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Jimin's heart was pounding. He gripped the fabric of the seat and stared at Taeyong in panic. "What do we do? Where the hell could he have taken him?"

"Calm down for a sec, Jimin," Taeyong instructed. "I'm going to call Sicheng and check that he's not been home." He parked up in a little car park behind a shop and dialled Sicheng's number. "Hello?" He asked.

"I was just going to call you!" Sicheng breathed in relief through the phone. "I assume you're calling me to tell me that Taehyung has a very good reason that he hasn't picked Yesung up from nursery yet? That bloody woman who runs it just rang and she never stops moani-"

"Sicheng!" Taeyong said urgently. "Taehyung is missing. We think his classmate Yoongi has forced him somewhere but we don't know where."

"Wait, what? Oh my God - where are you? How long has he been gone? Are you looking for him??" Sicheng babbled, his voice giving away the worry in his voice. "What does this boy want with him?"

Taeyong frowned and glanced sideways at Jimin. "I'm not sure," he lied. "We'll pick Yesung up and then come to you. Wait at home and try to call him, okay?"

"Yeah," Sicheng agreed. "Okay. See you in a bit."

Taeyong hung up and placed the phone by his leg. Jimin was staring at him expectantly. "We're going to go pick up Yesung and then go talk to Sicheng about what to do."

Jimin nodded. "Okay. Let's just hurry - please."

The pair arrived at the nursery in half the time it usually took to get there and were met with a screaming Yesung who refused to leave if it wasn't Taehyung picking him up. It took Taeyong's promise to let him have ice cream for pudding to get him to leave without someone having to call an ambulance. Taehyung had this strange habit of calling Yesung's tantrums 'charming' but no one else understood what he was on about. They were violent.

Back at Sicheng's house, the three adults were gathered around the kitchen table feverishly discussing possible places Yoongi could have taken Taehyung. Sicheng called the housekeeper and called in a favour, asking her to watch Yesung whilst they were out. Jimin couldn't stand waiting around for her to arrive and left straight away to start looking for the boy he loved. Taeyong and Sicheng left as soon as they could and went searching together. Taeyong didn't even need to try and convince himself that he had no ulterior motives for suggesting they go together because Sicheng was in such a state over Tae's disappearance that if he went alone he'd probably put himself in danger.

They walked quickly through town, looking inside all of the shops and asking around whether anyone had seen him, showing them a picture from Sicheng's phone. After three hours of searching, it was almost completely dark and the shops were mostly closed. The two stopped to contact Jimin in the park.

"This is all my fault! If I hadn't started all of this then he probably wouldn't have been kidnapped by that psycho kid!" Sicheng said, trembling and biting his lip. He was pale and shivering - both with cold and nerves - and his eyes were full of unshed tears. "I'm such a shit brother. What if this guy hurts him?!"

Taeyong wrapped his arms around Sicheng and held him tightly. "Sicheng. I promise you that we will find him and I also promise you that you're a great brother and none of this is your fault at all! How were you anything to do with Taehyung meeting Yoongi? If anything it's my fault..." He muttered guiltily.

"How is it your fault?"

Taeyong winced, wishing he hadn't said that and realising he'd have to tell Sicheng the truth. "I heard Yoongi talking to someone on the phone this morning about taking someone by force at five o'clock. I thought it might be Taehyung but I couldn't find him and by the time I found out where he was after school it was too late. I'm sorry. It's all my fault really so you can't blame yourself at all."

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