Mission: Terrorism

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-[Hey, really quick before you start reading this chapter, I just wanted to say that you should look at the chapter cover because, 1: the drawing is by me, and 2: the drawing is Astoria Cannossis (my OC in this story)! Hope you all like it! That's all for now, so enjoy this chapter!! (P.S. I'm not great at drawing realistic people or things, so if you want to, you could leave a comment on this (or any) chapter telling me where to find fanart (as I've received word of people wanting to do this)! If I like it enough, maybe it could end up as a cover for a chapter - who knows (all credit would go to the artist)!! Lastly, I am changing her outfit, so hopefully in the next chapter or the one after that you will see her newest outfit! Ok, now bye and enjoy this chapter!)]-

Anakin and Ahsoka awoke the next morning and both had an odd feeling... like something was going to happen soon. They weren't really sure what - they weren't even sure if it was going to be negative or positive - they just knew it was going to happen... and soon. They both stood from their bed and got changed out of their pajamas and into their everyday uniforms quite hastily.

Once they were both dressed, a knock came at their door. Anakin went over to their door and slightly hesitantly opened it. He was quite relieved to see it was the three Padawans: Kanan, Ezra, and Astoria.

"Master Skywalker," Astoria began, "Good morning. We just wanted to ask if either of you were sensing something... odd... through the Force."

Anakin and Ahsoka both seemed a bit surprised by her question, but answered honestly.

"Yes. In fact, the feeling woke us both up," Anakin replied, "Did it do the same to you three?"

"Yeah, it did," Ezra told him.

"Well, maybe we should all be on alert until the feeling passes," Ahsoka said, coming to the doorway. They all agreed and exited the room in search of any of their other friends.

"Astoria, have you seen Obi-Wan around at all today?" Anakin asked as they continued to walk for the ongoing five minutes that they already had been.

"I looked for him, but to no avail," She responded, "I was really hoping you knew where he was..."

"Well, I'm sure there is no need to worry," Ahsoka told Astoria in a calm tone, despite her own worry, "Maybe we can ask Master Yoda if he went on a stealth or secret mission soon."

"Ok... I would prefer to do that, if it's alright," Astoria agreed. Ahsoka nodded.

"We'll do that once we've eaten a bit, ok?" Ahsoka told the worried Padawan.

"Ok," She responded.

They entered the dining hall and all of them except Astoria retrieved food. Anakin and Ahsoka didn't question it since they had now known Astoria for just about a year now and had seen her do this every morning that she was even in the dining hall (which she wasn't very often); Kanan and Ezra, on the other hand, were a bit concerned.

"Astoria, why haven't you gotten anything to eat?" Ezra asked her as they sat down.

"Oh, I don't ever have much of an appetite," She replied, "It's nothing to worry about, though."

"You should at least get something to drink," Ezra told her, "It's not healthy to eat or drink nothing everyday in the morning."

"I usually drink water before I even leave my quarters. I promise, it's fine. It's not that I don't take care of myself, it's just that I never grew up to rely on an appetite..."

Ezra seemed to only remember Astoria's history after she said this; along with Kanan. Ezra immediately felt guilt for even bringing up the topic.

"Oh... I'm sorry..." He said, picking at his food.

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