Chapter 5

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After we've both had enough, Etan and I decide to call it a night and to meet each other again tomorrow morning after my meeting with Amber which I'm dreading.

I walk back to my apartment and open the door. It's small but it's really beautiful.

Everything is up to date, and by that I mean the last techy stuff you will see out there. There's a cozy couch in the middle of the living room with a small coffee table and a TV in front of it. Then there's a kitchen which is small but has everything I might ever need, including some food already packed and ready, and finally the bedroom. It's small but has a perfect view of the city with a queen-sized bed sitting in the middle, a small walk-in closet, a desk with a chair and another door that leads to a bathroom with a bath tub.

I immediately draw a bath, strip out of my clothes and slowly let the water relax my stiff limbs. After drying myself and wearing my pajamas I step out of the bathroom. I don't even bother to unpack as I walk towards the bed – I'm too tired to do that right now.

Before I can get under the covers and sleep, though, I notice that the window is open. I immediately walk to it and look out. There's nothing there and besides I'm on the 4th floor, it's not like anyone can get in or out without having the ability to fly.

I close the window and draw the curtains, going back to bed. I get under the covers but as I move around I hear something. It's like I'm lying down on a piece of paper. I sit up and look under me and see a small note. I pick it up, frowning, and read it.

Watch what you say. I have eyes and ears everywhere.


At first I think It's just one of the guys from the organization, playing a prank on the new girl but when I don't see anyone jumping out and saying something like "you just got pranked!" like we did in high school, I get worried.

I tell myself over and over again that I have nothing to be afraid of but it's like my brain doesn't want to listen.

I end up lying on my bed, completely awake, thinking of the note that was left on my bed while I was taking a bath. I mean it should've been then right? I didn't see anything before that and the note was on my pillow...

That's when I remember the window. My window was left open. Did someone come through there, leave the note and jump back out? Only if they can fly but the only Supernaturals that can fly are Angels and Fallens. The only problem with this is that Angels never get out of The Sun Walls, which is the only country up North in Kosmos and nothing really gets in or out of it and also only Angels live there, and Fallens, well, there aren't many Fallens in the world. Most of them are sent away to Dark when they are cast out of The Sun Walls, and the rest don't even survive for more than a year before they either die or are dragged away to Dark, completely alive. Dark is the place where Angels, Demons and Vampires go when the die. Fallens, or Fallen Angels, are taken there also if they're found.

So there is no way in Sekuum's name that anyone could've left thins note coming throught the window. So I'm guessing whoever did it came through the door, meaning they could either pick a well-built lock like the one on my main door or that they had a key.

I feel a shiver go down my spine. They definitely had a key.

Now I'm scared.

That's why I don't sleep at all that night. I just lie in bed staring at the ceiling.

If I hadn't noticed the note I would've never found out that someone was actually in my house. Damnit!

That morning when my alarm clock goes off I'm already awake. I drag my body out of bed and wash my face to give myself a little energy to start the day. It's hard considering I had no sleep last night.

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