Chapter 22

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Dedicated to VictoriaSlater457 . Thank you so much for the new cover! I love it!

Anyway, here it goes!

It doesn't take long for me to figure out what is wrong. He had been under a spell; that explains the silver hue that was in his eyes. Who cast the spell and why remains a mystery. Right now though I find t more important to make him understand a few things and find out a few things myself so I don't ask anything about the spell.

I look at him with a frown as he lets go of the burning tip of the torch and stares at his hand. I can't help but look too. Whatever creature he is he certainly can't be immune to fire. I mean I am, some elemental Witches and Wizards are too but I don't think he's any of them. Not even a Fallen Angel is immune to fire seeing as its wings are burnt before it falls. The Angels are as stupid as pigeons and it doesn't surprise me that they have built a wall around themselves to keep themselves from doing stupid things.

"What are you?" The words fall out of my mouth before I can stop them.

He looks up at me as if I've grown another head. "How can you not know? I thought everyone knew by now."

I shake my head and raise an eyebrow. "Well sorry, but I didn't get the memo."

He narrows his eyes but before we can take this any further, the door to the end of the hall busts open and a man in his mid-fifties walks in with his eyes narrowed. "Adam!" Adam turns around in alarm and stares at the man.

Before responding the man turns his narrowed gaze on me. "Who is she? What is she doing here? Why did you bring her here?" His narrowed eyes turn to Adam again. "You know no one is allowed in here. No one from out of the Nex. You know that don't you boy?"

Adam gulps and looks as confused as ever. He doesn't remember anything. He doesn't know who the man standing in front of him, giving orders, is. "Y-yes," he stutters.

"Yes what, boy?"

"Yes, I know that no one is allowed in here." But he really doesn't. He doesn't remember anything.

"Then why is she in here? Do you trust her that much?"

Adam, not knowing why either of us is here or how we ended up here, takes a deep breath before responding. "Yes. I trust her enough."

I know he doesn't trust me at all but right now if he says otherwise both of us will die and I'm happy that he has enough common sense to not tell the truth about him just waking up from being under a spell.

I don't know this man but he certainly seems intimidating with his narrowed black eyes that seem to be staring right into your soul, the look on his face seems to be permanently stuck the way it is with the hard eyes and turned down lips, the wrinkles in between his eyes, stuck there because of frowning all the time.

"Very well then," the man responds in his deep voice. "We'll see how much you trust her later," he mutters under his breath but I catch it.

His hardened gaze turns to me. "And who are you? What's your name girl?"

"Eve," I respond.

"Eve what?" Is that his way of asking for my last name? Because I'm not telling.

"Just Eve," I say with a small smile on my lips.

He narrows his eyes even more, if possible. "Don't try to fool me, girl. I know you're not an Angel."

I raise an eyebrow. "Do you? Because I can assure you, I do have wings."

"That doesn't make you an Angel."

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