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I was running around the base watching as zenyatta pretended to chase me. But really.

He was just floating towards me.

But I knew his weakness, since he wasn't able to get under the tables. I kept going underneath the tables. I would laugh until something weird happened.

He stepped on the ground. Got under the table and dragged me out. I was laying there in shock as he went back to floating. "You can stand?" I said sitting up. "Of couse I can....I have two legs, I don't know why I would never use them." Lena walked into the kitchen and picked me up. "Had fun spending time with uncle zen?" I nodded placing my head on my mothers chest.

"Good, now lets go see the preschool!" I gulped and my eyes widen. "Preschool?" Lena nodded and walked towards a floating car. "But preschool is boring! I wanna stay here with you guys!" I pouted. Lena only laughed, "But sometimes we are busy and you need to be watched so the only other choice we reall do have is. Sending you to preschool."

I was confused why she had a long pause before saying the last sentence. She drove us to the preschool and I was a nervous wreck. Lena walks in and was greeted by a stuttering front office lady. Lena smiled and led me to my new class.

We entered the room and all the kids eyes lit up with stars. "Hi I'm lena oxten, I'm here to drop off (y/n)." She says to the teachers. "IT'S TRACER FROM OVERWATCH!" I kid bluttered out. I jumped as the kids came dashing around my mother. I made grabbie hands so she would pick me up.

Of course she did knowing I was nervous.

"Are you really Tracer?" "Can you make time stop!" "I gOtTa PeE!!" My mother laughed, "First, yes I am tracer from overwatch." She held onto me as she blinked around the classroom. Everyone awed and woahed. "Second, no..I cannot yet. Third, ....I forgot."

Lena put me down as all the kids stared at me. "And this is my daughter, (y/n)." She said trying to put me infront of her. I was behind her legs hiding from the other kids. "Hi! Im trixie!" A little girl said popping up behind me. I almost kicked her but I missed. "Is Tracer your real mom? She doesn't look like it."

I spaced out for a bit. "Mommy I don't wanna be here." Lena kneeled down next to me and kissed my forehead. "It's ok, you'll get use to it, luv." She gave me a hug before she blinked away.

~Time skip~

I was being taken home by hanzo, I waited outside with a few other kids from my class. Once I saw hanzo approaching the gate. Kids squealed, I ran up to hanzo hugging him tightly. "Afternoon (y/n)! How was your day?"

I paused, "It was bad...." He tilted his head, "Why?" I shook with a terrified facial expression. "The kids kept asking me about overwatch." He chuckled and threw me up into the air. "Well than I guess you'll just have to go to a private preschool!"

My eyes lit up, "Is it called Home?" I grinned showing my teeth.

He laughed fully and started walking towards the floating car. "I was only kidding, your going back to this one Every, Single, Day!" I cringed.

Once we got back I ran straight towards my room. I opened it slightly seeing my second mother sitting and playing her games. I giggle and approach behind her. "Boo!" I say jumping at her. "GAh! LENA WE GOT A GHOST!" She yelled as I tackled her

"Its just me mama! I'm back from preschool. I don't want to go back." She looked at me. "Why?" She said with curiosity flowing through her eyes. "BECAUSE THE KIDS SAW MY MOMMY ONE TIME AND THAN ASK MY MILLIONS OF QUESTIONS!" I pouted and fell on my bum. Hana was quiet for a few seconds until she wrestled with me.

"Mama stoop!!" I said laughing as she attacked my side with her claws. "Never!" Hana giggled and continued attacking me. "Where is mommy anyway?" Hana sat up throwing me towards her bed. "Mission, left once she came back."

I sighed and fell flat onto the bed sheets. "Ooookkk." I rolled onto my back and stared at the ceiling.

I waited about a few hours for lena to get home. Once she did, she was covered in blood and shaking. It scared me until she stood up straight and headed into the bathroom. I didn't want to bother so I left my mother do her thing and waited patiently for her to come out.

I walked into mine and lena's room and laid in her bed. Lena came into the room thirteen minutes later. She thought I was sleeping so she laid next to me. "Hi was your day?" she jumped a little and smiled. "Good and successful. How about you luv?" She stroked her fingers through my (h/c) hair, "Bad, after you left the kids surrounded me and asked me thousands of questions." I said leaning into her chest.

Lena's heart was beating rapidly, I knew something happened on the misson that scared her. She threw her arms around me and pulled me closer to her torso. "Well thats no to bad, you won't be going back...Talon has been tracking us and their after you. So you won't be leaving here without being trained to fight."

I don't know why but this got me excited. Two reasons! No more, preschool. Second, I get to practice combat lessons with ana! "Ok mommy..." I snuggled into her chest and fell asleep.

Why am I here? {Overwatch x Female Child!reader} (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now