The Rogue

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"I-I'm sorry?" Astoria said, now facing Nyx.

"Let me guess: you don't believe me?" Nyx replied nonchalantly.

Astoria laughed a bit. "Of course I don't! I've always been alone!"

"Well, sister, I know the year you were born - 55 BBY. And I know you're age - 14. And I know your full name - Astoria Plexir Cannossis," Nyx said, "I know much more in-depth things, as well, but you can ask me those things as you please."

"Your middle name is Plexir?" Ezra said.

"That is not the most pressing matter at the moment, Ezra!" Astoria said, "Look, Nyx, I think I would've remembered having a sister at any point. Where were you during my abuse if you're really my sister!"

Nyx sighed and looked down at her lap. When she finally looked up moments later, her eyes were full of tears. She stayed silent for a long time before beginning to explain.

"I should start at the beginning..." She finally began, "My name is Nyx Dartrix Cannossis; your sister, Astoria. I am a Rogue Jedi and have been since I was four years old. Astoria, when I was two years old, you were born after we moved to Endor from Alderaan. I thought we would all have a fantastic life together, live like a normal family... I think everyone here probably knows that was wrong..."

"What do you mean? How could you possibly think we would live a 'normal' life?" Astoria inquired.

"Mom and Dad weren't always the way they are now..." Nyx replied, "They always played the favorite card after you came along and I hated it... they treated me like a princess and treated you like trash... I wanted us to be equals, not one above the other... Then they started hurting you physically and I couldn't take it anymore... So I got our aunt to take me away when I was four, and you were two..."

"You mean Aunt Opal?" Astoria asked, "So instead of helping the situation, you ran?"

"No, no! Aunt Opal promised me that she would soon go back for you! I wouldn't even leave the house unless I made her promise that!"

"Then what happened?" Astoria further questioned.

Nyx took a deep breath in, then let out a sigh as she began to speak.

"Aunt Opal promised me that she would one day get you out of that damn family, away from that planet... One day, she finally decided enough is enough and she came up with a plan..." Nyx began, "She told me that on Christmas Eve she would bring you your pain medicine for your arm - which she told me about after it happened - and she would bring you some food and that choker and earrings you have on.. She clearly did that.... Then, on Christmas Day, she promised she would get you out... but she never came back... I was left on Lothal with Leerix, her boyfriend..."

"What happened to her..?" Astoria asked.

"Well.. mom and dad took her.. tortured her.."

"How do you know that?" Anakin asked.

"Because eventually, our mom and dad found Leerix and I and took me... I've been tortured along side our Aunt since I was fourteen...." Nyx said.

"Wait, so does that mean you know where she is?" Astoria asked excitedly.

Nyx's facial expression grew solumn as she nodded her head yes. After Astoria asked where, Nyx replied with, "She's... dead..."

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