I'm Leaving (not irl)

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Your POV
I woke up groaning with a bit of pain shooting me in the back. My body flipped over as I patted Orisa. Her systems turned one as she looked at me. "(Y/n)! It is nice to see you!" She said all happy. I smiled and noticed lena in my bed, I softly slide my feet of my bed and walked out of my room with Orisa following me.

Jack said I could never have a dog, well guess what jack! Orisa is like a little puppy so HA!

My feet pounded on the cold titles as I entered the cafeteria. Ana looked at the corner of her eye noticing me with orisa. "(Y/n)!! Ana rushes towards me and slides into me, embracing a hug with me. "Oh my god! It's been an entire week! Are you ok?!" I chuckled and shook my head. "I'm perfectly fine Grandma Ana! Just got a few bruises, thats all." Ana sighed in relief and looked at orisa. "Who the fu-" "ANA NO!!" Jack said jumping at ana. My body froze knowing Jack wasn't even an inch away from my face.

"No. SWEARING AROUND HER!" Jack twisted ana's arm. "FUCK BITCH PUS-" "NOOOO!" They started fighting as me and orisa walked around them carefully. I got my food and sat down at a table. Hana was sitting there playing her games. "Hi mom!" I smiled at her, "Hi (y/n)....WAIT YOUR BACK?!" She almost dropped her game console. I nodded scratching at the back of my neck. Hana smiled and almost broke her game console leaning over the table giving me a hug. "Ugh! Wheres lena?" Hana groans slapping her forehead. "My room. She feel asleep in there." I point towards my room. Hana gets up quickly and dashes towards me room.

I sigh softly and climb onto orisa. "Where to (y/n)?" Orisa asks nicely as she stands up. "Anywhere. It doesn't matter anymore." Orisa nods and walks out into the garden. "Orisa, why is everyone acting strange?" I ask my robot friend. "It is because of you (y/n), they changed when you left and lena and hana have been drifting apart. Ana has been swearing more than often. It effected a lot of us." I sigh and sit up. "So it's all my fault...." Orisa smiled, "Yes." I went into shook, first of all, orisa frickin smiled when she said yes that it wasmy fault and second...well...it was my fault. "I can't stay here....if I'm going to effect people than I'm just making it worse..." my head was spinning. A lot just happened.

First I was in the hospital. Than i ran away from home, was found again, than....I'm running away once again.

I sighed aggressively and jumped off orisa. "Come on orisa. We're leaving." Orisa's head jumped upwards. "What? But we just got you back!" Orisa tries to stop me as I continued walking to my room. "I've made up my mind, maybe jack was right, I'm just a distraction..." Tears overflowed out onto my cheeks as I went into my room. "Will you be my partner orisa? And stay by my side until the end of time?" I asked orisa as I packed up my stuff. Orisa stuttered a bit but nodded. "It is my job to protect you (y/n). I will not abandoned you." I smiled and packed up my phone and charger.

I hopped onto orisa's back and opened her up. Examing her, I pulled out a few chips because they were tracking devices. "Ok we are all set....Let's go." I open up my window and climb down using my claws. Orisa jumped down and landed on her feet. I looked back at the headquarters and noticed a few agents looking at me. They jolted up and started running towards the front door. "Orisa! Now! Run!" I hop onto her gently as she ran off. I held onto my stuff as I looked to see Lena and Jack standing there. I saw tears....rolling down lena's cheeks. Than me and orisa, disappeared from the area....

~6 years later~ (17 years old)
I've grown up quite the bit, I'm more tuff and able to defend myself. I wear a mask that hides my identity since I have to steal and murder people. I only murder people for defense. Nothing personal. I show my ears and tail now, I'm not afraid to show for who I am. Or what I am. Orisa still follows me and protects me. She hasn't changed all the much to be honest, orisa is still the loveable robot I know.

"Beat it kid, you don't belong in these streets." A man yelled at me as me and orisa passed by him. "Orisa, mask please." She did what she was told and gave me my mask. I snapped at him and held my dagger up against his throut. "This is my turf now buddy. If you got something to say, speak up now. Or leave me alone." He gulped hard and held his hands up in surround. I chuckled and pulled my dagger away.

Why am I here? {Overwatch x Female Child!reader} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now