What are we ?

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Since rain slept over in my arms in my bed and then rushed off to the shower the next day it's been weird between us , we were still close but it felt like we were doing a dance between friends and maybe more .Now It's a week later and we're walking to lunch I finally gave in to rains requests to meet and have lunch with her friends and she was currently pulling me by the hand towards to the table her friends sat at for lunch much to my dismay and many protests I already knew how much they hated me .I was ,holding her hand which had already turned many heads and usually I'd be pissed off that it was messing me up with other people but since she's arrived I've thought of no one else but her . My ex Amy hates her that's clear to see whenever she sees us together she glares at rain which really pisses me off she had me and threw me away for a few one night stands so I don't know why she suddenly cares .I shuffle my feet as we reach the table she notices and turns around and holds my green eyes in her violet ones I'm nervous she can tell I know what her friends think of me I'm a coward a heartbreaker etc , I look down "hey" she said calming me down by looking into my eyes and tilting my chin up to meet her eyes she smiled the most beautiful smile I've ever seen my stomach filled with butterflies as I keep my eyes trained on her "it's ok if it gets awkward we can leave Jamie "she said softly her eyes pleading with mine , making me melt as only she can "okay but I'm warning you now you might not like what you hear about me " I said regretfully I'd hate for her opinion on me to change she seemed to know what I meant and said "hey your my Jamie and I know who you are okay that won't change I promise " I blushed from her words "okay just be prepared" I say causing her to smile slightly."I am okay I promise now come on lunch will be over by the time we sit down " she teases ." okay fine "I say smiling at her I never can resist her when she looks at me with her big puppy dog eyes and she knew it .God she makes me melt ,we sit down and it's so tight theirs barely any room for us at the long table it's packed with her new friends , I have to sit with her almost on my lap which is so awkward but we have no other choice since no one moves over for us to sit down properly which is so rude I pat my leg and she blushes crimson and sits on my lap I snake my arm around her waist and put my head on her shoulder . It feels so right having her so close to me and I only wish she felt the same way I feel her tense up but then relax into my arms making me smile. I wish I could kiss her neck but I know that I'm just dreaming now that won't ever happen sadly .Everyone is suddenly staring at us especially those creepy guys Riley and miles ."what "I said impatiently they were starting to piss me off .I felt rain flinch I regretted my tone immediately I know she's sensitive lately and I don't want to scare her "its okay" I whispered to her softly and she relaxed again I smiled "are you guys a thing or something "? Riley rudely asked that kid pissed me off to no end ,making us both blush I just clenched my teeth and spat out "none of your business" , they all looked shocked I tried not to laugh . "No of course not we're just friends that's all " rain chokes out making me tense I immediately feel so stupid for ever even thinking she'd consider me as anything more than her friend .I looked down upset and watched that dickhead laugh now everyone was smirking besides Jenna and her boyfriend who smiled kindly at us . I wanted to disappear "of course not someone as beautiful as you could never be gay like her keep on dreaming dyke " he spits out to me too ,I freeze up everyone looks shocked and kinda peeved at him . What happens next I don't expect "why because being gay makes you ugly is it "rain spits out seeming more annoyed than I've ever seen her ."you seem to have a lot of opinions about someone you barely know" rain says staring him down fuck she was hot like this rain pissed off was something else. "So do you Considering you barely know her" Riley shouts standing up which shocks me more she's defending me and I'm touched by it no one has ever bothered before ,"she's a player a whore she's just using you to try and get you to sleep with her " he shouts at rain , while I clench my jaw angrily no one gets to speak to her like that ever .I've had about enough of him as I stand up ready to fight . but before I can get in between them ,rain surprises me by rushing towards him getting into his face well she's tiny so not really she was eye level with his shoulder fuck she's adorable. "Never ever call her that who dare you "she screams hitting him in the shoulder he grabs her wrists roughly in his hands, that's it he's fucking dead . I lose my cool pushing him off her "don't ever fucking touch her or il kill you " I say my eyes as cold he gulps looking scared , everyone's eyes are on us now I want to end him for even looking at her how dare he touch her just as I stepped forward menacingly preparing to fight him .until I feel a small tug on my arm and look down to see rains beautiful eyes staring into mine intensely "please come on let's go Jamie just leave it please" she pleads I melt and take her hand walking away "try that again and you won't live to see another day" I shouted back to him before walking away hand in hand .we go into a secluded corner in the long hallway , "holy crap I can't believe you did that for me " she says looking down shyly " yeah well he had no right to ever speak to you like that