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I woke up to mother warmly smiling at me. "Good morning, (y/n)." I smiled back, "Morning mom." I sat up looking around. "You know what today is?" I shook my head rubbing my eyes. "It's training day! You'll be able to train with me." My eyes lit up with sparks of excitement. "Really? Like actually hold a sword and guns?"

She laughed and stroked the side of my face. "No, I mean like defense and fighting." I pouted and sloped back down into the sheets. "Well that's not fun at all." Lena uncovered me, "Come on. It shouldn't be that bad." I groaned one last time before hana walked into the room.

"Morning you two." Hana said sitting next to me.

"How did you two sleep?" I smiled and hugged her. "Good! How about you?" She said yes and told me to go wait in the living room. I didn't argue and ran out the door. "Are you sure she can do this? She's only five lena." Hana said sternly. "She needs to go to school, and if she gets kidnapped again from talon, than I wont ever forgive myself." Hana nodded and left the room.

~Time skip~

I'm in the gym with lena, my fists up staring straight at her. She smirks and her eyes travel upwards. I hear a gush of wind pass me as I turn around dodging the attack from genji. "Good job (Y/n)! Your doing much better." I groaned and stared around in the room. "Is it weird how I attack like a 15 year old even though I'm 5?" Lena hesitated to awnser and zoned out. "Yes it is quite weird but you need to learn defense at a young age to be able to protect yourself in the future." Genji replies. Lena nodded, "ready for round five?"

I nodded get into my standing position. "Go!" I swiftly dodge the punches lena threw at me and jumped up into the air grabbing the fan. I swung around in circles for a bit until I let go knocking genji to the ground. I stood up staring at lena. She threw a punch at me but I quickly dogded her and swiped her off her feet. "Amazing work (y/n)! Well its time for lunch. Let's get some sandwiches!" I got excited, "Yeah!! Genji come on!"

He didn't move, "Genji?" My eyes went wide. "Oh no...I KILLED HIM!" I paniced. "No, you just hurt him bad....extremely...bad." She helped genji up as he groaned.

I had a (F/S) (favorite sandwich) for lunch as I was waiting for Ana to get back from her mission. Once I finished, the dropship arrived. I chuckled and threw myself over the door of the base. I hung there waitng for ana to come in.

I waited a few minutes until she finally walked in. I jumped from my post and landed right onto her. People mistaken me and started shooting. I jumped and threw myself to the off fan. "(Y/n)? Did you do that?" Ana said as calm as she could. I chuckled and started swinging on the fan. "Yup! I'm getting better!" She laughed, "The reason i fell was because of all the junkfood your eatting with hana." I gasped and pretended to be heartbroken. "Oh well, I guess you'll just need to start lifting weights." She said jokingly, I threw myself off the fan landing right on her again, "GAH!" I giggled as I climbed off her.

"I'll make you run five laps around the base if you keep doing this." I gasped and ran. No way am I about to run thousands of feets around the base five times!

Next training session, with Jack. I was sort of worried knowing that jake didn't exactly like me. But that improved when he was training me. "Back straight, feet parted, stop staring out the window. You have to focused on your target." He was striked here and there but I shook it off.

Throwing my arms in the air and jumped into the air doing a backflip and shot towards the dummy. I landed on the body and stood up looking at jack. He had a shooked expression on his face, I only smiled.

I trained for about a month and I was amazing! After a while they finally stopped training me. I was excited when I would be able to get to fight bad guys. It scared me a bit but I soon forgot it. I walked into the room sighing heavily, "Hey sweetie! How was training with jack?" My eyes widen when it was only hana in the room.  "Breath taking. Intense. Annnnd boring."

I walked up to hana and wrapped my arms around her back as she continued playing her video games. "I bet, jack is pretty harsh." I chuckled and rested my head on her shoulder. Lucio walked into the room looking frustrated. "HANA, DID YOU REPLACE MY NEW MIX TAPE WITH YOUR DUMB VIDEO GAMES?!" I've never seen uncle lucio yell. It definitely scared me. Hana stood up in front of me to protect me from harm. "It was an accident lucio! You know that!" He walked closer to hana and stood taller than her. "Just because it was an accident doesn't mean it ruined everything hana!" He growled at her.

"I'm sorry lucio! Just don't yell (Y-." He slapped her across the face which made me jump. He looked strange, he looked....drunk. He smelled like it to. "Lucio! (Y/N) is right here!" He didn't care, he just got closer and closer to her. "Uncle lucio! Stop!" He raised his hand into the air and stared down at me.
(Hey yeah guys! Kiwi here and I'mma say that before you guys yell at me for saying that lucio doesn't drink.  Lets say that mccree was at a bar with lucio just to hang out, but when mccree got to drunk he forced lucio to drink. So when he was drunk he wanted to play one of his mix tapes. So when he tried it turned on Mario supercats which crashed the system. So he went home mad, heading straight for hana. So yeah, next thing is that if you guys wants. I'll make you either a wolf or a neko! A half though but can transform into three stages. Normal without ears and tail. Second with ears and tail. Third a full animal. I just thought this would be interesting in the story Cya guys!
-Kiwi has left the chat)

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