Last week:alone in rains house (Smut warning )

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My parents would be back until next week so it was our last week alone in the house just us so we both planned on enjoying ourself fully while we still had the chance.It was currently Wednesday so luckily we still had a couple days left ,Amy had stayed off of school the past 3 days until today I guess because I froze as I seen her standing on front of the car as Jamie parked up,Jamie groaned rolling her eyes "let me handle this princess you stay in the car okay please"she said gently her eyes pleading with mine.But their was no way I was letting that happen I didn't trust Amy not to push Jamie over the edge and we didn't need any more violence between them."Not gonna happen baby it will be fine now come on let's go " I said as Jamie sighed reluctantly "okay but if she touches you il kill her and that's a promise " Jamie said her eyes serious as I gulped as I knew she meant it and I wouldn't be able to stop her if Amy touched me.I knew that she'd probably fight Amy and Amy wouldn't win.My stomach was in knots just thinking about how this conversation might go.She kissed me softly stroking my face her eyes gentle "I love you princess il protect you always " she said as I smiled "I know my love I love you ".She lifted me gently out of the car with ease and placed me into the wheelchair.She wheeled me forward standing protectively on front of me shielding me from Amy's view .But I tugged gently on her leg as she sighed heavily in defeat bending down to kiss me softly her eyes filled with love as she moves to stand beside me.I could now see Amy as she stood there looking awkward and sad I could tell she'd been crying too "Amy please I'm exhausted with us both having to constantly fight with you " I said my voice soft but intense "let's just put all of this behind us ,you deserve to be happy and find someone ,and to find love just like we have " I said as Amy's eyes were wide and tears rolled down her face."I am so so sorry genuinely I am "Amy said sobbing now ,I just let her talk and Jamie put her hand on my shoulder reassuringly ,and I knew she was supporting me as she always did.She was the best partner anyone could ever hope for.Amy continued on and I focused my attention back on her ."Im so sorry to the both of you I was so jealous and it made me into this petty and pathetic person and I know that I've I've embarrassed myself and that I've also embarrassed the two of you ,and I am truly sorry for that but most of all il always regret that I hurt you both emotionally and physically,and I know now that I never deserved an amazing person like Jamie, she was such a great girlfriend to me and I took her for granted and I hurt her so badly, I broke her heart when I cheated on her and il never forgive myself for that " she sobbed out and I could feel Jamie shaking and I knew she must be crying too.I know we've spoken about this before but Jamie I am truly sorry again for all the hurt and pain that I've caused you" Amy said her eyes sad.I rubbed Jamie's hand gently that she had resting on my shoulder."and I just want to appeal to you rain to please forgive me because I see now how much you love and cherish Jamie and you treat her how she deserves to be treated ,how I should have treated her and you love her how she deserves to be loved " Amy said her tears were now falling fast.I reached out my hand to her and she took my hand in here her face stunned as I pulled her towards me ,she bent down looking shocked as I hugged her close to me ,both of us sobbing now.She pulled away as she smiled at me " your such a good person honestly rain and I'm so sorry that I never tried to get to know you as I should have done in the first place " Amy said finished smiling softly at me."I'm really sorry about all of it as well I just wish things could had been different between us " I said gently and Jamie has something to say to you too " I said looking into Jamie's eyes mine intense.She looked down blushing as she shuffled from side to side  nervously "I'm sorry Amy okay I had no right to ever put my hands on you and hit you like that and I'm really ashamed of myself that I did that I apologise for my actions and I promise it will never happen again " she said fast her eyes apologetic."Its just rain is really hurting still ,both emotionally and physically and it also really hurt her feelings and mine when you disrespected her like that in class the other day she's already self conscious about her scars as it is" Jamie said fast as she clenched her jaw and it touched me how protective and loyal Jamie always was to me.I planned on marrying her one day I knew she was the one for me.I looked as Amy nodded looking particularly ashamed of herself "I know Jamie and I'm so sorry about that ,it was so low of me to say those things even lower than usual and I had no right to do that "Amy said her voice sad her face looked defeated.
I smiled at her "it's okay your forgiven Amy but look me and Jamie are deeply in love and we plan on getting married and starting a family one day " I said as Amy cringed visibly I could see the longing in her eyes when she looked at Jamie she blushed looking away seeing that I caught her looking at my girl like that .Jealously filled my veins but I ignored it and pushed it down for all of our sakes.As she smiled "I really do wish you both the best of luck I'm happy that you found the one Jamie honestly I am"and I'm also going to therapy now too ,I just started going and I'm going to work on myself before getting involved in any more relationships ,and I will be butting out of yours officially and this time I mean it I swear "Amy said her face serious and her eyes apologetic.We could both tell that this time she meant it and planned on sticking with it "well okay then ,if you promise to stick to that promise then I'm sure people will stop teasing and Slagging you off about us and everything else,and you should know that ,we both don't agree with people bullying you and we never asked anyone to treat you badly all we want is to have no one's eyes on us anymore and to just have a normal happy drama free relationship" I said with conviction in my voice as Amy smiled back at me "your such a good person you know that rain and your too good for this school as well " Amy said as Jamie smiled at us both."yes she is you've got that right" Jamie shook Amy's hand and I hugged Amy goodbye and just like that it was all over.All of the drama had ended and we were both very relieved.We both sighed in relief and I felt a feeling of peace fall over us both."I'm so proud of you my Angel you are the bigger person for doing that and the fact that you forgave her was amazing too ,even though you know you didn't have to do that you have nothing to be sorry for either "Jamie said as she kneeled down on front of me taking both of my hands in hers ."Well thank you for saying that and I know baby but it just made me feel better about the whole situation to apologise to her too I don't know it just felt right " I said smiling at her as I stroked her face gently "I love you my little princess you know that more than life itself " she said kissing my nose as I giggled I love it when she does that ."I know baby and I love you more than I've ever loved anyone you know that your going to be my wife one day and il be yours " I said smiling as she blushed before kissing me gently "I can't wait to be your wife one day baby " she said her eyes gentle before leaning forward to whisper in my ear before whispering huskily "I can't wait till I can fuck you in your wedding dress and you best believe il be fucking your every minute of our honey moon till you throat is dry for moaning and screaming my name and your legs are like jelly till I guess il just have to carry you around "she pulled away smirking,my mouth dropped open in shock my eyes wide"your such a fucking little tease you know that baby because I really wish you could take me away some where right now and fuck me senseless "I said smirking and just as Jamie was about to agree with me her eyes full of lust as we heard "Ladies stop with the PDA and get to class immediately your both already late as it is " as we looked up and seen the pissed off face of the vice principal ms chandler.Jamie rolled her eyes muttering obscenities till I slapped her hand lightly my eyes strict."I'm sorry baby " she said guilty giving me her puppy dog eyes that she knew were my kryptonite.As she pushed me to our English class "oh baby you know I can't resist your puppy dog eyes " I groaned out as we entered the classroom and sat at the back."I know princess "she mumbled her eyes wide pouting adorably as I blushed "baby stop you know I can't resist you Jesus Christ I said."Ladies eyes front stop making kissy face at each other and concentrate on your class work " the substitute teacher shouted at us as we both blushed and people starting snickering around us."We just get so wrapped up in our own little bubble when we're together we forget where we are.

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