

She smiled, "Yoongi I lived above."

She said like she was stating the obvious, which is really obvious and it's so dumb of me to ask.

She stared at me, "But when I'm with you. I feel like I'm a human."

"Is it a good thing? Or a bad thing?"

"Good thing. Because I'm happy, even though I don't know if this is the right feeling?"

I held her hands, "I can make it right."

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