first encounter:who is she ?

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I scrunched up the paper into my fist and launched it at the thrash can in the corner, of my room I couldn't focus lately since I broke up with amy all I could think of is how she'd used me and cheated on me and with several different guys which broke my heart when I found out . she was my first serious relationship and she broke my heart in the worst way possible , but I couldn't risk my reputation or the shame and embarrassment of her cheating ,so I told everyone that I dumped her and I swore her to secrecy,to make matters worse she bombarded my phone daily begging me to take her back.I felt bad but it was kinda desperate , she just wouldn't seem to get the message ,we only dated for 6 months and I never really loved her at least not in the way I thought that she loved me she was just the only girl in my school who'd ever shown a real interest in me.Before it was all just hookups ,and I was sick of that I wanted to date someone to have a proper girlfriend so I chose her , which I'm now beginning to regret we never clicked the way she had wanted it was more lust than love.I wanted someone to love ,someone to hold my heart but all it ever was between us was lust and intimacy,but it got complicated with her cheating,and now I hate her.I dumped her on our 6 month anniversary once I found the messages on her phone to all of these guys when she left it on my bed unlocked .which looked cold dumping her on our anniversary but no one knew what she had put me through except my best friend Kayleigh who hates her guts too now.I rolled the sleeve of my red and black flannel up and traced one of my many scars that decorated my wrists and arms it's in the past I reminded myself things are okay now. my mom shouted my name from downstairs "Jamie you've got school now or your going to be late " I rolled my eyes at the statement .I didn't give a crap about school especially lately since avoiding my ex had become a full time job.she has been waiting for me in the car park everyday.I know that's shes sorry and that regrets cheating on me and just wants my forgiveness but I could never trust her again.she said that she can't let me go because she's addicted to the way I made her feel ... you know in bed  (her words not mine),the simple truth was that all we ever had was a superficial connection that mainly consisted of ripping each others clothes off , well her ripping hers off and her begging to rip mine off .Her waiting for me everyday was started to get embarrassing and awkward making my friends make fun of me, not to mention it was ruining my chances with other girls. All I wanted was to have Vanessa my very convienient friends with benefits chic to mess around with from time to time , what don't judge me I'm a horny teenager after all .I grabbed my school bag and shouted a goodbye to my mom and got into my vintage baby blue Chevy truck and drove the short distance to my school wood broke heights the biggest and most irritating school around well at least to me it was.I hopped out of my truck and banged the old rusty door shut "Hey dyke " shouted my best friend Kayleigh "shut up your the biggest dyke I know besides me " I said pushing her out of the way she laughed and ruffled my hair even though she always messes it up ."ugh dude I just fixed it with hair stuff this morning you always mess it up "I said "yeah whatever she replied rolling her eyes "so where's your crazy ex this morning?"she asked making faces at me "shut up were over and I don't care where she is as long as she's no where near me "I growled."Dude you must be dynamite in the sack if she's still so obsessed with you"she blurted out as we made our way to first period history the one class I  could barely  tolerate .I just turned to her with my are you insane look theirs no way I'd ever take her back , "you have no idea" I said laughing as we punched each other on the arm , "she's a stage 5 clinger dude "Kayleigh said laughing so much that her face is all red and it's making me laugh too .Kayleigh is my very best friend since kindergarten and also lives nearby so we always hung out ,she's also the only other openly gay girl in our school and we had been friends our whole lives.we tried to date once we were like 13 and we were both desperate for a girlfriend and to experiment .So we tried it but it was super weird when we kissed it was like kissing your own sister so obviously we decided to stay just friends , so that was that It still makes us both cringe when we talk about it ,we strolled into class in our usual style the last two in the class and took our usual seats at the back of class,All of our teachers hate us messing around and laughing like two hyenas in they're classes ,but mr carter is so dull he'd bore anyone to tears , so it's really his fault when you think about it.Just as he was about to start the history lesson their was a soft knock at the door and a girl came in I wasent really paying attention just scrolling through my tiktok feed when Kayleigh almost choked out the words "holy lord ",prompting me to look up and when I did I was graced with the sight of the most breathtakingly beautiful girl I had ever set eyes walked into class, my heart stuck in my throat and my eyes couldn't help but be fixed on her face. she had the most beautiful eyes I'd ever seen they were so unusual violet in colour with the thick dark lashes , and below waist length hair as black as the night sky ,I imagined how it would feel running through my fingers , she was small and petite but curvy too I felt my heart beating faster as I took in her stunning figure. she was almost stumbling in embarrassment as Mr Cameron introduced her as rain the new girl, what a beautiful and unusual name I thought to myself I continued to stare at her.I couldn't help myself and I wasn't alone half of the guys in were practically drooling were they sat , bunch of fools if you ask me they banged any hot girl they could and threw them away like thrash typical high school jocks.This girl was different ,she was tiny like a pixie almost her features stood out against the normally tanned kids ,blondes and red headed girls in our class.She was different almost exotic looking ,she was dainty and her face was a heart shape she had some cute lil freckles but again it was her eyes that stood out the most they were a beautiful shade of violet surrounded by thick black lashes and the fullest most kissable lips I had ever seen ,"Dude shut your mouth your almost drooling"Kayleigh snapped laughing at me . "shut up dick head so are you ", I managed to say as rain stood awkwardly at the top of the class trying to introduce herself she stood tall and with the clearest sweetest voice said "my name is rain and I'm 16 I came from Ireland with my parents we just moved here recently " as if she couldn't be more irresistible than she already was she was Irish too wow her little accent was adorable I could feel myself melting fast ugh I'm Jamie the player I do not melt I thought to myself in frustration.tried to focus on class but as she was seated directly beside me I froze up , "ok class we have an upcoming history project on world war 1  so pair up now "he gave me and Kay a pointed look and said " not with each other you know the drill" we both rolled our eyes and stifled a laugh .He zeroed in on me you "Jamie will be responsible for escorting miss Doherty around and you'll do this project together for the coming weeks " he turned his attention to the rest of the class quickly pairing everyone up including Kayleigh I'm still in shock how the hell am I supposed to talk to this stunning girl  I thought to myself .Kayleigh moves to the front with her project partner."hey nice to meet you I'm rain "I hear in a mesmerising voice beside me I cough and stutter out" hi I'm Jamie good to meet you " I couldn't believe it as I'm usually so confident with girls I Jamie Cullen do not stutter goddammit ! She smiled and looked away" I'm glad you'll be showing me around because I haven't a clue we're to go the schools in Ireland aren't half as big as the ones in America it seems" she says quickly still looking down "umm ..yeah sure I'm sure "I mumble promoting her to chuckle at me god I was acting like such a dweeb "are you okay Jamie?"she asked a hint of humour in her tone , but for some reason hearing my name come out of her mouth stunned me more it sounded almost flirtatious,I shoved that thought to the side as we packed up when the bell rang .I escorted her to her next class which happened to be English.Somehow we seemed to be getting jealous looks from some of the female population making rain raise a perfect eyebrow but she didn't ask me about it and for that I was glad as I didn't know if she'd like my answer.weird Cus I never usually cared what girls thought of me or my player status but this felt different, "well thank you Jamie you've been quite the gentle woman" she gushed smiling I laughed blushing slightly at her words  "your welcome rain il meet you after class and We'll go to gym together if ..if that's ooo Kay" I stuttered out how  embarrassing this day was turning out to be .........she just smiled and thanked me walking away .

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