rain or put his hands on you if he so much as looks your way in future tell me and il take care of it okay il kill him okay?"I said protectively.she smiles nodding while blushing how can she be this adorable "ok Jamie I promise " she says as I pull her in to my chest snugly ,hugging her gently she hugs me back tightly as if afraid il leave her side which I never will. I kiss her head softly and she relaxes into my touch . "Why did you do that for me rain ?"I said shyly "I'm not worth it they've all already made up their mind about me and I can handle that "I say she pulls away from me frowning adorably up at me "shut up don't ever say your not worth it because you are okay "she says I frowned my mouth open shocked "wow your feisty aren't you ? "I say laughing ,she laughs too " no I mean it Jamie , who are they to even judge you like that they barely know you " she says smiling up at me I'm nervous with her being so close to me are faces are almost touching I feel the palpable tension between us like I always do I caint help but look down at her lips .Well that maybe true but now their going to be judging you by association " I said and she looks down sadly before meeting my eyes " I don't care "she states simply with a hard gaze . "Are you sure you know what your doing ? " I question "your new here and I don't want to make things hard for you you've been through enough " I say searching her big violet eyes for answers .she looks down and stuns me by saying "I don't care what anyone thinks about you or me ,you make me happy your company I mean and screw them all " I gasp laughing "who are you and what have you done to my little old rain " I question jokingly she laughs " shush "she says reaching her car and going home early for the day after the messed up scene that was lunch we both decided to bail on the rest of the day ,"text me "she calls out as she drives away and my tummy is a mess of butterflies as I tell her I will . That whole night all I could think of was her even Kayleigh teased me about it and questioned todays events at lunch while we played black ops that evening ."she's just different than I thought she would be " I reason with her . "But she defended you right if what I'm hearing is true she says baffled " yeah I say but it's just cus she's a good friend " I say flatly not liking my own answer Kayleigh laughs "sure your the best of pals " shut up I say pushing her shoulder as we get back to our game . I couldn't help but feel that rain was too good to even be my friend I mean she seems perfect and I'm just a mess .I dreamt of her that night her beautiful face and her dazzling smile I woke up smiling like an idiot , I jumped in the shower dressed quickly and ran out to my car I was almost running late my thoughts of her keeping me occupied . When I arrived at school who stood by my car but rain I smiled brightly "morning sunshine" I sang out she laughed "well someone's in a better mood today I thought you would kill Riley yesterday " she said laughing at me but her eyes were serious I could tell . "Yeah well he should know that he will be dead if he ever puts his hands on you again " I say out my voice no longer playful my eyes darken in anger , she comes up to me and hugs me knowing it will calm me down it works ,and she smells like lavender  and she feels so small in my arms I hug her back right away smiling to myself we pull away sooner than I wished if it was up to me I'd never let her go ."So just prepare for everyone to stare at us all day after yesterdays events" I say laughing until I see her face drop she looks scared then I think of her past trauma from her old school and feel like such an idiot ." Rain I'm sorry forget I said that " I say quietly my eyes soft "it's okay I have you to protect me now "she says smiling cutely I couldn't breathe hearing her trust me so much already made my day .I just smiled softly walking with her to English class we sat down together at the back of the class in our usual seats just as expected everyone was staring at me mainly but it annoyed me that she was being dragged into this too although she didn't seem to mind . "Their all staring " she mumbled "to me as she hid behind her silken hair "fuck them il kill them all if they say anything to us "I said lightly moving her hair to the side don't hide your beautiful face " I said without meaning to she froze for a second and I thought I'd messed myself up here but then she smiled and said "okay okay I won't " sticking her tongue out at me I rolled my eyes but froze as I felt her small hand in mine under the table I tended up before intertwining our fingers and began to stroke her hand gently no one noticed but my face got hot and I tensed up "I'm sorry is this weird for you? " she said quietly . "No "I almost shouted she laughed " ok then , it's just you make me ...never mind "she said fast , "I make you what uncomfortable" ?I questioned her hurt " no no never I was just going to say that you make me feel safe " she whispered out I couldn't believe my ears " I do " I said " yes Jamie " she said quietly so only I could hear her,"good I'm glad "I said brightly squeezing her hand reassuringly , in return she gave me a beautiful smile and I forgot how to breathe again I don't know how she does it because never before has a girl made me feel this way ,but she wasn't any girl she was rain and I still couldn't figure out why she defended me yesterday risking her own reputation was risky ,
I don't know but this thing with rain is starting to confuse me even more than before .

The love story of Jamie and rain (wlm)Where stories live. Discover now