Chapter 35 - What The FUCK?!!!

Start from the beginning

Making a sharp U-turn, I pressed my foot flat on the gas and sped towards the City. I know this is something I would probably regret doing, but then again isn't that what the Romano's do? I mean, I'm not only sparing her and our unborn child the heartache I'm destined to implore on them, I'm also saving them from my fucked up lifestyle and my toxic self. And what better way to let her go by breaking her heart now and making her hate me with every fiber of her being, that way I'm sparing her a lifetimes Worth of pain, loss, fear, bullets, war, enemies, and let's not forget heartache. They get to live a normal life far away from me and my toxic blood and fucked up life.

Driving through the main Gates with ease, no need to show identification or anything, because let's face it... The Romano's practically owns this place because this is where we come to party and fuck without prying eyes, I've probably fucked in every room in this place, but not the suite I sleep in. Sometimes I come here just to get my mind clear, or forget about my troubles by drinking myself so fucked up that I don't even remember fucking the girls I wake up next to. Yeah that's how bad I use to be when shit goes down with business and only two things could make me forget who I am, and that's BOOZE AND PUSSY, lots and lots of pussy.

As soon as pull up to the entrance where the valet's already waiting, I took a few deep breaths, not believing what I'm about to do and stepped out of the car after throwing my wallet and both my phones in the glove compartment

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As soon as pull up to the entrance where the valet's already waiting, I took a few deep breaths, not believing what I'm about to do and stepped out of the car after throwing my wallet and both my phones in the glove compartment. Winking at the full blown grinning valet, I tossed him the keys and stepped through the doors. Immediately the receptionist picked up the phone as soon as she saw me entering and seconds later Jon, the manager of Villa Roma Resort came running. This guy would do anything to please any one of us, especially since his dying to be fucked by us. Yes Jayden and I use to tease him when we had a few too many but I will NEVER swing that way, EVER!

"Mr Romano! What a pleasure to see you again" Jon says a bit too enthusiastically and I only smirked at him and I swear he just drooled

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"Mr Romano! What a pleasure to see you again" Jon says a bit too enthusiastically and I only smirked at him and I swear he just drooled. "We haven't seen you in ages... Darling" He says dragging the last part dramatically and I almost rolled my eyes.

"Been busy is all, but I'm here now and I want to relax..." I said with a wink and he bit his bottom lip and I shivered with disgust.

"Of course honey, your suite will be ready in a few and I'll make sure three other rooms is available for your use" he says waggling is eyebrows at me suggestively and I shook my head.

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