Don't shut me out Rain

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I hesitated the next day before knocking on rains front door I had come to continue working on our history project .once the door opened a tall woman with pale skin just like rains and medium length thick black hair opens the door ,they look alike except her eyes were a bright blue colour and she was much taller than rain , "oh hi "I awkwardly said standing there "hello "she said smiling I loved their Irish accent, "I'm here to see rain" I said she looked slightly confused "we're doing a school project together" I said ."oh sorry how rude of me please come in "she gushed before calling up the stairs for rain to come down she appeared at the top of the stairs like an angel I smiled and made my way up but I noticed her room was messy and their were dark bags under her eyes ,her skin looked almost grey . I was stunned I pulled her into the room onto the bed worriedly "we're have you been today you didn't come to school ,"I've been so worried "I said she looked down "just home didn't feel like going in and facing school today" she sad Sadly looking down ."Hey" I said softly cupping her face in my hands without thinking "I'm here for you always you know that you can talk to me about anything I'm always only a phone call away ", I assured her gently .she smiled and it even reached her eyes this time "thank you that means a lot "she said quietly hugging me ,I tensed up slightly ,she felt so small and dainty in my arms and it made me want to protect her and hold her forever , but I knew she'd never see me that way , she didn't let go and I lay back on her bed with her laying on my chest her arm across my stomach I was so happy I didn't want to move and either did she because she was soon asleep on me it made me smile to know I also brought her peace which judging by the dark circles under her eyes she badly needed .I found myself dozing off too in her warm embrace I woke up to her staring at me softly maybe I'm dreaming I thought but there she was just laying there looking deeply into my eyes" how are you feeling now "I managed to squeak out "better now that your here "she said yawning and stretching out I felt my heart beat faster just then I tried to play it off .checking the time I promised to pick her up and drive her to school tomorrow and I promised her that id be with her all day .which seemed to ease her nerves I felt so sad as I drove home as If her sadness was ripping me apart .I think I'm going crazy I thought arriving home to my dismay none other than ex stalker girlfriend awaited me I rolled my eyes it was past 10 pm I just wanted my bed and to dream of my perfect rain but no the universe I guess had other plans .I listened to her rambling for 20 minutes about how we should get back together and how much she missed me and how she was sorry for cheating on me I heard it all before and it was getting old .we both stood outside on my porch before I lost my temper and snapped at her.I mean she broke my heart after all ,this was insane she has to know I'm moving on I tried to tell her gently but she blew up " I know it's that Irish slut your interested in I bet she's given it up already I can't wait to tell everyone how slutty she really is "she didn't even finish her sentence before I threw her out of the house growling "don't ever call her a slut again she's not like you " my voice filled with venom as I slammed the door in her face .As soon as those words left her lips I wanted to hit her I wouldn't of course but I was already overprotective of rain and how dare she disrespect her that ,god I hate that girl well not really i hate myself for trusting her in the first place and turning her kinda obsessed and crazy. I sighed and punched the wall hard which I knew I'd probably regret tomorrow my knuckles bruised already .  I slept as soon as I lay down in my bed I was emotionally and physically drained from that encounter .The next morning soon arrived and I smiled brightly as I picked up rain for school she smiled back at me softly and it seemed genuine I put my hand on hers without thinking and felt that same spark as if i was meant to touch her always ..I brushed that thought away as she smiled and intertwined our hands I was shocked until she said "your such a great friend" mood was ruined all I was to her was her friend great, story of my freaking life falling for a straight girl, .I was in a bad mood for the rest of the week and the weekend and we barely texted my fault of course .things were made worse by the sight of Bryce another jock wannabe guy leaned against her car chatting to her but she looked tense and almost scared I walked up and said "hey rain you ready to go protectively putting my hand lightly on the small of her back? She smiled softly at me thanking me with her eyes ,and my heart sped up till he said "watch out for that dyke rain she only wants to use and abuse you just ask her ex " my eyes narrowed as I approached him planning on killing him but the firm grip of rains hand In mine distracted me as she looked at me with soft but pleading eyes I sighed and walked away after shouting "screw you dickweed "at him to rains amusement and dismay.I walked her to lit class acutely aware that her hand was still in mine "hey you might not wanna hold my hand "I said Instantly regretting it as her face looked hurt "ok then "she said looking sad pulling her hand out of mine ,"hey no "I said cupping her pretty face in my hands leaning down to her "I just don't want to mess up your chances at getting a boyfriend or making more friends here holding the unpopular dykes hand won't help you "with that I said quietly feeling how empty and sad the words made me feel once I uttered them ,.she just laughs hysterically to the point we're I walk away pissed at her , I mean she's obviously mocking me , just great I walk out of school kicking rocks In my path I hear her behind me running to catch up to me , I walked till we were on the outskirts of the thick woods that lay behind our school . ,"hey come on "she said overtaking me suddenly grabbing my hand in her small one and began pulling me after her she was surprisingly strong for such a small girl ., I was shocked but not complaining although I was still pissed that she laughed at me .she waited till we were completely covered by the tall green trees and out of sight or earshot of any of our classmates who were all in class anyway I hate that I'm encouraging her to ditch class I've never cared for myself but for her I'd do anything.she started laughing manically again and I was beginning to get worried "I'm gonna have to tell you something but please don't tell anybody yet "I'm not ready for anyone but you to know what I'm about to tell you okay " she rushed out and I could see the panic in her face I smiled softly "I promise you can tell me anything ray and it will stay between us I promise "I said she smiled at the nickname I just gave her , and I couldn't help but be filled with hope which I knew was dumb ."I'm not straight not even remotely in the realm of straight she said laughing but I just froze like a statue, "wh a what "I stuttered out shocked she smiled grabbing my hands in hers everything tingled when she touched me as usual" what I'm trying to tell you is that I'm a lesbian " she said I froze again ,this had to be a dream because theirs no way she's gay ,I couldn't help but feel the glimmer of hope for us possibly being more than  just friends me .I guess I looked pretty dumb because she cut her eyes laughing at me , "your serious "I questioned "yes I'm completely 100% serious Jamie "she spoke softly now still holding my hands in hers ."does this change how you feel about me "she said looking sad and it honestly broke my heart to see her sad "no why would you think that ray" I said warning a smile at my new nickname for her "why would it I'm gay too silly "I said laughing she smiled "oops I forgot " glad it won't be all drama and trouble like it was back home in Ireland "she says looking heartbroken.I couldn't stand it .I wanted to always see her smile and happy as cheesy as that sounds no other girl had ever had this affect on me ."so you still like me she said uncertainty I rolled my eyes "of course silly although it does make me wonder do you have a girlfriend ?" Preparing for her response hooping the answer would be no .I said she smiled "how would I silly "she said" I only just moved here "but back home I did have one ex girlfriend the relationship was only 4 months old ." ooo I said "waggling my eyebrows suggestively at her which caused her to roll her eyes and drag me back towards the school all traces of the tension gone except I couldn't help but feel a strange sense of hope , she's gay does that mean I have a chance with her I wonder , no probably not she only sees me as a friend she practically said it before ,I now felt more confused than before and it all pissed me off ,

