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"I know I've made mistakes - including some you don't know about - but I promise I really do like you, so I've decided to do this properly and start again. Kim Taehyung, will you please go out with me, again?"

Taehyung was quiet for a while, which left Yoongi awkwardly staring at him, waiting for the response. The younger's brain was going into overdrive as he considered the pros and cons quickly, although he did wonder why Yoongi was asking him out again after he'd heard him say explicitly that he doesn't like him anymore. Anyhow, if he said no, he'd be proving his loyalty to Jimin, but he'd also make it awkward with Yoongi. If he said yes, then he could try to make Jimin jealous again - something which had become second nature to him recently - but he'd also annoy Yoongi if Jimin took the bait. Either way, things with Yoongi were bound to sour eventually. Unless they were together forever... Taehyung couldn't even imagine a future where he and Yoongi were still together in over a year. It just seemed strange and unnatural. Still, he knew what he wanted to do.

"Yes," he nodded, sure of his decision. He hated what Jimin did to his emotions, but he wanted him back so much. If Yoongi didn't love him, he could only assume that he too wanted to make someone jealous. It made sense for him to take advantage of the situation. If jealousy was going to work again this time, then he was sure as hell going to give it another go.  


Taeyong closed his eyes and pressed a finger to the centre of his forehead, attempting to understand what Jimin had told him. "So you're saying that Yoongi is blackmailing you with pictures?"

"Yes," Jimin growled. "Of all the people who could have come across us on that day, it had to have been that little twat. Ugh, he's so smug and I don't think he is as in love with Tae as he wants everyone to think. You don't understand how he was to me. He's never been like that to Tae, I'm sure of it! He's hiding something from him! What if he's using him?" He began to fret worriedly and Taeyong put a hand on his shoulder calmingly. 

"Chill out, Chim. I'll see what I can do about him. I'll catch you later," Taeyong patted his shoulder one last time and left the empty staff room to find the English teacher. He managed to catch him as he was packing up his papers in his classroom, phone in hand. He was probably texting Seokjin about how his day went or something soppy like that. God, Taeyong wished Sicheng would talk to him like that. 

"Hey, Taeyong. What's up?" Namjoon asked, locking his phone and sliding it into his trouser pocket. "I'm kinda late right now though so maybe try and be quick," he chuckled. 

Taeyong nodded and grinned. "Sure. Mustn't keep Seokjin waiting, eh?"

Namjoon nodded with a matching grin. "You know what he's like."

Taeyong reminded himself of the purpose of his visit and his face became more serious. "Um, so there's something a little bit... difficult, happening to Jimin at the moment."

Namjoon immediately looked concerned. "Is he alright?"

"Yeah, yeah. Um, he's being blackmailed."

"Oh my God! Who by??" Namjoon exclaimed in shock. 

"See, that's what I came to you for. It's Min Yoongi."

Namjoon's face immediately stiffened and his jaw clenched. "And why did you come to me, exactly?"

Taeyong bit his lip. "Because I know that Yoongi will listen to you. Because I know that he likes you."

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