Few Day Castaways - Part 2

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"So you'll be back from Naboo in 10 days?" Obi-Wan asked as he helped Ahsoka and Anakin get ready to leave.

"Around 10 days, yeah," Anakin responded, "That gives us time to unpack once we get back because any vacation time that we were given is going to end in two weeks."

"Right, smart thinking," Obi-Wan said.

"That's a first.." Ahsoka said jokingly as she stepped onto the ship. Obi-Wan laughed at this comment.

"Hey! I'm smart!... most of the time.." Anakin said, a little embarrassed.

Ahsoka walked over to Anakin and put a hand on his cheek.

"Aw, don't be embarrassed," She said in a mocking tone, "It's only a joke!"

Anakin just rolled his eyes and smiled at her.

'At least she's a little better now..' Anakin thought to himself. He walked into the cockpit as Ahsoka spoke with Obi-Wan for a moment. He hadn't actually been in his ship for a while and was just savoring being in it before he had to be in it and pilot it for a few hours and got tired of being in there.

"So, Skyguy, ready to leave?" Ahsoka asked. Anakin jumped a little, not hearing her come into the cockpit.

"Yeah, are you?"


"Ok, then let's start heading to Naboo," Anakin said as he sat down in the pilot's seat. He couldn't help but smile a little.

He began to flip a few switches and press some buttons as Ahsoka sat down in the co-pilot's seat (naturally). She began to do the same as Anakin.

Soon, the ship was running and just the flip of a lever would raise their ship into the air, ready to be shot into hyperspace, directed for Naboo.

Anakin smiled at Ahsoka before pulling the lever. Once he did, the ship lifted off the ground. Anakin piloted the ship a bit away from the Jedi Temple, and then punched his ship into hyperspace, leaving Coruscant behind.
Anakin stood from the pilot seat and walked into the small room behind the cockpit of his ship. He looked around his ship, amazed at how clean it stayed in the maybe month and a half that he hadn't used it. Then, his gaze fell to Ahsoka, who was asleep on a chair Anakin had in the room. He smiled a bit and walked over to her. He sensed that she was still pretty upset and sorrowful of what happened with Astoria, but she was definitely better.

He leaned down slowly and gently layed a kiss on her forehead.

"Love you, Snips," He whispered as he turned and walked back into the cockpit.

He looked at the radar scanner built into his ship's dashboard to make sure no ship or debris would run into his ship. He thankfully saw nothing and sighed with relief. It was the first time in a while that something good wasn't going to be ruined by something tragic or awful.

'For now, at least..' Anakin thought to himself 'Don't get your hopes up yet..'

Anakin's gaze shifted to another monitor on his ship's dashboard. He looked at it and smiled a little.

'Just a few more minutes until Ahsoka and I can finally have a much-needed vacation..' Anakin thought as he sat back down in the pilot's seat, ready to halt the ship out of hyperspace.

As Naboo came into view, Anakin pushed a lever and clicked a few buttons to pull the ship out of hyperspace. The ship stopped its hyperspace movement and Anakin set its course at normal speed for the planet Naboo below, entering its atmosphere.

He stood again and went to wake Ahsoka. He leaned down in front of her and put a hand on her forearm.

"Ahsoka," Anakin somewhat whispered, "We're almost there. Come on, wake up."

She groaned a little as her eyes fluttered open.

"I don't wanna wake up.." Ahsoka responded in a stubborn but sweet tone, shutting her eyes again.

"Why is it always a battle to wake you up?" Anakin said, laughing a little.

"Because you never learn that I don't like waking up..!" Ahsoka said, yawning a bit.

Anakin laughed and gently picked her up the way a groom would pick up his new wife. She giggled a little and wrapped her arms around his neck lightly.

"Ok, ok, I'm awake now," She said, giggling yet again.

"Ok, good," Anakin said, smiling at Ahsoka. After a quick moment, they kissed, Anakin still holding Ahsoka in his arms.

After a minute, Anakin and Ahsoka slowly broke their kiss. Anakin set Ahsoka down on her feet, both of them smiling. Anakin turned and went back into the cockpit where he sat down once again and began to pilot their descent to a hidden house in the forest of Naboo.

Anakin knew of a few others who knew the location of this hidden house — Obi-Wan, Shaak Ti, and Kit Fisto — all people that were well-trusted to Ahsoka and Anakin. Usually Obi-Wan, Shaak Ti, and Kit Fisto would come to this house on their vacation or break time.

Anakin safely landed the ship in a clearing nearby to the house. He stood from his seat and went back into the room where Ahsoka was stretching a bit from her sleep.

He smiled at her as she did the same.

"We're finally going to get a little break from war and violence," Ahsoka said excitedly.

"Yup," Anakin said with a smile, "We'll get to relax and rest for a few days."

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