The Story Of Entropy - Pt. 2

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-[Multiple POVs again!]-

POV Astoria
I walked hastily down the hall, constantly glancing over my shoulder out of paranoia. I couldn't go back to the Dark Side.. it wasn't fun. I had constantly felt depressed, sad, lonely, angry, hateful, spiteful, and vengeful. I didn't...- I couldn't - go through that again. It was practically self-induced torture!

I decided it would be best to get Anakin and Ahsoka first, as their quarters were closest to mine; which I found odd considering Obi-Wan was my Master, but whatever.

I finally reached their door and knocked. It was the middle of the night, so I expected them to take a few minutes to get up and answer their door. When they did, Anakin greeted me.

"Astoria..?" Anakin said groggily, "It's the middle of the night; what's wrong?"

I stared at him through fearful eyes for a moment before saying, "I... I have to talk to you and Ahsoka.. and it can't wait.."

Anakin looked at me sympathetically, then nodded.

"Ok.." He said, "Give us a second to change.."

I nodded and he close the door. I moved the wall next to their door and leaned against it, waiting impatiently.

POV Ahsoka
"Ahsoka.." I heard someone say, "Ahsoka, wake up.."

I groaned drowsily and ignored the voice for a minute.

"Ahsoka, Astoria has something to tell us that apparently couldn't wait till morning..!" I heard Anakin say. I slowly opened my eyes and looked up at him.

"What..?" I asked groggily, "What is it?"

"I don't know, but we need to talk to her. I sensed fear radiating from her steadily when I was closer to her, so this is obviously something serious," Anakin replied.

We got changed rather quickly then opened our door and let Astoria in.

"So, what exactly is wrong?" I asked her, noticing her eyes were very dark in coloration.

"I... I had a nightmare... one that I believe is similar to one you had a while ago, Ahsoka.." Astoria said, her voice a low, scared tone.

It took me a moment to realize what she was talking about; but once I did, I immediately felt sorry for her.

"What nightmare?" Anakin asked.

"You remember that mission you, Obi-Wan and I had to go on a while ago that resulted in us crashing on Tatooine?" I said to Anakin.

He nodded.

"Remember when I had that nightmare where.. that voice was telling me awful things..?"

He froze for a moment as he remembered, then nodded again.

"Yeah.. Astoria, is that what your nightmare was..?" Anakin said.

She nodded, tears coming to her eyes.

"It said that you two and Master Kenobi.. hate me... then it laughed psychotically..." Astoria said, a tear falling down her face.

I went over to her and hugged her.

"That isn't true.." I reassured her, "We don't, and never will, hate you.."

She nodded and let herself cry in my arms. She was terrified and upset, it was easy to tell. She needed to be able to let herself cry and vent, or she would turn to the Dark Side again...

Anakin then hugged her as well. The two of us stood there comforting Astoria as long as she needed. She was like Anakin and I's little sister; we had to take care of her if she was upset, and we hated when she was upset. Especially now. Her eyes were so dark and she was shaking so much... it was awful. Ani and I hated seeing her so upset.

After a few more minutes Astoria lightly pulled out of the hug, wiping away her tears.

"I-I'm sorry.." She said.

"For what?" I asked her.

"For waking you two up in the middle of the night for some dumb dream.."

"Astoria, it may not be as dumb as it sounds... just.. don't listen to that voice in the nightmare ok? It's completely wrong," I said.

She nodded then turned and left.

-[Note: The next chapter will be a bit longer AND will take place a bit farther in the future. Maybe a year or two; I'll tell you all what I decide in the next chapter. Also, characters from "Star Wars: Rebels" will be in the next chapter as well to make the story more interesting. That's all; bye for now!]-

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