When Shit Hits the Fan (Smut warning)

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It was currently two days later ,it was Sunday morning and Rains parents said they wouldn't be back until Monday afternoon so we were cherishing the time we had left alone in the house.We had several hours of fun in bed till we were both exhausted, but very happy.I lay on my beautiful girls bare chest kissing it all over as she giggled."That was amazing your unreal we go so well together in every way especially in bed " I said smirking.As she looked up at me adorably her eyes full of love for me.My tummy filled with butterflies "I love you baby so so much I hate to admit this but I now realise even more why Amy tried so desperately to get you back" she said as I blushed my eyes wide."I've always know but I've never felt so satisfied and complete than with you I know your my first and I have no one else to compare you too but you're freaking dynamite in the sack baby it's no wonder she's obsessed with you "my legs are still shaking you made me cum like 10 times and we've been fucking for like 2 hours now"rain finished. As i chucked at that " well you know your the first woman to ever touch me so your my first too and your equally as amazing in bed my love " I said .And everything was perfect until we heard the front door banging open and rains parents shouting up the stairs wtf they weren't due back until tomorrow ,crap what will we do if they catch us I know what they'll do they'll kill me I thought panicking."hi girls where are you ?why aren't you two awake it's 3:30 pm your hardly still in bed " her mom shouted .We both jumped up from the bed "fuck " I said as we dressed in a hurry while rain shouted " hey guys I thought you weren't coming back till tomorrow evening"rain said we both were a blushing mess and I know we were being so obvious about it "as we walked down the stairs "well we wanted to surprise you by coming home a day early " her mom said smiling at us warmly "We were up early this morning and we were tired so we decided to watch a movie in bed and we must have dozed off plus my pills make me so tired and Jamie's wrecked from looking after me" .I blushed "good cover " I said under my breathe as she smiled squeezing my hand in hers as we made our way over to sit on the couch I was glad we fixed our sex hair."great to have you two home "rain said rushing over to hug her parents again I knew she had missed them a lot it was sweet .Everything was going good as we sat down on the couch having some coffee as we were both exhausted from all our hours of love making but they didn't know that thankfully .Her dad sat in the armchair in the corner of the room he looked tired from their long drive and he was reading the newspaper but her mom looked at us suspiciously and she gasped when she eyed both of our necks that were covered in dark coloured bites ,fuck I thought ,we'd both been in such a rush to put our clothes back on when we heard her parents coming in the front door that we'd also forgot to cover-the bites up ."Paul can you do me a favour and give us some privacy we need to have a girl talk " her mam said her voice calm but her eyes were full of fury.I gulped pulling rain gently into my side I felt my blood run cold I could seriously get into trouble with the law if they got the cops involved considering our small age gap.Jesus I hope it didn't come to that but I knew how over protective her parents were.Her dad just sighed heavily and went upstairs saying he would go have a shower and once he was gone her mom cleared her throat."Look girls I'm under no illusions about your relationship I know that your both teenagers with a-lot of hormones and you've been alone for 2 weeks now in the house and I know that your in love and I understand that but Jesus Christ have some respect and don't leave visibly hickies all over each other, your lucky rain that your father didn't see them he'd probably have had a heart attack if he had "she finished blushing herself I guess even she was uncomfortable and embarrassed to be having this conversation with her 16 year old daughter and her daughters girlfriend.We were both blushing at this point and we didn't say a word.But I had to say something surely I had to show her mam that I wasent taking what she said lightly"I sincerely apologise mame we didn't mean to offend or disrespect you in any way" I said my voice shaking as she nodded her head."yeah I'm sorry mam you weren't  supposed to be home till this afternoon and we kinda got carried away " rain said as I cringed and she gasped covering her own mouth with her hand I guess she didn't mean to blurt all that out.Her mom went red looking away her eyes wide "Jesus Christ that was way too much information rainI could have lived my whole life without knowing that " she said as we couldn't help but let our a snicker as she glared at us both angrily and we went quiet.

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