"Again, thank you son. You've done her a favor again", her Father squeezed the devil's shoulder and smiled, "I have to go up now and take a rest, DiDi. You also rest a bit before you leave. Yue, make sure he is comfortable ok? He just arrived around ten minutes ago. It's going to be a long drive for him so don't make him immediately go."

"Sure Pa", she responded, grinding out her answer thru gnashed teeth.

As soon as her father was out of earshot, she turned towards her supposed "guest".


"I wanted to be the one to take it back to you", DiDi answered, "I wanted to see you again."

She snatched her purse away from him and looked at him sternly. Yue gave him one of her infamous "death eye" stares but he didn't so much as flinch.

He just brushed it off and cheekily pointed towards his lips. "A thank you would be nice."

"HAVE YOU NO SHAME AT ALL MR. WANG HE DI?!?!" she admonished. How could he just walk in to their house and rub in what happened to them the night before?!?

DiDI laughed. "None. I mean, you had no shame when you removed my clothes so why should I have any?"


"Ms. Shen", he started, "you are old enough to marry. I doubt it would cause too much of a commotion that we had sex. And don't look scandalized. We both wanted what happened last night. You even initiated it."

She closed her eyes, willing the mental images his statement gave her out of her mind, and could not believe how casually he mentioned it.

"Are you really not gonna stop about that!!!" she threatened.

"Unless you go out with me again, then no."

"WHAT?!?!?!" Has he become insane?!?!

Weren't they sworn enemies just a day ago?

And didn't he insult her and tell her all she was after was money?!?!?!


"I said, go out with me."

"Do you have a screw lose?!?!", Yue exploded, "It hasn't even been a week since you mentioned we part as enemies and now you're asking me to go out?!?!"

"I didn't know how good you were in bed then", the devil answered calmly.

"Are you even hearing yourself?!?!", she told him, "How could you think I would agree to go out with you?!?! What happened was a mistake! And you going here to ask me out on a date just because I was good in bed is more of a mistake! Do you NOT know how insulting this is?!?!"

The man looked like he could care less throughout this tirade and walked towards her – stopping just about three feet away.

"I know that this is insulting because my goal, really, is to insult you", he answered, "You're just really unlucky you gave me ammunition to do what I want to do."

He was a bastard through and through, Yue thought.

"You said yourself that people won't care that we had sex. I'm old enough. So you won't be able to use that against me!"

She found herself disappointed that her words seemed to have no weight to him at all.

"That isn't the ammunition I am talking about", DiDi told her.

Her left brow almost hit the roof with how high she raised it. "Then what???"

"You got a video call from your friend, Dong Xin. I answered it. She was surprised so I told her and explained why I have your phone. She introduced herself as your best friend and then eventually, she invited "US" to a dinner party to celebrate her engagement on Saturday" yue felt the color drain from her face as DiDi continued "She was with her fiancé – Gao Zhi Ting? And there was another woman in the call... a Li Jia Qi, I think? She casually mentioned that it's a good thing you are dating me because she thought you still are not over Zhi Ting. I knew she was joking but I put two and two together and realized something you told me last night."

"You know nothing about what you are talking about", she responded angrily. Was it possible? Did she indeed mention Zhi Ting to him last night?!?!

"Really? Isn't Gao Zhi Ting, you Mr. Perfect? Isn't he the guy who is the very definition of perfection but isn't in love with you?"

She felt the ground being pulled under her.

"You know nothing!", she repeated to him, her eyes burning with fury.

"Oh! But I do know", DiDi told her coldly "And if I were you, you will cooperate with me because I might just decide to let slip to your best friend that you are still in love with the guy she is going to marry."

If she could punch him, Yue believes she could turn his whole face black with bruises.

"Why are you doing this?!", she demanded.

"To make your life a living hell Ms. Shen. Do you really have to ask?"

If her imagination could actually kill a person, Wang He Di was already dead and sealed inside a barrel drum to be sunk down the sea where his friends and family will never see or hear from him again.

He moved to stand by her side, facing the way to their door. "I will only stop if you say you won't write Zi Wei's story."

Of course.

What did she even expect?

This man will do anything to stop her and his sister.

"However, if you will insist on writing Zi Wei's story then take note that we have a date on Wednesday. I'll text you the details. And then, we'll attend your best friend's engagement party on Saturday. I already told her we would."

He then walked away from her, leaving Shen Yue cursing the heavens and her goddamned self.


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