Chapter 12

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I sit there on the ground for a while, staring off into space. I see the broken piece of mirror I dropped earlier and pick it up, looking into it.

My eyes still haven't changed: One is dark brown and the other a dull blue-ish purple. I sigh tiredly. Oh Sekuum I'm becoming Amber!

I put the broken shard away and leaning my head back against the wall I close my eyes.

Everything was just fine before all this mess, wasn't it?

No. No it really wasn't. I still need to find Elon. Before that I need to find out what happened. I know he's a Time Traveller but surely he can control his powers?

I think about how his Mark was sizzling, its color an angry red. Then I remember what Etan and I read about the marking of the unwilling.

What if he was pushed into being marked? Blackmailed maybe? I can't believe I didn't notice sooner. I can't believe I didn't help him.

I feel someone sitting next to me but don't open my eyes. I'm so tired and besides I'm not in the mood to talk right now.

"I see you're ok." It's Etan. Even though I want to hug him tight in fear of losing him too, I don't move. Also I don't want him finding out about what happened, what with my eyes and stuff so I keep them closed. I nod instead.

"I heard what happened." Shit. "It's never happened to me before – my eyes turned violet when I got my powers and never changed after that – but I promise I'll find a way to fix this." Oh how I wish it wasn't real, that I didn't have mismatched eyes.

I sigh. When will everything turn back to normal? When will it all be over?

Etan puts an arm around me and pulls me to his chest. He's the only family I have left right now and I don't plan on losing him. It doesn't even feel like he was gone half our lives. It's like he's always been there.

I feel a small smile make its way onto my face. I'm happy I found him. Will Elon remember him? He was pretty young when everything happened – around 7 I think. I'm sure Mom and Dad will be really happy when they see him though.

If. If they see him.

My smile fades and my mood deflates.

Are they still alive? If so I hope we get to them in time.

We stay there in the safe room for a few hours before the others finally come back, some with good news and some with bad. Many have died, left on the streets. Many are in a coma, no hope for them to return. It has been at least 5 hours an if they could've come back, they would've. At least that's what I heard Doc say.

After contemplating over it, Amber finally states that we have to leave, that it's no longer safe to stay.

We all get up, some have a few possessions that they were able to save and others have nothing but the clothes on their back, no matter if they are bloodied and torn.

I stay close to Etan as everyone gets in a line.

"Tales," I hear Amber shout.

Etan and I both turn to her.

She sighs. "Etan. Take the back and be careful." Etan nods once before going to the back, leaving me in the middle.

Amber watches him go before she turns to me. "You come with me." I blink in shock but follow her.

We get to the front of the line and she starts leading everyone out the door. We go back through all the dark corridors I had to walk through once before.

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