Chapter Seventeen: Trapped

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Sariah shook her head, shook her head and forced her eyes to meet his.  " you sick, twisted monster.  You might as well just kill me and be done with it, because, unless you force me to, I will never ever willingly be of the same mind as you."  Her voice came out stronger than she expected it to as she watched him smile. 

"Never?"  He said softly, his mind sending her the dream vision, her entwined in his arms, passionately kissing.    Stepping away from him, from the bed that was far too close she said, "That's right, never.   You can play all the parlor tricks you want, unless you want to force me it will be a no from me. "   Firm in voice, firm as she met those deep, dark eyes again, she braced herself for what was to come. 

Surely he wouldn't let her refuse him, certainly he would have to kill her now, or worse,  she refused to even entertain that thought.    She didn't expect him to sink to the bed, laughing.   Gareth laughed as he sat on the bed, his absolute astonishment bubbling out in laughter.  Looking at the woman, the mere mortal who didn't shrink before him, who faced him with courage and bravery he saw more in her than even before.   Such courage when essentially trapped with a killer, no way to escape, no way to save herself.   He'd been right , he thought, his humor leaving him, replaced by a new type of hunger.  He'd known she'd be perfect for this, to create a new life he would mold and raise, to manipulate and create others.    Her fae blood would allow such a creation, as a human woman would otherwise be unable to do. 

He looked at her, all dark, swirling hair and flashing purple eyes and grinned.  This grin, however, was not laced with humor, but a serious smile of hunger.    He rose, watched and gauged as she stepped back until she came up against the wall.    "That's what you want, little one?"  He asked, strolling almost nonchalantly towards her.  "You want me to take you?  You want me to kill you?"  He asked, closing the short gap between them as she backed herself against the wall.  

Pressing himself close to her, letting her feel the strength in his body, the weight of him against her, he placed a hand on either side of her head, leaned closely in and held her gaze.  "You don't understand how painful it would be for you....especially because you are a fairy by blood.   I bite you, I sink my fangs into your neck you will be powerless to stop me from doing anything I want.  My bite alone will be an aphrodisiac for you.  Your kind were the creatures of lore my kind were designed to be intimate with.   You are like a drug to us, and we to you.   Try to deny me, but, even with my allowance of your behavior you will come around." 

As he said this he lowered his head , rested his cold lips on her neck, just above her pulse, and stilled.   He felt the rapid increase in her pulse and smiled again against her skin.  Sariah froze, utterly still.   Her heart pounded at the proximity of the apex killer.   His lips burned like an ice fire against her, causing tremors in her body that she fought with everything she could.   He was a devil, and she would not allow herself to succumb.    Taking a chance she raised her arms and pushed against his chest, the stone stillness showing her how strong he was.  "Move away from me, right now"  she said, keeping the tremble out of her voice.  

He raised his head, feeling her insignificant shove against him.   He could, of course, stay right where he was, making her feel what he told her.  Or, he could let her go, let her have her illusion of control.   The more he thought about it, the more he liked it.  So much harder for her when she gave into him, of her own will.   No creature alive was as charming as Gareth, there would be no way for her to avoid this.    Stepping away he let his hand graze her her cheek, felt her flinch in reaction.    

Sariah sighed, even as her face flamed from his touch.   As soon as he moved away she felt calmer, more collected.    As he looked at her from across the room he said, "So, we'll play this your way, until you realize your way is denying you what you long to have. "  

"But," he said, looking at her with a glint in his eye, "It will not be easy for you."   You will at all times stay in this room, unless it is  with me nearby.   At my resting time you will be chained to the wall, no respite, no rest until I deem it is time to release you.  The only way you will be allowed to sleep will be in my arms, in my bed, or you will remain chained throughout the times I am not around"

Sariah had no words, they left her.   Sleep in his arms?   How would she be able to sleep near that demon?  How could she stand this?   But stand it she must.  Raising her chin she said in clear voice, " I will not cause you trouble, but I will not fall for your evil scheme.  I will die trying to free myself before I become your ..your..."  she couldn't say the words...."Mistress?  Concubine?  Lover?" he finished smoothly for her.

Swallowing hard, Sariah thought the better or replying to him.   Unfortunately with that intense gaze upon her she could feel the blush rising on her face.   She dropped her eyes, let her hair fall around her, trying to keep composed.     "Sariah"  he said and she jumped as she realized he was near her.   "I know you have not slept, and you may sleep now."  He gestured to the bed, as he began to disrobe in front of her, his smooth, chiseled chest bright in the darkness of the room.   Thankfully he stopped when he'd stepped out of his black suit pants, revealing a dark pair of briefs and a bulge undeniably male.

He slid into the bed and gestured for her to come to him, his eyes brooking no disobedience.   Sariah trembled across the room.  How was she to survive this assault on her senses?  Every nerve stood on edge, screamed at her to panic, to run.  But an overwhelming exhaustion seeped in and she hadn't slept much in the past few days.   Stiffly she moved to the bed, with no other option she kept her clothes on and climbed under the sheet he held up to her.    She turned away from him and tried not to think about him, even as the rock hard arms slid around her, pulling her to his body.   Taut as a string pulled tight she felt the cold of him against her.   Intolerable and intoxicating all at once she fought shivers that ran down her body.   She felt his hair fall on her as he lay his head near hers on the pillow and said softly, "Sleep"  

The command was more powerful then she realized, as her eyes felt heavy, her body began to relax and she fell under his spell, her exhaustion bringing her down into a dreamless sleep.

He felt the compulsion work on her, felt her relax against him, and held her tightly.  Soon there would be more than rest going on in this bed, and he was eager for that moment.   Smiling, he nuzzled her neck, closed his eyes and allowed himself to drift, alert at all times to any shift she might make.   Yes, he thought, this would be culminating much sooner than he'd hoped....With a small smirk he reopened his mind and sent the image to Brianna.....his smile widening as he felt the rage from his mate.....How perfect, he thought, holding Sariah closer..........

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