21 - End

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HI! You made it to the final chapter! Thank you so much for reading what has honestly been an awful story - not what I visualised if I'm honest haha. I hate the cliche kidnapping bit so maybe one day I'll re-write it properly. However, I am so grateful to you for sticking with it, thank you!!!!  

Taehyung's head rested on his brother's shoulder for the first time in ten years and his eyes were closed, glued with tears. Creases of worry lined his forehead and his eyes moved restlessly behind his eyelids, no doubt having nightmares about Jimin not waking up. Sicheng brushed his little brother's fringe off his forehead as it inched closer to his nose.

On the other side of him, Taeyong sighed. "An hour and not even a status update."

Sicheng bit his lip. "It'll be fine. They're probably concentrating on fixing him up before telling us. It wasn't that bad," he reassured himself, glancing at Taehyung.

Taeyong shook his head. "How can you say it 'wasn't that bad'? He was stabbed, WinWin-ie. That's never a good thing. It wasn't just a graze, either. It went in at least a few inches."

Sicheng faced Taeyong with a glare. "Can you not sound so pessimistic when Taehyung is right here?! He will be fine."

Taeyong folded his hands and nodded, looking at the wall. "Yeah... Sorry."

Another half an hour passed before a doctor even came into the waiting room.

"Family of Park Jimin?" He asked, pushing his spectacles up his nose and staring expectantly at Sicheng, Taeyong and Taehyung. They were the only people in that particular waiting room.

Sicheng shook Taehyung awake and nodded. "That's us, doctor. How is he?"

Taehyung was still trying to register where he was when the doctor began reciting the details of the injury. He didn't understand a word of it and he just wanted to know if Jimin would live. Thankfully, Sicheng seemed to understand.

"So, the knife didn't hit anything vital?" He asked.

The doctor shook his head. "We've closed up the wound so now he just needs time to heal. He'll stay here for maybe two or three days and then we can discharge him if he's recovered enough."

Taehyung breathed a sigh of relief and fell back into his seat, wiping a hand down his face to remove all the sweat that had formed whilst he had feverishly slept. "So when can we see him?" He asked, urgency clear in his voice.

"Are you a close relative?" The doctor asked.

"Brother," Taeyong cut in before Taehyung could answer. "He's his brother."

Taehyung nodded, immediately going along with it. "Yeah. So can I see him now?"

"Yes, but only for a few minutes. He's not yet conscious, but you can visit him again when he regains consciousness."

Taehyung followed the doctor to the private room where Jimin lay under clean white sheets with a pallor to match. His skin was shiny with what looked like perspiration, but otherwise he looked entirely relaxed and peaceful. Taehyung sat down in the seat next to the bed and took Jimin's hand in his own, careful not to touch the wires which trailed down from machines, feeding into his body.

The doctor left, telling him he'd be back in a few minutes. Taehyung sat in silence for a while, just watching his boyfriend breathe. There was no mask on his face, likely because his injury wasn't going to interfere with his lungs in any way, and his lips were shut softly, much lighter in colour than usual. Taehyung rubbed his thumb over Jimin's fingers.

"Thank you for saving me, hyung. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me and I'm so glad you're going to be okay," he told the sleeping man with a tearful smile. "I love you so much so please hurry and wake up soon so that I can hear your voice."

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