The Story Of Entropy - Pt. 1

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[-Multiple POVs this chapter!! <3]-

POV Narrator

Anakin, Astoria, Ahsoka and Obi-Wan all walked together to their quarters. They were joking and laughing with each other for the first time in almost four months now.

Of course the topic of "couples" came up eventually though. Brought up by - you guessed it - Astoria.

"So, Ahsoka," Astoria began in a teasing tone, "You and Anakin.."

She almost immediately began blushing, along with Anakin. Upon seeing this, Astoria and Obi-Wan both laughed a little.

"Come on; its obvious!" Astoria insisted, "Just tell me if you two are, like, actually officially together. Pleeease!"

Anakin rolled his eyes and Ahsoka laughed nervously a little.

"Um.. I guess..? We haven't really 'talked' about it.." Ahsoka said in a mildly hushed tone. She blushed a little more after saying this. Anakin seemed to do the same, too.

Astoria looked at the two of them for a second then laughed.

"Oh my God, did you two, like...-"

"No..!" Anakin and Ahsoka both blurted at once, interrupting Astoria.

Obi-Wan and Astoria both laughed more.

"Hahaha!! Ok... whatever you say!" Astoria said, "If that's not the case, though, then why do you two seem so sensitive of this general topic?"

"Because we've kissed a few times... for a long time.." Ahsoka said very, very quietly. Almost inaudible, actually.

Obi-Wan didn't seem to quite hear her, but Astoria and Anakin did. Anakin blushed even more; as did Ahsoka.

"Hahaha! Nicely put, Ahsoka!" Astoria laughed.

"Why do you care so much about our 'social status' exactly?" Anakin asked.

"I dunno!" Astoria responded, "Honestly, I'm just tryna annoy you two."

"Of course you are," Anakin said, "Oh, look! It's our quarters, Ahsoka. Let's go before they embarrass us even more.."

Anakin and Ahsoka quickly walked to their quarters. As they were about to close the door Obi-Wan said:

"Have fun, you two!"

Astoria burst out laughing while Obi-Wan looked at the two with a smug grin on his face.

Anakin face palmed and Ahsoka blushed even more.

"Yeah, ok.. bye now..!" Anakin said in an obviously irritated tone as he shut the door.

POV Astoria

"Master Kenobi," I said as we walked down the hall, continuing to our two quarters, "Do you or Anakin or Ahsoka know about where I'm from?"

Master Kenobi looked at me a little puzzled.

"Not too much, no," He responded, "Why do you ask?"

"Oh.. well, did any of you three want to know at all?" I asked somewhat nervously.

"Only if you feel the need to tell us. I wouldn't want to force you to tell me anything."

"No, it's alright.. I'd rather get it off my chest; as I've told nobody so far."

"Ok, well, you can tell Ahsoka, Anakin, and I anything you feel that you need to," Master Kenobi told me in a reassuring tone of his voice.

I nodded.

"Would it be alright if I told you three sometime tomorrow?"

"Of course, Astoria, it'd be fine. Be sure to call those two to tell them."

I nodded again then turned to enter my quarters. 

"See you later, Astoria. Try to get some rest."

"Easier said than done, Master..." I whispered in a hushed tone under my breath as I entered my quarters.

I closed the door behind myself and sighed. I can't ever hardly sleep. Why would tonight be any different?

I sat down on my bed and closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened  my eyes, I saw blackness. Nothing but pitch black.

'They hate you...'  A voice said

'I-I'm sorry..?' I asked into the ebony.

'They HATE you!'  The voice yelled back.

'W-Who are you? Where are you?' I asked, my voice becoming timid and paranoid quite quickly.

The voice didn't answer. It began to chuckle. It started as a low, quiet chuckle; then it grew. It became a loud, booming laugh of hysterics. It became louder, and louder until I couldn't handle the sound. It was scraping and booming. It hurt my head and ears to listen to in any way. It sounded familiar... too familiar.

'Are... are you...' I wasn't able to finish my sentence. I was too scared and too worried for the answer.

The voice chuckled more.

'Smart girl..' The voice said in a scratchy voice. My blood ran cold as I heard the person's voice more clearly now.

'How are... how are you here..?!' I asked, panic rising in my voice.

I heard chuckling again and by the time it seemed it was going to end, I woke up in a cold sweat with tears running down my face. I looked around my room, half-expecting to see someone hiding in the shadows of one of the corners. Nothing.

I stood quickly and headed to my door. As I did so, I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror. My eyes were somber. Naturally, my eyes were a somewhat darker green already; but now they were much darker; resembling the color of a pine tree's pines in the blackest hour of the night. I stared at them for a moment in awe-struck fear and confusion. Master Kenobi had told me that the darker your eyes were, the closer you were to becoming a Sith; or at least turning to the Dark Side of the Force.

I feared I was turning back to the Dark; but I refused to let that happen again.

I exited my room hastily in search of either Anakin, Ahsoka or Master Kenobi. I didn't want to be left alone in a time like this - a time that may very well be turning me back to the Dark Side. 


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