What was he saying? Why would he want change? His life was more than perfect in the society we live in right now! He was at top, in the spotlight, carried high above everyone else! He has a powerful quirk, good looks... His parents have a steady job and a steady relationship. They live in a nice big house. He is born with everything! While I...I was born with nothing...

"You heard me" he grinned.
"When I'm number one, I'll change the way people view the quirkless, those who are less fortunate then themselves... I used to think quirks were everything and people should just get more powerful if they want to have a voice. But after you turned out to be quirkless... I understood that's not always possible. Therefore, I'll change people's view like you changed mine"

He gave me a quick but genuine smile.
"To create a better world...for you"
"Y-you'd... You'd really do that? G-go through all that controversy j-just for me?" I asked in shock. I knew Kacchan cared for me but this... I would've never imagined.
"Of course! You really are stupidly dense for someone so smart" he stated, ruffling my hair again.

"Say, is that a vip pass?"
"Oh, right! Dad bought it for me" I smiled.
"He's... He's back too?" Katsuki asked quietly. He never liked my father, but I couldn't blame him. There was this uneasy aura around him. I'm used to it but it can be quite intense for outsiders.
"No, he still has unfinished business so..." I shrugged, waving it off.

He'd return when the time is right. When his little villain club was ready. I'm doubting that time will ever come, but I'm not one to go against his word.
"So... Wanna go raid the vip lounge with me~?" I asked, seeing the same spark in his eye.
"Hell yeah! We've got my victory to celebrate, don't we?" he grinned.
"We can also comment on the other battles that are going on right now" I suggested as we made our way upstairs.
"Tch, once a fanboy, always a fanboy" he chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at that. Kacchan didn't need to know I was only a fanboy to discover heroes weaknesses and take them down. Perfect cover with all the good intel. We laughed as we ran through the halls, racing towards the vip area where we acted like spoiled brats and judged the second and third years as well as admire them.

"Damn, I'm stuffed!" Kacchan exclaimed, falling back on one of the couches. I laughed, sitting down in the one next to him.
"You should get yourself cleaned up, you've got an award ceremony coming up you know" I chuckled, making him groan.
"That was such a half ass win... Icyhot didn't even give it his all" Bakugou grunted, crawling back up.

"Oi! Bakubro! You in here?!" Kirishima shouted, storming in. I shrieked up, falling out of the couch in surprise.
"Oi! Don't storm in like that shitty hair!" Katsuki hissed, glaring at the red head, who was accompanied by Kaminari, Sero, Ashido and, surprisingly, Todoroki.
"Deku, get up, you look ridiculous" Kacchan muttered while walking past me.
"R-right!" I exclaimed, shooting up from the ground in an instant.

"It looks like a hurricane came through here" Todoroki commented.
"Shut your trap, half-n-half bastard" Bakugou hissed.
"Why the fuck are you guys here?"
"The award ceremony is starting soon! Aizawa sensei send the class to go look for you" Sero stated.
"Ugh, I know that you shithead! You really think I wouldn't be on time or some shit like that?" Kacchan hissed.

"Kacchan, they mean well" I said with a forced smile.
"You can come downstairs too, if you want to Midoriya" Ashido suggested.
"I-I can..?" I asked surprised.
"Yeah, normally it's only family but since Bakugou's parents aren't here-" Kaminari shrugged.
"Auntie Mitsuki isn't here?!" I gasped, staring wide eyed at Katsuki, who simply groaned.

"They had to work, Deku. You know how it is" he sighed, grabbing my arm.
"Come on, you're watching from up close how I fucking own that golden medal"
With that he dragged me along into the hallway, the others following in tow.
"So why were you in the vip lounge anyways?" Sero asked.
"I have a pass" I smiled, waving it in his face as I tried to keep up with Bakugou's quick pace.
"Besides, there was no one else so..."

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