Chapter 15

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And another chapter. A little late but here it goes!

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I frown. "What's going on?"

Adam shakes his head and points to the trees behind him. I nod and we both head there, hiding in the tall bushes lining the road. Ven reluctantly follows - Ven being the Venum, it deserved a nickname.

We stay hidden as we wait for whatever it is to pass the small road in front of us. What if they are Supernaturals and they can smell us?

A few seconds later I start hearing voices talking and laughing as they get closer. I hold my breath, afraid I'll be heard.

"You shoulda seen the look on 'is face! He was so scared we found 'im gone the next day!" More laughing.

Their words make me wonder who they're talking about.

"Well, I think anyone would scream and run for the hills if they saw a Fallen." I blink and Adam's shoulders stiffen.

There's a Fallen in the country. A Fallen! Practically and Angel but worse!

"I heard he turns whoever disagrees with him to stone! I pity the people fighting for the Resistance. They have no chance against us." The Resistance. So that's what they call us.

Also, they have a Fallen on their side. How fitting. Of course, they would call for back up from a Fallen.

"Oh but wait to see the others! There's even a Demon who just joined the Nex and let me tell ya she's got a body on her."

I shiver in disgust. A Demon? Seriously? In the Nex? That's impossible.

Let me explain. Before the Beginning, Humans became so careless that they destroyed the world. They used to call Kosmos, Earth. It all started when many of the countries declared war against each other, the ice in what they used to call the North Pole melted resulting in many cities going underwater. Soon there was only a small piece of land left that survived the Flood. Then the chemical substances used in wars went straight into the sea. Many of the people who drank that water died but some survived. The latter started becoming something else entirely, no longer Human.

Then the Almighty God heard of it and sent his Angels to fix the problem, telling them not to come back empty handed. But the Angels, having arrived on "Earth", used their powers to get Humans to submit. Only, upon seeing this, Supernaturals started making themselves known. They didn't want to bow down to the evil Angels who thought of nothing of themselves and soon another war broke out. It was called World War. Everyone was involved, from women to men, children to old people. This time, though, the Humans were stuck in the middle, not knowing what to do. Many of them didn't survive when they were taken as slaves for both the Angels and Supernaturals. The rest ran away and hid until it all finished. It took a few more years until the Angels and the Supernaturals signed a peace treaty. The Angels took half of the un-flooded land in the north while the Supernaturals divided the rest among themselves.

That's when Humans came out of hiding. Some of the countries tried to throw out the Human population while some tried doing the same to Supernaturals. Some, like Hampshell, were able to get rid of all the Supernaturals.

Imperium was one of the countries that wanted to get rid of the Supernaturals but couldn't. Being one of the biggest countries on Kosmos, no matter what the Humans did they couldn't dispose of the Supernaturals. In the end, they made a law that Supernaturals could live in the country but couldn't rule it.

Many other things happened in the meantime but finally, Kosmos was in peace. That's when everyone decided to restart the calendars from year one .

And now here we are, around 3000 years from the Beginning.

So that's why Supernaturals can't rule the country or work in the government for that matter. The Nex, made of 13 people is currently the group that rules Imperium. Only one person ever shows himself to the public to make announcements and such which made everyone suspicious. Naturally, rumors started flying and soon most of the people started believing that only one person ruling the country was actually Human and the rest were Supernaturals. Of course, that thought seemed outrageous to many so they didn't believe it.

Now if there's a Fallen and a Demon, and of course many more Supernaturals, in the Nex we might as well be done for.

I'm so caught up in my own thoughts that I don't realize that the Nex soldiers have left until Adam shakes my shoulder with a look of concern on his face. His shoulders are still stiff and his eyebrows are inched down in a frown.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and stand up.

If the Nex is really made of Supernaturals then I need to let the Resistance know. They need to know what they're getting into.

We walk all day before we decide to retire for the night. We really need to hunt soon because I don't know about Adam but I haven't eaten for a day now and I'm starving.

In the middle of the night, it starts getting strangely cold and more windy than usual. I pull my sweatshirt tighter around myself to stop the shivering. Ven sticks to my side and the warmth of its little body seeps into mine, making it bearable. Adam on the other hand clearly shivers every time the wind blows.

We were able to make a fire but it's not helping.

Ven's small snores fill the air. Poor little thing has been on alert all day. I shield his body from the wind with mine and shiver in result. It's getting unexpectedly cold and I feel the need to summon my powers to warm myself up, but I don't. I don't want Adam to know what I am. At least not yet, not until I know for sure that I can trust him.

I close my eyes and try to get some sleep even with the wind blowing so hard. We tried finding an area where it was weaker and it was shielded by the tree trunks but we couldn't find any place better than this.

I had always liked the cold more than the warmthbut right now I'd give anything to be warm. I miss home. Hopefully, I won't freeze to death. At least then I'd have a chance to make it back home.

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