Tonight was Rachel jones party and we'd both been invited to come she was rich well her parents were and they allowed her to throw these big blowout parties at the lake nearby .As they travelled which was a-lot apparently, all I could feel was nervousness as I drove to pick up my non date rain , I can only dream she'd ever went to date me I don't think so ....
Ever since I came out to Jamie she been acting all jumpy and skittish around me and I don't know why im hoping she likes me but it's clear I'm just a friend to her and it's painful .As I lust after her she's amazing such a kind caring sweet person , she's not this bad girl but with her reputation everyone thinks she is , I get it and that's why no one dares to mess with her or get on her bad side because she's this badass girl , being openly gay in high school was very brave I looked up to her in that way I could never be so brave .But her beautiful face her high cheekbones her short black hair and piercing green eyes and she's so tall and dreamy ...her body too god I need to stop eye fucking my best friend or il have no best friend left , I've made up my mind Il just have to try to meet another girl , someone who actually wants me back .I sigh as we pull up to the party and she takes my hand pulling me through the thick crowd of drunk teenagers I roll my eyes at the boys ogling me and the bitchy girls staring at her some eyeing her seductively ,I suddenly want to fight them all as irrational as that is I'm jealous I caint help it , but since I have no claim on her I have no right to feel this way ,she's not mine unfortunately she smiles at me and goes to get us two drinks telling me to stay here and that she'd be right back I smiled I loved how protective she was of me already it was so hot .asI sink into the sad old couch her messy ex who seems completely drunk already sits beside me "so your the slut she's been banging " she slurs out "what the hell are on about" I say shocked , "don't fake it you and her are a thing "she spits out crying now her mascara running down her face in black lines ruining the rest of her heavy makeup I can't help but feel a lil sorry for her she looks genuinely heartbroken she begins to tell me how Jamie broke her heart and it sickens me ,I don't want to believe her but she looks so upset and heartbroken .I get up pissed off st Jamie's lies and walk away as she warns me il be next on Jamie's hit list .I can't believe this her I thought she was different she seemed really special and not like that I guess I was wrong ... I don't know what to think "hey rain what's wrong "I hear and see Jamie's running towards me she looks upset "what did she say to you ray ?" she demands getting closer to me ,"enough she said enough I spit out " my tone takes her back and she looks shocked and hurt "she said you broke her heart I say lowly ," I would never treat you that way " she blurts out then holds her mouth my heart races and I can't help the butterflies in my tummy , but I soon came to my senses "you should never treat anyone that way Jamie ,Christ you should know that she's still in love with you " I shout at her walking further out out onto the dock on the black waters edge of the vast lake the moon shining down on it. I don't know what to think " I never loved her rain she pressured me into staying with her and I felt trapped " she choked out my friends and hers thought we had the perfect relationship but it was all a lie and she cheated on me a lot with different guys each time I found out when she left her phone open and I seen all their messages and nudes "she choked out crying now ,"oh my god Jamie I'm so sorry" , I said feeling like an idiot for believing her crazy ex ,I rushed forward to hug her "I would never hurt you the way she hurt me you have to believe me ray "she whispered hugging me right to her chest , and for now that was good enough for me , I went home with her and curled up in her arms that night and I'd never felt safer or more complete in all the life , she was my safe space and I didn't want to ever let her go which scared me . She didn't seem to mind me cuddling up to her all night her breathing deep and she slept peacefully wrapping her arms around me gently , I woke up in her warm embrace blushing from her words last night , I stroked her face but jumped when her beautiful green eyes opened her eyes told me everything including how much she wanted me my breath hitched I didn't know what to do but all I knew is I didn't want to be hurt again I don't know if your heart could take another heart break and I already cared too much for Jamie sit terrified me.
So I got up quickly and went for a shower leaving her looking lost I'm such a coward ugh why am I like this because you don't want your heart ripped out and stamped on again duh my mind reminded me when I got dressed and went out she was looking down deep in thought she looked so sad it stopped me in my tracks , I'd done this it was my fault maybe she was better before she ever met me I'm just causing a mess in her life .

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