Family Time :On the coast with Jamie (smut warning)

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It was our first day back at school today since Rain was kicked out of her house.So as we pulled up to school we were both very nervous about it.I felt even more vulnerable since I'd spoken about the assault to Rain.And she could tell she squeezed my hand as we made our way to our English class.We were late and everyone turned to stare at us we both blushed.I hated being the centre of attention and I know rain did too.We just put our heads down at the back of the class trying to keep to ourselves."I'm here,your okay baby il keep you safe always I promise" rain said smiling gently at me.God she was being so sweet to me like always." "Thank you baby I really appreciate you ,your perfect you know that. " I said as she smiled her eyes soft and gentle god she was great.I know that she didn't sign up for this drama and my emotional turmoil.But she didn't mind and she seemed to be taking it in her stride she truly was an amazing person .Il never know what I did to deserve her honestly I was so lucky to be able to call her mine.The day was going okay until I seen something that made my blood run cold who was standing in the hall talking to my parents who were also here none other than rains parents.Just then we were called into the office the two of us I wheeled her in mentally preparing for whatever shit storm awaited us."Baby I'm scared what's going on ?"rain asked me as I rubbed her shoulder reassuringly.We entered the office and to our dismay while they all sat there with stern looks on their faces."Girls welcome in ,your not in any trouble before you ask"the principal said smiling but we both gulped.I sat down beside rain holding her hand in mine as I felt the anxiety overtaking us both."If this is about our relationship we're not interested as it's none of anyone's business but ours " I growled out as rain rubbed my hand looking at me with fear in her big violet eyes ."Baby it's okay just breathe " she murmured to me as I took some deep breaths."Get your hands off of my daughter you dirty fucking dyke " her mom spat out everyone gasped even the principal did."You know what we're leaving we don't have to listen to your homophobic shit anymore " I growled out getting up to leave with rain."Don't you dare speak for my daughter you whore " she shouted at me.As Rain shouted in the loudest angriest voice I'd ever heard "Don't you fucking dare ever call her that and she's not speaking for me I want the same things as she does always were a team and I love her " as her mother gasped and shook her head at us both."You've turned my daughter gay and you know what you've confused her and you've also ruined her life,we don't want you near her and we don't want her with somebody like you " she screeched out. While we all froze "you know what lady your not a nice person and your also a homophobic bitch and our daughter is a good person and your daughter loves her and we like her too and their happy together and that isn't going to change so you need to accept it " my mom shouted at her as my dad agreed with her.It was really touching that she felt this way about us and was defending our relationship I smiled appreciatively at her.But I stopped once I heard rain sobbing she look broken hearted and honestly and it broke my heart. I knelt down in front of her taking her hands in mine.She smiles at me as I look into her eyes "we don't need to hear this shit princess I don't want you upset let's go ,do you want to go ?" I asked my eyes full of concern for her.She just stroked my face as her mother scoffed and muttered homophobic slurs under her breath ,I just ignored her she was irrelevant to me.She was the entire reason my girl was this upset .I was so mad at her shitty mother it was unreal and if she wasn't here holding her little hands in mine I'd probably punch her mom in the face ."Aw you two are adorable honestly but I hope you all know that we won't tolerate any more homophobic slurs in my office okay or in this school"The principal said her voice stern as she glared at rains parents a pissy look on her face .Her father was just sitting there in the corner like a pussy. I moved up to sit beside Rain holding her hand in mine after wiping away her tears. The principle handed her a box of Kleenex to wipe away her tears."Look we didn't call you all here for this okay girls we Called you here to talk about Riley" she said "Oh okay" I said confused but equally pissed off about how Riley was still dictating anything in our lives."well We've heard from the vice principal that you were physically assaulted and verbally abused you their was even threats about rape is this true?" She asked rain who was looking down "yes he did but I'm not going to court or anything I'm not going to pursue any legal action against him that's not what I want okay,Jamie protected me from him and he's gone now anyway" she said as I stroked her hand and she smiled at me."Okay that's fine but only If your absolutely sure about is your decision at the end of the day ,however your parents wish to pursue legal action against Riley " she said ,as rain scoffed at that and I rolled my eyes they can't be serious ."Okay look you can't speak for us we don't want to pursue any legal action " I said as rain smiled."There is no we it's rains problem not yours " her mother scoffed at us."We're together and we don't want to pursue anything against Riley and if he ever comes back here Jamie will protect me as she always does" rain said smiling at me as I smiled back at her both of us ignoring everyone else in the room."Well look that's fine and I also want you both to know that he's never coming back either ,your parents called me about this and set up a meeting plus he's going to jail then probably prison due to the pre-existing charges against him."We just needed to know if your were interested in pursuing any legal action against him but since you don't want to you can both leave and go to lunch it's a bit past lunch time anyway now so you two better hurry up ".she said smiling at us both."Great finally something that we can all agree on " I said standing up ready to wheel rain out before I could rain turned to speak to her parents .

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