Back to school

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It's been five years now since I've been in overwatch. I just turned ten and my family decided to bring me back to school! I've been home school ever since talon was after me.

Everyone thought it would be a good idea for them all to drop me off! I was terrified at first but Genji and Hana decided it would be best to switch these roles out. So that day Lena and Hana took me, knowing they were technically my moms. Once we arrived Lena pulled me aside, "remember we won't hate you if you get in a fight. What matters is that you beat them and we will get you ice cream." Lena joked I took her seriously. "Welp first day of third grade. Good luck sweetie." I hesitated to open the gate, I turned around looking at them. "Can you guys come with me?"

"Why?" Hana asked tilting her head.

"I'm scared....I don't wanna be alone." They both nodded and took my hands. We entered the school and headed into the office to see what class I'm in. "Hi, I'm Hana song, guardian of (y/n). We're here to see her classroom number." The woman turns around and stutters and tumbles everywhere. "Ye-yes! Of c..couse h-hana song!" I thought she was drunk for a minute. The lady handed Lena a paper, "thank you, ma'am!" We left and headed to my classroom.

The halls were filled with parents and children. Some looked up and froze, it was amazing having a famous family for saving them in the omnic crisis. But it sucked sometimes because then I wouldn't really get close to my family without them being surrounded by people.

"Here we are, Room 34. Well, let's go on in." I gulped and entered the room,  the teacher looked up from her desk noticing me than Hana and Lena. "Ah! The overwatch heroes! It's nice to see you without any broken bones. She greeted us. "Hello, Ms.......Ms.Hummel." Lena said trying to pronounce her name. "Yep, that's me. Come on in, don't be shy." I yelped when my parents pushed me a bit. "I'm not shy, I'm scared because of other people." Ms. Hummel tilted her head and faced her class, all the kids had sparked in their eyes. "Oh...yeah I understand. How would you like to sit in the front so I can keep an eye on you, and make sure no one bothers you about you or your family. Ok?" I nodded and looked back up and Hana Lena.

I jumped high and hugged them. "Bye (y/n) have a good day on your first day of school," Lena said all chirpy. Hana did the same and they both left. I could hear people asking for autographs and all sorts of things. I sat down in front of the teacher's desk and felt uncomfortable. I could feel everyone glancing at me.

"Good morning students! My name is Ms. Hummel and we have a new student here at (s/n) (Schools name, because I be lazy aaas FuCk). Her name is (y/n) (l/n)!" That's the first I have ever heard my last name. "Now I don't want anyone bothering her because of her family. She's been homeschooled for five years because of so. Now! Let's introduce ourselves upfront shall we kids?"

~time skip~

The bell for lunch had rung and I didn't even want to leave, I felt safe in this classroom. Away from other kids who would definitely ask questions or pick up a fight with me. I sighed and picked up my backpack and headed towards the playground. We have fifteen minutes of playing before we went to have lunch.

Two girls ran up to me before I even left the classroom. "Are and Tracer your parents?! Wait wait wait...Do you live with the overwatch heroes?!?!" I felt my stomach turned as she got closer and closer to my face asking me questions. "I-I have to go!" I squealed out before I pushed her aside, running towards the playground.

The two girls just kept chasing me. When I got to the playground I saw a big tree. The girls got closer and the only place they wouldn't get me was inside of a tree. I jumped onto the hardwood and dug my claws into it. I pulled myself up into the tree, panting heavily as I laid on a branch. "How did you get up there?! Get down here!" I stuck my tongue out and laid there.

Over time the girls became bullies, even one the first day. I became friends with a squirrel while I was in the tree too. "Hey Clare, do you think I'm different?" I asked my furry friend, she shook her head and nuzzled her head against my side. It was weird about how I could communicate with her. "Hey! Can come down! Now!" It wasn't the two girls voices, it was a teacher. I jumped down and looked straight up into the teacher's eyes.

"Why where you in the tree?"

I pointed at the girls, "They wouldn't stop asking me questions of my family." The teacher seemed confused. "Because I live with overwatch." She jumps and looks at the girls. "You should know better that it takes courage for someone like her and her family to come here! No more question young ladies." They groaned and I chuckled.

Recess had ended and it was time for lunch. I was excited knowing Hana packed my lunch. Hana always gives me junk food.

I sat down in a corner away from everyone else. The teachers thought it would be better, I didn't complain. I quickly opened my lunchbox and saw a whole bunch of junk food. She packed Doritos, a roasted chicken leg, goldfish, and a huge sandwich.

I dug in straight away, everything was fine!

School ended about two hours later and I found Reinhardt and ana were picking me up. But of course, they were surrounded by fans. I thought this would be a cool way of showing my skills! I ran and jumped into the air doing a flip, landing right onto Reinhardt's shoulder.

"Hello (y/n)! Ready to go home?" I nodded and watched as every one single kid's mouths dropped open. I giggled as Reinhardt put me down. I held onto ana's hand as we walked towards the dropship.

'I guess everyone did come.' I jokingly said in my head. "Hold onto the rope." I did as I was told and I was swiftly pulled up into the dropship. "Why the dropship?" I asked out of curiosity. "Mission, was too late to head home and had no more options but to come here in the dropship," Lena said picking me up into her lap.

"How was your day habibti?" Ana asked sitting down next to her daughter, farreah. "Boring, frustrating, but good in some way. Oh! And I made a friend!"

"Oh? And who is this friend of yours? Is it a boy? It better not be a boy." Lena joked.

"No! Her name is Clare, I met her in a tree trying to run away from questions." Lena looked surprised. "What does she look like?" I was thinking of the right words. "Fluffy.....brown....aaand nice!" Everyone looked hecka confused. "What??" Hanzo finally broke the silence. "She's a squirrel!"

Cera walked by me and sat down next to Angela. "A squirrel hmm? Interesting, So you made no friends? Like actual people?" I shook my head, "I can't get close to one without being surrounded by questions." I said with a blank stare." I wiggled my feet in the air. "Oh, well then I guess you'll be able to make friend eventually."

I feel like my family is saying I'll never have friends because of the family I'm with. Oh well, they are my friends. I smiled leaning against my mother. "I love you guys! You're the best family anyone could EVER ask for!" Everyone 'awed' and laughed.

A lot has happened in my life already...I can't wait for the rest of my life to happen.

Why am I here? {Overwatch x Female Child!reader} (COMPLETED)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz