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"While she was kept as a prisoner of the Dark House, Marie was experimented on," Will let the words flow. "She was hurt and injured on daily basis. We don't know why, but those sick bastards did leave their Mark behind."

"If you are talking about scars," Benedict said. "That is something we all bare. We are Shadowhunters. Our scars are a part of us."

"Not just any kind of a scar," Will explained. "This wasn't made by a weapon. If I were to guess, I'd say it was a Warlock's doing. Dark Magic, most likely."

"Dark Magic is a powerful thing, boy," Benedict responded. "Not everyone can master its art."

"But there are a few that can. Few that did," Charlotte directed her gaze towards the Lightwood man; she was speaking of a topic that seemed familiar only to them.

"She wouldn't dare," Benedict shook his head. "Not after Consul's threats."

"Just to remind you," Will cut them off, again. "Some of us do not understand your secrets, so you might as well share them with us. We are helping here, too."

Charlotte scanned the younger Shadowhunters and Tessa before taking a deep breath. "This started before you born, and even today, it is considered as a topic that is not to be spoken about. Marie's mother, Eveline, was taken a hostage when she was pregnant by no other than the Downworlders. It angered Josiah to the core, and he didn't even know that his wife was pregnant at the time. He couldn't find her, no matter how hard he tried. He traced every step of Eveline's, but all his effort were useless. He couldn't find her."

"So, what happened then?" Jem asked. "How did he find her?"

"As you know, some Shadowhunters respect and honor other kinds - Eveline was one of them. She strongly believed that Shadowhunters, Night Children, werewolves and Warlocks could live in peace, together. As equals. I don't know how or what happened, but - I guess those who saved her and brought her to Consul's doorsteps knew of her beliefs. She might have been captured by Downworlders, but she was rescued by them, as well."

"Who saved her?" Tessa questioned.

Charlotte smiled weakly. "I am assuming all of you are smart enough to make the connections."

"It was de Quincey, wasn't it?" Will asked.

"Yes," the brunette woman nodded. "The stories say that he carried her in his arms, unconscious and bloody. But he wasn't alone."

"Who else was there?"

"A Warlock," Benedict said. "A wicked one. Imogen Aldridge."

"I've never heard of her," Will raised his eyebrows.

"I'd be surprised if you did," Charlotte mumbled. "Concerned, as well."


"Imogen is a Warlock who mastered Dark Magic. She played with it as if it wasn't dangerous, jeopardized not only our world, but mundane world as well. We don't know much about her, only that Josiah sent her away with a threat. If she ever returns to London and dare lay her eyes on his family, he would personally execute her. He was sure that Imogen and de Quincey were responsible for Eveline's capture in the first place. Hell, he even told stories of de Quincey falling in love with his wife and taking her away from him."

"But how did he know Imogen was dangerous?" Jem searched for answers. "Didn't she save Eveline? De Quincey as well? He is considered evil and hates our kind - what you said only gives us a possible motive behind his actions of hate. But if so, why did he choose to save Eveline?"

"We don't know," Charlotte said. "Those are classified information. Only Josiah and his selected few know of that."

"Do you count as one of those selected few?" Will gazed at Benedict, his eyes washed in hate. "I mean, you did end up setting an arranged marriage for your son and Consul's daughter. I bet Marie was delighted to her those news. Did she take it well?"

✓ | Hushed Whispers ⋆ Will Herondale [2]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu